GBT - Language Reference
Below is the grammar of the input language of GBT. This is the language used in .grm files given to the tool. Non-terminals are linked to their respective production rule.
grm_file : 'grammar' str '{' initial rulesdef bad invalid '}'
initial : 'initial' graphfile
rulesdef : 'rules' rules
bad : 'bad' patternfiles
invalid : 'invalid' patternfiles
graphfile : str
rules : /* empty */ | rule | rules
patternfiles : /* empty */ | patternfile | patternfiles
rule : str patternfile '->' graphfile
patternfile : str
An IDENTIFIER is any string of alphabetic characters, underscores, digits, or periods, beginning with an alphabetic character.
A LITERAL is any double-quoted string ("..."), not containing quotes.
A NUMBER is any string of digits.
graphfile and patternfile are names of .dot files describing hypergraphs and (abstract) patterns
respectively. The left hand sides of actions are (abstract) patterns
and the right hand sides are hypergraphs
. The node identifiers (attribute label) are used to determine the mapping between left and right hand sides of an action.
The .dot files must reside in the same folder as the .grm file. They are written in a subset of the dot language, with the production rules for graph, stmt, edge_stmt, edgeRHS, and node_stmt changed as follows:
graph : graph ID '{' stmt_list '}'
stmt : node_stmt | edge_stmt | ID '=' ID
edge_stmt : ID edgeRHS
edgeRHS : ID '--' ID attr_list [ edgeRHS ]
node_stmt : ID attr_list
Note: We interpret the dot node to the left of '--' in edgeRHS as the hyperedge. The dot node to the right of '--' in edgeRHS is interpreted as the node.
The following attribute settings have a special meaning to GBT:
Attribute setting | Meaning |
shape = box | Generates a positive hyperedge |
shape = circle | Generates a positive node |
shape = Mcircle | Generates a summary node - used to summarize nodes with the same specified node type (abstraction module) |
shape = doublecircle | Generates a negative node (for use in NACs) |
shape = doubleoctagon | Generates a negative hyperedge (for use in NACs) |
shape = diamond | Generates a positive multiplier node - used together with attribute match to multiply graphs/patterns/actions with different node configurations |
label = str | Used to label nodes and hyperedges |
type = str | Used for simple labeling of nodes; the label will be part of the node type. Matches any label if not given or given as the empty string. If two nodes have non-empty strings as their node labels, then these strings must be equal in order for the labels to match. |
match = LITERAL | Has a meaning only when used in an attr_list together with shape = diamond - expects a LITERAL with a comma-separated list of N node identifiers; multiplies the graph/pattern/action N times and sets the label of the node to a new identifier in the given list, for each of the N graphs/patterns/actions |
All other attributes and attribute settings are ignored by GBT and can be used to improve the visual appearance of the model, when generating model images with, e.g., Graphviz tools.