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Department of Information Technology

GBT - Verified Graph Grammar Models


Below is a list of heap-manipulating programs, verified using GBT.

Example Description Model File Graphical Model Result Patterns
flatten Flattening of a list-of-lists .tgz file
concat PALE singly-linked list concatenation .tgz file
fumble PALE singly-linked list fumble .tgz file
walk PALE singly-linked list walk .tgz file
reverse PALE singly-linked list reversal .tgz file


Example Description Model File Graphical Model Result Patterns
DYMO draft 10
- interm. reply GBT model of the DYMO ad
hoc routing protocol draft
version 10. Full model, i.e.,
intermediate nodes may also
reply to RREQs if they have a
fresh enough route.)
.tgz file
- dest. reply Alternative model, in which
only the target node may
reply to an RREQ
.tgz file pdf pdf
DYMO draft 05
GBT model of the DYMO ad
hoc routing protocol draft
version 05.
.tgz file
servers I
GBT model of (a variant of)
the "Public/private servers I"
example used by
König and Kozioura
.tgz file
servers II
GBT model of (a variant of)
the "Public/private servers II"
example used by
König and Kozioura
.tgz file
Firewall I
GBT model of (a variant of)
the "Firewall I" example
used by König and Kozioura
.tgz file
Firewall II
GBT model of (a variant of)
the "Firewall II" example
used by König and Kozioura
.tgz file
Updated  2016-08-17 15:26:28 by Björn Victor.