- Professor Pierre Flener
- Professor Di Yuan
- Associate Professor Justin Pearson
- Assistant Professor Maria Andreina Francisco Rodriguez
- Docent Mats Carlsson
, senior researcher at RISE
- Dr Ramiz Gindullin, postdoc
- Frej Knutar, PhD student (MSc thesis
- Zhanwei Yu, PhD student
- Yi Zhao, PhD student
The group is (or was) sponsored by:
, the Swedish Research Council, under Research Grant number 2022-04123, from 1-1-2023 to 31-12-2026, for project Operations Research in a Millisecond: Real-Time Resource Optimization for Mobile Networks.
, under Test your Hypothesis (stage 2) grant 2020-03734, from 1 November 2020 to 31 October 2022, with Sveaskog AB
and others, on improved sawing (step 2)
at sawmills.
, under Test your Hypothesis (stage 1) grant 2019-04493, from 31 October 2019 to 1 April 2020, with Sveaskog AB
and others, on improved sawing (step 1)
at sawmills.
, the Swedish Research Council, under Research Grant number 2018-05247, from 1-1-2019 to 31-12-2022, for project 5G Network Performance: A Mathematical Optimization Perspective.
, the Swedish Research Council, under Research Grant number 2018-04813, from 1-1-2019 to 31-12-2022, for project Instance-Independent Analysis of Models in Combinatorial Optimisation.
UU Innovation
, under VFS grant 715801000, from 7-1-2019 to 7-10-2019, with B&M System AB
, on vehicle routing for winter road maintenance.
, the Swedish Research Council, under Research Grant number 2015-04910, from 1-1-2016 to 31-12-2019, for project String Constraint Solving.
, the Swedish Research Council, under Research Grant number 2013-5649, from 1-1-2014 to 31-12-2018, for project How to Empty the Queues Fast?.
, the Swedish Research Council, under Research Grant number 2012-4908, from 1-1-2013 to 31-12-2015, for project Analysis of Filtering Algorithms.
, the Swedish Research Council, under Research Grant number 2011-6133, from 1-1-2012 to 31-12-2015, for project Synthesis of Global Constraints.
, the Swedish Research Council, under Research Grant number 2009-4384, from 1-1-2010 to 31-12-2013, for project Software Verification (led by Parosh Abdulla).
, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, under Research Grant number RIT08-0065, from 1-1-2009 to 31-12-2013, for project ProFuN: A Programming Platform for Future Wireless Sensor Networks
(led by Per Gunningberg).
EuroControl Experimental Centre
of the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, in Brétigny, France, under grant 08-121447-C, from 1-8-2008 to 31-12-2013, for project 4D Cells and Contingency Planning using Constraint Programming.
, the Swedish Research Council, under Research Grant number 2007-6445, from 1-1-2008 to 31-12-2010, for project Constraint-Based Local Search.
, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, in Brussels, Belgium, under amendment 2/05 of grant C/1.246/HQ/JC/04, from 1-1-2005 to 31-12-2005, for project Air Traffic Complexity Reduction in Multi-Sector Planning using Constraint Programming.
, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, in Brussels, Belgium, under grant C/1.246/HQ/JC/04 and its amendment 1/04, from 1-1-2004 to 31-12-2004, for project Air Traffic Complexity Reduction using Constraint Programming and Local Search.
, the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, under Institutional Grant number IG2001-67, from 1-9-2001 to 31-12-2007, for project CORSA - Constraint mOdelling, Reformulation, Solving, and Analysis, in cooperation with Pascal Van Hentenryck
and Meinolf Sellmann
at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
, the Swedish Research Council, under Research Grant number 221-99-369, from 1-1-2000 to 31-12-2003, for project ASTRA - Algorithm Synthesis and TRAnsformation.
, the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, under Visiting Fellowship number GR/M/32443, from 1-1-1999 to 30-6-2000, for project A Unified View of Program Schemas and Proof Plans, in cooperation with the Universities of Edinburgh and Manchester, UK.
We are / were involved in (possibly sponsored) research with the following partners:
- Professor Nicolas Beldiceanu
and his team at IMT Atlantique, Nantes, France
- Professor Arie Koster
and his team at RWTH Aachen University, Germany
- Professor Peter Stuckey
and Senior Lecturer Guido Tack
of the MiniZinc group
at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
- Professor Pascal Van Hentenryck
, at Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (CORSA project)
Some of us are members of ACP
, the international Association for Constraint Programming. Pierre Flener was elected to serve from 2013 to 2016 on its Executive Committee, and was its Conference Coordinator from October 2013 to December 2016.
Some of us are members of AFPC
, the Association Française pour la Programmation par Contraintes.
Our group is part of a node of SOAF
, the Swedish Operations Research Association. Justin Pearson was elected in March 2019 to its board and serves as its IFORS/EURO representative.
Some of us are members of SAIS
, the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society.
- Our group is the founding node of NordConsNet
, the Nordic Network for researchers and practitioners of Constraint programming (formerly SweConsNet), a Special Interest Group of SAIS
, the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society.
Our group is an Affiliated Member of the ERCIM Working Group on Constraints
, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
- Some of us are members of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics
of Uppsala University.
Former Members
- Dr Kamran Forghani, ex-postdoc
- Dr Ghafour Ahani, graduated PhD student
- Dr Pawel Wiatr, ex-postdoc
- Dr Jean-Noël Monette, ex-postdoc, at Tacton
- Dr Toni Mancini
, guest, of Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
- Dr Marco Kuhlmann
(research associate until 2013 at the Department of Linguistics and Philology, now at Linköping University, Sweden)
- Dr Frank D. Valencia
(postdoc 2004, now at École Polytechnique de Paris, France)
- Dr Gustav Björdal, graduated PhD student, at Coupa
(PhD thesis
; MSc thesis
; BSc thesis
- Dr Lei You, graduated PhD student
- Dr Joseph Scott, graduated PhD student, at Coupa
(PhD thesis
; MSc thesis
- Dr Farshid Hassani Bijarbooneh, graduated PhD student (PhD thesis
, MSc thesis
- Dr Jun He, graduated PhD student, now at National University of Defense Technology, Wuhan, China (PhD thesis
- Dr Magnus Rattfeldt (ex Ågren), graduated PhD student, now at OptiSchedule
, Sweden (PhD thesis
- Dr Zeynep Kiziltan (PhD and MSc student 1998-2004, now at Universita di Bologna, Italy)
- Dr Brahim Hnich (PhD student 1999-2003)
- Mika Skjelnes (MSc student 2022, recording and minimising for restarts)
- Maarten Lucas Flippo (MSc student 2021, a new CBLS Backend for MiniZinc)
- Samuel Bodin (MSc student 2022, CBLS invariant propagation, MSc thesis
- Petr Binko (MSc student 2021, road de-icing under a rolling horizon, MSc thesis
- Max Perea Düring (MSc student 2021, generating a CBLS invariant structure from a FlatZinc model, MSc thesis
- Erik Rimskog (MSc student 2021, a linter for MiniZinc, MSc thesis
- David Escher (MSc student 2018, pre-runtime scheduling of an avionics system, MSc thesis
- Alexander Ek (MSc student 2018, model analysis tool for MiniZinc, MSc thesis
- Linnea Ingmar (BSc student 2017, CompactTable propagator for Gecode, BSc thesis
) (MSc thesis
- Mikael Östlund (MSc student 2017, sweep-based propagator for n-dimensional no-overlap constraint for Gecode, MSc thesis
- Yong Huang (MSc student 2015, course recommender system, MSc thesis
- Jip Dekker (MSc student 2016, subproblem auto-tabling, MSc thesis
- Max Block (MSc student 2016, pre-runtime scheduling of an avionics system, MSc thesis
- Hans Koberg (BSc student 2016, tree width and tractability, BSc thesis
- Patrik Broman (BSc student 2016, tuple decision variables, BSc thesis
- Frej Knutar (MSc student 2015, robotic assembly, MSc thesis
), winner of the Best AI Master's Thesis Award 2016 of SAIS
, the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society)
- Emil Kajgård (MSc student 2015, vehicle routing, MSc thesis
- Thiago Costa Porto (MSc student 2015, string decision variables using MDDs)
- Kellen Dye (MSc student 2014, constraints over bit vectors, MSc thesis
- Patrik Ehrencrona Kjellin (BSc student 2014, airspace sectorisation using CBLS, BSc thesis
- Noric Couderc (MSc student 2014, constraint-based testing in a telecom application, MSc thesis
- Joakim Ejenstam (MSc student 2014, at ABB Research Centre in Västerås, robot sequencing, MSc thesis
- Valentina Chapovalova (BSc student 2014, reification of global constraints, BSc thesis
- Peter Jägare (researcher 2012-2013, MSc student 2011, airspace sectorisation, MSc thesis
- Peter Backeman (MSc student 2013, nVector constraint, MSc thesis
- Joakim Lindqvist (MSc student 2013, physician rostering, MSc thesis
- Johan Öfverstedt (BSc student 2012, puzzle solving, BSc thesis
- Henning Hellkvist (MSc student 2011, university timetabling, MSc thesis
- William Sjöstedt (MSc student 2011, university timetabling, MSc thesis
- Josef Kvist (MSc student 2011, high-school timetabling, confidential MSc thesis)
- Rodrigo Ronald Gumucio Escobar (MSc student 2011, set constraints for CBLS, MSc thesis
, winner of the Best AI Master's Thesis Award 2012
of SAIS, the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society!)
- Nicholas Baltzer (BSc student 2011, puzzle solving, BSc thesis
- Carlos Eduardo Alvarez Divo (MSc student 2011, reasoning on feature models, MSc thesis
- Karl Sundequist (MSc student 2010, contingency planning in air traffic management, MSc Thesis
- Amir Hossein Monshi (researcher 2009-2010, constraint-based local search over databases)
- Pan Xiaoyue (MSc student 2009, bioinformatics, MSc thesis
- Samuel Edqvist (MSc student 2007-2008, physician rostering, MSc thesis
- Olof Sivertsson (MSc student 2004-2005, financial portfolio optimisation, MSc thesis
- Maria Eriksson (MSc student 2004-2005, symmetry detection, MSc thesis
- Mats Norberg (MSc student 2004-2006, code generation, MSc thesis
- Henrik Öhrman (MSc student 2004-2005, symmetry breaking, MSc thesis
- Simon Wrang (MSc student 2001-2002, code generation, MSc thesis
Guest Members
- Loïc Blet, PhD student at INSA Lyon, France (spring 2013)
- Ass't Prof. Toni Mancini
of Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy (May to August 2011; mid March 2010 to early July 2010 and mid July 2009 to late October 2009, sponsored by the Foundation Blanceflor Boncompagni-Ludovisi
; mid November 2008 to mid February 2009, sponsored by a STINT
Short-Term Stipend)
- Loïc Blet (summer 2010; an MSc student at École Normale Supérieure Lyon, France; set constraints for local search, summer internship Report
- Deniz Yörükoglu (summer 2008; an undergraduate student at Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey; doctor rostering, summer internship)
- Tansel Uras (summer 2008; an undergraduate student at Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey; air traffic control, summer internship)
- Yigit Can Arin (summer 2008; an undergraduate student at Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey; constraint programming, summer internship)
- The Hien Tu (winter 2007/08; an undergraduate student at National University of Singapore; constraint programming, winter internship)
- Mert Saglam (summer 2007; an undergraduate student at Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey; bioinformatics, summer internship)
- Serdar Kadioglu (summer 2006; then an undergraduate student at Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey; bioinformatics, summer internship)
- Can Yilmaz Çeçen (summer 2006; then an undergraduate student at Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey; bioinformatics, summer internship)
- Alkim Özaygen (February to April 2005; then an MSc student at Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey; bioinformatics, MSc thesis
- Altuna Akalin (summer 2004; then an undergraduate student at Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey; bioinformatics, graduation project)