Publications on Optimisation
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- [YDZY24] Z. Yu, T. Deng, Y. Zhao, and D. Yuan. Multi-cell content caching: Optimization for cost of information freshness, Computer Networks, accepted.
- [ZYY24] Y. Zhao, Z. Yu, and D. Yuan. Caching with personalized and incumbent-aware recommendation: modeling and optimization, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted.
- [DZY24] D. Tao, Z. Yu, and D. Yuan. Task offloading optimization in mobile edge computing under uncertain processing cycles and intermittent communications, Computer Networks, accepted.
- [ZYDY24] Y. Zhao, Z. Yu, T. Deng, and D. Yuan. Robust online temperature management for passively cooled base stations, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (Spring 2024). IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, 2024.
- [YZYY24] Z. Yu, Y. Zhao, L. You, and D. Yuan. Learn to stay cool: online load management for passively cooled base stations. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2024.
- [FCFFPY24] K. Forghani, M. Carlsson, P. Flener, M. Fredriksson, J. Pearson, and D. Yuan. Maximizing value yield in wood industry through flexible sawing and product grading based on wane and log shape. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 216(108513), January 2024. (PDF, open access
- [ZY23] Y. Zhao and D. Yuan. On optimization formulations for radio resource allocation subject to common transmission rate. Computers & Operations Research, (PDF
- [YZY23] Z. Yu, Y. Zhao, and D. Yuan. Robust divergence angle for inter-satellite laser communications under target deviation uncertainty. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (Fall 2023). IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, 2023.
- [ZZDYY23] Z. Yu, Y. Zhao, T. Deng, L. You, and D. Yuan. Less carbon footprint in edge computing by joint task offloading and energy sharing. IEEE Networking Letters, (PDF
- [HYOWKJHALA23] N. Handin, D. Yuan, M. Ölander, C. Wegler, C. Karlsson, R. J. Löfmark, J. Hjelmesæth, A. Åberg, V. M. Lauschke, and P. Artursson. Proteomics-informed deconvolution of different cell types in human liver tissue. Computational and Structural Biotechnology, 2023. (PDF
- [DYY23] T. Deng, Z. Yu, and D. Yuan. Scheduling for multi-cell caching: hit maximization subject to age of information. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023. (PDF
- [DYYY23] T. Deng, L. You, Z. Yu, and D. Yuan. Optimal task allocation for battery-assisted and price-aware mobile edge computing. IEEE Networking Letters, 2023. (PDF
- [WCSFPM23] J. L. Wessén, M. Carlsson, Ch. Schulte, P. Flener, F. Pecora, and M. Matskin. A constraint programming model for the scheduling and workspace layout design of a dual-arm multi-tool assembly robot. Constraints 28:71–104, June 2023. (PDF, open access
- [JTGTFB23] E. Jonsson, C. Teutschbein, T. Grabs, A. Todorovic, M. A. Francisco Rodríguez, M. Blicharska. Modelling The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus Using Data-Driven Methods. EGU General Assembly 2023, EGU23-15793, April 2023. (PDF
- [AY22] G. Ahani and D. Yuan. Optimal content caching and recommendation with age of information. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2022. (PDF
- [YYHY22] Y. Zhao, Z. Yu, Q. He and D. Yuan. Content caching with personalized and incumbent-aware recommendation: an optimization approach. The 20th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOPT), 2022. (PDF
- [TPY22] C. Tatino, N. Pappas, and D. Yuan. QoS aware robot trajectory optimization with IRS-assisted millimeter-wave communications. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022 (PDF
- [Skj22] M. Skjelnes. Recording and Minimising Nogoods from Restarts in the Solver MiniCP. Master Thesis, Report UPTEC IT 22116, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, September 2022. (|PDF
- [Fli22] M. L. Flippo. Contributions to a New CBLS Backend for MiniZinc. Master Thesis, Report UPTEC IT 22047, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, June 2022. (PDF
- [MP22] B. Martin and J. Pearson. When bounds consistency implies domain consistency for regular counting constraints. Constraints 27:161–167, May 2022. (PDF
- [Bod22] S. Bodin. Invariant Propagation for Solvers of Constraint-Based Local Search Technology. Master Thesis, Report UPTEC IT 22032, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, May 2022. (PDF
- [ZY22] Z. Yu and D. Yuan. Resource optimization with interference coupling in multi-RIS-assisted multi-cell systems. IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology. IEEE Communications Society, 2022. (PDF
- [ZYDY22] Z. Yu, Y. Zhao, T. Deng, and D. Yuan. Multi-cell caching: fresh information with minimum cost. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) Workshops. IEEE Communications Society, (PDF
- [Bin22] P. Binko. Road De-icing under a Rolling Horizon. Master Thesis, Report UPTEC IT 22009, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, February 2022. (PDF
- [Aha21] G. Ahani. Optimal Scheduling for Timely Information in Communication Systems. PhD thesis, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, December 2021. (PDF
- [Per21] M. Perea Düring. Generating a CBLS Invariant Structure from a FlatZinc Model. Master Thesis, Report UPTEC IT 21032, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, September 2021. (PDF
- [Rim21] E. Rimskog. A Linter for Static Analysis of MiniZinc Models. Master Thesis, Report UPTEC IT 21022, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, September 2021. (PDF
) (Github repo
- [HHYZ21] M. Hamdi, A. B. Hamed, D. Yuan, and M. Zaied. Energy-efficient joint task assignment and power control in energy harvesting D2D offloading communications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021. (PDF
- [ZY21] Z. Yu and D. Yuan. On resource optimization in multi-IRS-assisted and interference-coupled multi-cell systems. IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). IEEE Communications Society, 2021. (PDF
- [Bjö21] G. Björdal. From Declarative Models to Local Search. PhD thesis, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, April 2021. (PDF
- [ZYY21] Y. Zhao, L. You, and D. Yuan. Delivering more to cell edge via joint multi-cell non-orthogonal multiple access and traffic offloading. IET Networks. (PDF
- [AYZ20] G. Ahani, D. Yuan, and Y. Zhao. Age-optimal UAV scheduling for data collection with battery recharging. IEEE Communications Letters. (PDF
- [AYS20] G. Ahani, D. Yuan, and S. Sun. Optimal scheduling of age-centric caching: tractability and computation. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2020. (PDF
- [YYY20] Z. Yu, L. You, and D. Yuan. Leveraging multi-cell NOMA for cell edge. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS). IEEE Communications Society, 2020. (PDF
- [YY20] L. You and D. Yuan. A Note on decoding order in user grouping and power optimization for multi-cell NOMA with load coupling. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2020. (PDF
- [BFPST20] G. Björdal, P. Flener, J. Pearson, P. J. Stuckey, and G. Tack. Solving satisfaction problems using large-neighbourhood search. In: H. Simonis (editor), CP 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 12333, pages 55-71. Springer, 2020. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (3-minute teaser, followed by 17-minute talk, starting at 03:00
- [AWY20] G. Ahani, P. Wiatr, and D. Yuan. Routing and scheduling of network flows with deadlines and discrete capacity allocation. Networks, 2020. (PDF
- [AY20b] G. Ahani and D. Yuan. Optimal scheduling of content caching subject to deadline. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2020. (PDF
- [AY20a] G. Ahani and D. Yuan. Accounting for information freshness in scheduling of content caching. In: ICC 2020, IEEE International Conference on Communications. IEEE Communications Society, 2020. (PDF
- [Ing19] L. Ingmar. Modelling Diversity of Solutions. Master Thesis, Report IT 19048, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, December 2019. (PDF
- [Kje19] M. Kjellin. Adapting a Constraint-Based Compiler Tool to a New VLIW Architecture. Master Thesis, Report IT 19060, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, November 2019. (PDF
- [LY19] L. You and D. Yuan. User-centric performance optimization with remote radio head cooperation in C-RAN. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. (PDF
- [DFY19] T. Deng, P. Fan, and D. Yuan. Modeling and optimization of mobility-aware dynamic Caching with time-varying content popularity. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (PDF
- [LYYYCO19] L. Lei, L. You, Y. Yang, D. Yuan, S. Chatzinotas, and B. Ottersten. Load coupling and energy optimization in multi-cell and multi-carrier NOMA networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (PDF
- [BFPS19] G. Björdal, P. Flener, J. Pearson, and P. J. Stuckey. Exploring declarative local-search neighbourhoods with constraint programming. In: T. Schiex and S. de Givry (editors), CP 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 11802, pages 37-52. Springer, 2019. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [DFY19] T. Deng, P. Fan, and D. Yuan. Optimizing retention-aware caching in vehicular networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications. (PDF
- [BFP19] G. Björdal, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Generating compound moves in local search by hybridisation with complete search. In: L.-M. Rousseau and K. Stergiou (editors), CP-AI-OR 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 11494, pages 95-111. Springer, 2019. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [LYHVCYO19] L. Lei, L. You, Q. He, T.X. Vu, S. Chatzinotas, D. Yuan, and B. Ottersten. Learning-assisted optimization for efficient scheduling in deadline-aware NOMA systems. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TGCN.2019.2902838 (PDF
- [AY19] G. Ahani and D. Yuan. BS-assisted task offloading for D2D networks with presence of user mobility. In: VTC Spring 2019, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, 2019.(PDF
- [WCMWY19] P. Wiatr, J. Chen, P. Monti, L. Wosinska, and D. Yuan. Routing and wavelength assignment vs. EDFA reliability performance in optical backbone networks: An operational cost perspective. Optical Switching and Networking, 31:211-217, 2019. (PDF
- [BFPST18] G. Björdal, P. Flener, J. Pearson, P.J. Stuckey, and G. Tack. Declarative local-search neighbourhoods in MiniZinc. In: M. Alamaniotis, J.-M. Lagniez, and A. Lallouet (editors), ICTAI 2018, pages 98-105. IEEE Computer Society, 2018. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [DGPC18] Ch. Dubois, O. Grinchtein, J. Pearson, and M. Carlsson. Exploring properties of a telecommunication protocol with message delay using interactive theorem prover. In: E. Broch Johansen and I. Schaefer (editors), SEFM 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 10886, pages 21-36. (PDF
- [Escher18] D. Escher. Offline Avionics Scheduling Subproblems Using Decomposition Methods: Hybridisation between Constraint Programming and Mixed Integer Programming. Master Thesis, Report IT 18065, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2018. (PDF
- [GYKS18] G. Claßen, D. Yuan, A.M.C.A. Koster, and A. Schmeink. Accurate optimization models for interference constrained bandwidth allocation in cellular networks. Computers & Operations Research, 2018. (PDF
- [AY18] G. Ahani and D. Yuan. On optimal proactive and retention-aware caching with user mobility. In: VTC Fall 2018, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, 2018.
- [Ek18] A. Ek. Automatic Predicate Encapsulation of Potentially Profitably Presolvable Submodels in MiniZinc. Master Thesis, Report IT 18012, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, June 2018. (PDF
- [LYYYCO18] L. Lei, L. You, Y. Yang, D. Yuan, S. Chatzinotas, and B. Ottersten. Power and load optimization in interference-coupled non-orthogonal multiple access networks. In: GLOBECOM 2018, IEEE Global Communications Conference. IEEE Communications Society, 2018.
- [PD18] P. Wiatr and D. Yuan. Reliability performance aware routing. In: RNDM, International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling, 2018.
- [YYLSCO18] L. You, D. Yuan, L. Lei, S. Sun, S. Chatzinotas, and B. Ottersten. Resource optimization with load coupling in multi-cell NOMA. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. (PDF
- [DAFY18] T. Deng, G. Ahani, P. Fan, and D. Yuan. Cost-optimal caching for D2D networks with user mobility: modeling, analysis, and computational approaches. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. (PDF
- [DYFY18] T. Deng, L. You, P. Fan, and D. Yuan. Device caching for network offloading: Delay minimization with presence of user mobility. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2018. (PDF
- [LVYFY18] L. Lei, T. X. Vu, L. You, S. Fowler, and D. Yuan. Efficient minimum-energy scheduling with machine-learning based predictions for multiuser MISO Systems. In: ICC 2018, IEEE International Conference on Communications. IEEE Communications Society, 2018.
- [Fra17] M. A. Francisco Rodriguez. Analysis, Synthesis and Application of Automaton-Based Constraint Descriptions. PhD thesis, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, December 2017. (PDF
- [DAFY17] T. Deng, G. Ahani, P. Fan, and D. Yuan. Cost-optimal caching for D2D networks with presence of user mobility. In: IEEE GLOBECOM. 2017. (PDF
- [YLYSCO17] L. You, L. Lei, D. Yuan, S. Sun, S. Chatzinotas, and B. Ottersten. A framework for optimizing multi-cell NOMA: Delivering demand with less resource. In: IEEE GLOBECOM. 2017. (PDF
- [FFP17] M. A. Francisco Rodriguez, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Automatic generation of descriptions of time-series constraints. In: M. Virvou, J.-M. Lagniez, and A. Lallouet (editors), ICTAI 2017, pages 102-109. IEEE Computer Society, 2017. (PDF
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) (Best Student Paper Award
- [LYDVY17] L. Lei, L. You, G. Dai, T.-X. Vu, and D. Yuan. A deep learning approach for optimizing content delivering in cache-enabled HetNet. In: IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS). 2017. (PDF
- [Ing17] L. Ingmar. Implementation and Evaluation of a Compact-Table Propagator in Gecode. Bachelor Thesis, Report IT 17037, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, August 2017. (PDF
- [WCMWY17] P. Wiatr, J. Chen, P. Monti, L. Wosinska, and D. Yuan. Device reliability performance awareness: impact of RWA on EDFA failure reparation cost in optical networks. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM). 2017. (PDF
- [CGP17] M. Carlsson, O. Grinchtein, and J. Pearson. Modelling and verification of user interactions using constraint programming. IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security. IEEE Computer Society, 2017. (PDF
- [DBCFM17] J. J. Dekker, G. Björdal, M. Carlsson, P. Flener, and J.-N. Monette. Auto-tabling for subproblem presolving in MiniZinc. Constraints, journal fast track of CP-AI-OR 2017, 22(4):512-529, October 2017. (Summary in LNCS, volume 10335, page XV, Springer, 2017.) (PDF, open access
- [WFFCWY17] P. Wiatr, R. Forchheimer, M. Furdek, J. Chen, L. Wosinska, and D. Yuan. Hierarchical optical interconnects saving spectrum resources in data center networks. In: Proceedings of OSA Advanced Photonics Congress. The Optical Society, 2017. (PDF
- [AFPSST17] R. Amadini, P. Flener, J. Pearson, J. Scott, P. Stuckey, and G. Tack. MiniZinc with strings. In: M. Hermenegildo and P. Lopez-Garcia (editors), LOPSTR 2016 Post-Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 10184, pages 59-75. Springer, 2017. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (superseded Pre-Proceedings version
- [Öst17] M. Östlund. Implementation and Evaluation of a Sweep-Based Propagator for Diffn in Gecode. Master Thesis, Report IT 17025, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, June 2017. (PDF
- [SFPS17] J. Scott, P. Flener, J. Pearson, and Ch. Schulte. Design and implementation of bounded-length sequence variables. In: D. Salvagnin and M. Lombardi (editors), CP-AI-OR 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 10335, pages 51-67. Springer, 2017. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [Yon17] H. Yong. A Hybrid Recommender: Study and implementation of course selection recommender engine. Master Thesis, Report IT 17011, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, May 2017. (PDF
- [MBFP16] J.-N. Monette, N. Beldiceanu, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. A parametric propagator for pairs of sum constraints with a discrete convexity property. Artificial Intelligence, 241:170-190, December 2016. (PDF
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) (Software) (Recomputation Package
- [Dek16] J. Dekker. Sub-Problem Pre-Solving in MiniZinc. Master Thesis, Report IT 16082, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, October 2016. (PDF
- [ABCDFFPS16] E. Arafailova, N. Beldiceanu, R. Douence, M. Carlsson, P. Flener, M. A. Francisco Rodríguez, J. Pearson, and H. Simonis. Global Constraint Catalog, Volume II, Time-Series Constraints. Computing Research Repository 1609.08925, September 2016. (PDF, open access
- [ABCFFPS16] E. Arafailova, N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, P. Flener, M. A. Francisco Rodriguez, J. Pearson, and H. Simonis. Systematic derivation of bounds and glue constraints for time-series constraints. In: M. Rueher (editor), CP 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 9892, pages 13-29. Springer, 2016. (PDF
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- [VCDMS16] S. Van Cauwelaert, C. Dejemeppe, J.-N. Monette, and P. Schaus. Efficient filtering for the unary resource with family-based transition times. In: M. Rueher (editor), CP 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 9892, pages 520-535. Springer, 2016. (PDF
- [Bjö16] G. Björdal. String Variables for Constraint-Based Local Search. Master Thesis, Report IT 16057, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, August 2016. (PDF
- [Blo16] M. Block. Pre-Runtime Scheduling of an Avionics System. Master Thesis, Report IT 16043, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, August 2016. (PDF
- [Kob16] H. Koberg. Treewidth and Indexicals: Applying Results in Tractability to Propagators. Bachelor Thesis, Report IT 16030, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, June 2016. (PDF
- [ABDFFPS16] E. Arafailova, N. Beldiceanu, R. Douence, P. Flener, M. A. Francisco Rodriguez, J. Pearson, and H. Simonis. Time-series constraints: Improvements and application in CP and MIP contexts. In: C.-G. Quimper (editor), CP-AI-OR 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 9676, pages 18-34. Springer, 2016. (PDF
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- [HBDNFL16] F. Hassani Bijarbooneh, W. Du, E. Ngai, X. Fu, and J. Liu. Cloud-assisted data fusion and sensor selection for internet-of-things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 3(3):257-268, June 2016. (PDF
- [Bro16] P. Broman. Implementing Tuple Variables in Gecode. Bachelor Thesis, Report IT 16020, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, May 2016. (PDF
- [Sco16] J. Scott. Other Things Besides Number: Abstraction, Constraint Propagation, and String Variable Types. PhD thesis, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, March 2016. (PDF
- [Knu15] F. Knutar. Automatic Generation of Assembly Schedules for a Dual-Arm Robot Using Constraint Programming. Master Thesis, Report IT 15081, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, December 2015. (PDF
- [FFP15] M. A. Francisco Rodríguez, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Implied constraints for AUTOMATON constraints. In: G. Gottlob, G. Sutcliffe, and A. Voronkov (editors), GCAI 2015. EasyChair Proceedings in Computing, volume 36, pages 113-126, 2015. (PDF, open access
) (Slides
- [BCFLP15] N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, P. Flener, X. Lorca, J. Pearson, T. Petit, and Ch. Prud'homme. A modelling pearl with sortedness constraints. In: G. Gottlob, G. Sutcliffe, and A. Voronkov (editors), GCAI 2015. EasyChair Proceedings in Computing, volume 36, pages 27-41, 2015. (PDF, open access
- [MFP15] J.-N. Monette, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Automated auxiliary variable elimination through on-the-fly propagator generation. In: G. Pesant (editor), CP 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 9255, pages 313-329. Springer, 2015. (PDF
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) (Software)
- [Kaj15] E. Kajgård. Route Optimisation for Winter Road Maintenance using Constraint Modelling. Master Thesis in Computer Science, Report UPTEC IT 15 015, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, October 2015. (PDF
- [GCP15] O. Grinchtein, M. Carlsson, and J. Pearson. A constraint optimisation model for analysis of telecommunication protocol logs. In: J. Christian Blanchette and N. Kosmatov (editors), TAP 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 9154, pages 137-154. Springer, 2015. (PDF
- [BMFP15] G. Björdal, J.-N. Monette, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. A constraint-based local search backend for MiniZinc. Constraints, journal fast track of CP-AI-OR 2015, 20(3):325-345, 2015. (Summary in LNCS, volume 9075, page 18, Springer, 2015.) (PDF
) (Preprint
) (Short video abstract
) (Software)
- [SFP15] J. Scott, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Constraint solving on bounded string variables. In: L. Michel (editor), CP-AI-OR 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 9075, pages 375-392. Springer, 2015. (PDF
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- [Has15] F. Hassani Bijarbooneh. Constraint Programming for Wireless Sensor Networks. PhD thesis, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, March 2015. (PDF
- [Bjö14] G. Björdal. The First Constraint-Based Local Search Backend for MiniZinc. Bachelor Thesis in Computer Science, Report IT 14 066, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, October 2014. (PDF
) (Software)
- [Dye14] K. Dye. Implementation of Bit-Vector Variables in a CP Solver, with an Application to the Generation of Cryptographic S-Boxes. Master Thesis in Computer Science, Report IT 14 063, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, October 2014. (PDF
) (Software)
- [Ehr14] P. Ehrencrona Kjellin. Airspace Sectorisation Using Constraint-Based Local Search. Bachelor Thesis in Computer Science, Report IT 14 047, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, October 2014. (PDF
- [BCFFP14] N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, P. Flener, M. A. Francisco Rodriguez, and J. Pearson. Linking prefixes and suffixes for constraints encoded using automata with accumulators. In: B. O'Sullivan (editor), CP 2014, pages 142-157. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 8656. Springer, 2014. (PDF
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- [Cou14] N. Couderc. Modelling and Simulation of a Telecommunication Application using Constraint Programming. Master Thesis in Computer Science, Report UPTEC IT 14 056, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, September 2014. (PDF
- [MFP14] J.-N. Monette, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. A propagator design framework for constraints over sequences. In: C. E. Brodley and P. Stone (editors), AAAI 2014, pages 2710-2716. AAAI Press, 2014. (PDF
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) (Appendix
- [BFPVH14] N. Beldiceanu, P. Flener, J. Pearson, and P. Van Hentenryck. Propagating regular counting constraints. In: C. E. Brodley and P. Stone (editors), AAAI 2014, pages 2616-2622. AAAI Press, 2014. (PDF
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- [CGP14] M. Carlsson, O. Grinchtein, and J. Pearson. Protocol log analysis with constraint programming. In: Ph. Rümmer and Ch. Wintersteiger (editors), SMT 2014, the 12th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories. 2014. (PDF
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- [Eje14] J. Ejenstam. Implementing a Time Optimal Task Sequence For Robot Assembly Using Constraint Programming. Master Thesis in Information Technology Engineering, Report UPTEC IT 14 011, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, August 2014. (PDF
- [Cha14] V. Chapovalova. Consistency of Constraint Reifications by Reformulation. Bachelor Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 14 043, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, August 2014. (PDF
- [KFSN14] R. Kameugne, L.P. Fotso, J. Scott, and Y. Ngo-Kateu. A quadratic edge-finding filtering algorithm for cumulative resource constraints. Constraints, 19(3):243-269, June 2014. (PDF
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- [HBDNF14] F. Hassani Bijarbooneh, W. Du, E. Ngai, and X. Fu. Energy-efficient sensor selection for data quality and load balancing in wireless sensor networks. In: X. Liu and X. Wang (editors), IWQoS 2014, the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service. IEEE Communications Society, 2014. (PDF
- [BFMPS14] N. Beldiceanu, P. Flener, J.-N. Monette, J. Pearson, and H. Simonis. Toward sustainable development in constraint programming. Constraints, 19(2):139-149, April 2014. (PDF
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- [LJC14] J. Larson, M. Johansson, and M. Carlsson. An integrated constraint programming approach to scheduling sports leagues with divisional and round-robin tournaments. In: H. Simonis (editor), CP-AI-OR 2014, pages 144-158. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 8451. Springer, 2014. (PDF
) (not a UU publication)
- [BGP14] K. Balck, O. Grinchtein, and J. Pearson. Model-based protocol log generation for testing a telecommunication test harness using CLP. In: L. Fanucci (editor), DATE 2014, the 3rd International Conference on Design, Automation, & Test in Europe. IEEE Computer Society, 2014. (PDF
- [HBPPIJ14] F. Hassani Bijarbooneh, A. Pathak, J. Pearson, V. Issarny, and B. Jonsson. A constraint programming approach for managing end-to-end requirements in sensor network macroprogramming. In: O. Postolache, M. Van Sinderen, and F. Ali (editors), SensorNets 2014, the 3rd International Conference on Sensor Networks. SciTePress, 2014. (PDF
- [FP14] P. Flener and J. Pearson. Propagators and Violation Functions for Geometric and Workload Constraints Arising in Airspace Sectorisation. Computing Research Repository 1401.7463, January 2014. (PDF, open access
- [KFS13] R. Kameugne, L. P. Fotso, and J. D. Scott. A quadratic extended edge-finding algorithm for cumulative resources. International Journal of Planning and Scheduling, 4(1):264-284, 2013. (PDF
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- [FFP13] M. A. Francisco Rodriguez, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Generation of implied constraints for automaton-induced decompositions. In: A. Brodsky, É. Grégoire, and B. Mazure (editors), ICTAI 2013, pages 1076-1083. IEEE Computer Society, 2013. (PDF
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- [SFP13] J. D. Scott, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Bounded strings for constraint programming. In: A. Brodsky, É. Grégoire, and B. Mazure (editors), ICTAI 2013, pages 1036-1043. IEEE Computer Society, 2013. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [FP13] P. Flener and J. Pearson. Automatic Airspace Sectorisation: A Survey. Computing Research Repository 1311.0653, November 2013. (PDF, open access
- [HFP13a] J. He, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Underestimating the cost of a soft constraint is dangerous: Revisiting the edit-distance based SoftRegular constraint. Journal of Heuristics, 19(5):729-756, October 2013. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [HFP13b] J. He, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Solving string constraints: The case for constraint programming. In: Ch. Schulte (editor), CP 2013, pages 381-397. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 8124. Springer, 2013. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (erratum) (Software)
- [MBFP13] J.-N. Monette, N. Beldiceanu, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. A parametric propagator for discretely convex pairs of sum constraints. In: Ch. Schulte (editor), CP 2013, pages 529-544. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 8124. Springer, 2013. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (superseded by the Artificial Intelligence paper in 2016) (Software) (Recomputation Package
- [BFPVH13] N. Beldiceanu, P. Flener, J. Pearson, and P. Van Hentenryck. Propagating regular counting constraints. Computing Research Repository 1309.7145, September 2013. (PDF, open access
) (superseded by the AAAI 2014 paper)
- [Bac13] P. Backeman. Solving the Haplotype Inference Problem Using the nVector Constraint. Master Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 13 056, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, August 2013. (PDF
- [Lin13] J. Lindqvist. Implementing a Physician Roster Using Constraint Programming. Master Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 13 046, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, August 2013. (PDF
- [He13] J. He. Constraints for Membership in Formal Languages under Systematic Search and Stochastic Local Search. PhD thesis, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2013. (PDF
- [MFP13] J.-N. Monette, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Des propagateurs indépendants des solveurs. In: Ch. Truchet (editor), JFPC 2013, les 9ièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, pages 227-236. (translation of the CP 2012 paper) (PDF, open access
) (slides
) (Software)
- [HBFNP13] F. Hassani Bijarbooneh, P. Flener, E. Ngai, and J. Pearson. Optimising quality of information in data collection for mobile sensor networks. In: X. Gu and H. Wang (editors), IWQoS 2013, the 21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service, pages 163-172. IEEE Communications Society, 2013. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [JFP13] P. Jägare, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Airspace sectorisation using constraint-based local search. In: S. Saunders-Hodge and C. Meckiff (editors), ATM 2013, the 10th USA/Europe Seminar on Air Traffic Management R&D. Chicago, IL, USA, June 2013. (PDF
) (Slides
) (Best paper of theme: Network and Strategic Traffic Flow Optimization
- [BCFP13b] N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. On matrices, automata, and double counting in constraint programming. Constraints, 18(1):108-140, January 2013. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [BCFP13a] N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. On the reification of global constraints. Constraints, 18(1):1-6, January 2013. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [MFP12] J.-N. Monette, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Towards solver-independent propagators. In: M. Milano (editor), CP 2012, pages 544-560. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 7514. Springer, 2012. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (Software)
- [CCDS12] R. Castañeda Lozano, M. Carlsson, F. Drejhammar, and Ch. Schulte. Constraint-based register allocation and instruction scheduling. In: M. Milano (editor), CP 2012, pages 750-766. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 7514. Springer, 2012. (PDF
) (not a UU publication)
- [LBC12] A. Letort, N. Beldiceanu, and M. Carlsson. A scalable sweep algorithm for the cumulative constraint. In: M. Milano (editor), CP 2012, pages 439-454. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 7514. Springer, 2012. (PDF
) (not a UU publication)
- [ABFP12] C. Allignol, N. Barnier, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Constraint programming for air traffic management: A survey. In [FPB12]: The Knowledge Engineering Review, 27(3):361-392, September 2012. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [FPB12] P. Flener, J. Pearson, and M. Bourgois, editors. Special Issue on Constraint Programming for Air Traffic Management. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 27(3), September 2012. (Call) (TOC
- [BCTR12] N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, Th. Petit, and J.-Ch. Régin. An O(n log n) bound consistency algorithm for the conjunction of an alldifferent and an inequality between a sum of variables and a constant, and its generalization. In: ECAI 2012, pages 145-150. IOS Press, 2012. (PDF
) (not a UU publication)
- [Öfv12] J. Öfverstedt. Water retention on magic squares with constraint-based local search. Bachelor Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 12 018, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2012. (PDF
- [SBFP12] K. Sundequist Blomdahl, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Contingency plans for air traffic flow and capacity management using constraint programming. Journal of Aerospace Operations, 1(3):249-266, March 2012. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [HBFNP12] F. Hassani Bijarbooneh, P. Flener, E. Ngai, and J. Pearson. An optimisation-based approach for wireless sensor deployment in mobile sensing environments. In: P. Duhamel and P. Lorenz (editors), WCNC 2012, the 10th IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, pages 2108-2112. IEEE Communications Society, 2012. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [HFP12] J. He, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Solution neighbourhoods for constraint-directed local search. In: S. Bistarelli, E. Monfroy, and B. O'Sullivan (editors), SAC/CSP 2012, the track on Constraint Solving and Programming of the 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 74-79. ACM Press, 2012. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [MFP12] T. Mancini, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Combinatorial problem solving over relational databases: View synthesis through constraint-based local search. In: S. Bistarelli, E. Monfroy, and B. O'Sullivan (editors), SAC/CSP 2012, the track on Constraint Solving and Programming of the 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 80-87. ACM Press, 2012. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [BCFP12] N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. On the reification of global constraints. Technical Report T2012-02, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, 2012. (PDF
) (summarised by the Constraints paper in 2013)
- [HS12] H. Hellkvist and W. Sjöstedt. Toward Automated Timetabling at TekNat. Master Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 12 001, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2012. (PDF
- [CM12] M. Carlsson and P. Mildner. SICStus Prolog - The first 25 years. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 12(1-2):35-66, 2012. (PDF
) (not a UU publication)
- [KFSN11] R. Kameugne, L.P. Fotso, J. Scott, and Y. Ngo-Kateu. A quadratic edge-finding filtering algorithm for cumulative resource constraints. In: J.H.M. Lee (editor), CP 2011, pages 478-492. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 6876. Springer, 2011. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [Gum11] R. R. Gumucio Escobar. Constraints on Set Variables for Constraint-based Local Search. Master Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 11 068, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2011. (PDF
- [Bal11] N. Baltzer. Backbone solver for water retaining magic squares via constraint based local search. Bachelor Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 11 076, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2011. (PDF
- [FFP11] M. A. Francisco Rodriguez, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Consistency of constraint networks induced by automaton-based constraint specifications. In: A. Rendl and Ch. Beck (editors), ModRef 2011, the 10th International Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation, held at CP 2011, 2011. (PDF, open access
) (Preprint
- [Fra11] M. A. Francisco Rodriguez. Consistency of Constraint Networks Induced by Automaton-Based Constraint Specifications. Master Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 11 049, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2011. (PDF
- [Alv11] C. E. Alvarez Divo. Automated Reasoning on Feature Models via Constraint Programming. Master Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 11 041, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2011. (PDF
- [Jäg11] P. Jägare. Airspace Sectorisation Using Constraint Programming. Master Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 11 021, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2011. (PDF
- [HFP11] J. He, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. An automaton constraint for local search. Fundamenta Informaticae, 107(2-3):223-248, 2011. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [HBFNP11] F. Hassani Bijarbooneh, P. Flener, E. Ngai, and J. Pearson. Energy-efficient task-mapping for data-driven sensor network macroprogramming using constraint programming. In: R. Dell and K. Wood (editors), ICS 2011, the 12th INFORMS Computing Society Conference, pages 199-209. INFORMS Computing Society, 2011. (PDF, open access
- [BCD+11] N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, S. Demassey, and E. Poder. New filtering for the cumulative constraint in the context of non-overlapping rectangles. Annals of Operations Research, 184(1):27-50, 2011. (PDF
) (not a UU publication)
- [SBFP10a] K. Sundequist Blomdahl, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Contingency plans for air traffic management. In: D. Cohen (editor), CP 2010, pages 643-657. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 6308. Springer, 2010. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (superseded by the Journal of Aerospace Operations paper in 2012)
- [SDF+10] H. Simonis, P. Davern, J. Feldman, D. Mehta, L. Quesada, and M. Carlsson. A generic visualization platform for CP. In: D. Cohen (editor), CP 2010, pages 460-474. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 6308. Springer, 2010. (PDF
) (not a UU publication)
- [SBFP10b] K. Sundequist Blomdahl, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Contingency plans for air traffic flow and capacity management. In: D. Schaefer (editor), INO 2010, the 9th EuroControl Innovative Research Workshop & Exhibition, EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre, 2010. ISBN 978-2-87497-021-4. (Preprint
) (superseded by the Journal of Aerospace Operations paper in 2012)
- [Sco10] J. Scott. Filtering Algorithms for Discrete Cumulative Resources. Master Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 10 048, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2010. (PDF
- [MFP10] T. Mancini, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Local search over relational databases. In: Y. Deville and Ch. Solnon (editors), LSCS 2010, the 7th International Workshop on Local Search Techniques in Constraint Satisfaction, 2010. (Preprint
- [HBFNP10] F. Hassani Bijarbooneh, P. Flener, E. Ngai, and J. Pearson. Energy-efficient task-mapping for data-driven sensor network macroprogramming using constraint programming. In: T. Mancini and J. Pearson (editors), ModRef 2010, the 9th International Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation, 2010. (Revised PDF, open access
) (superseded by the ICS 2011 paper)
- [FP10] P. Flener and J. Pearson (editors). SymCon 2010, the 10th International Workshop on Symmetry in Constraint Satisfaction Problems, held at CP 2010. (Proceedings, open access)
- [MP10] T. Mancini and J. Pearson (editors). ModRef 2010, the 9th International Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation. 2010. (Proceedings, open access)
- [Sun10] K. Sundequist Blomdahl. Contingency plans for air traffic management. Master Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 10 020, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2010. (PDF
- [BCFP10] N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. On matrices, automata, and double counting. In: A. Lodi, M. Milano, and P. Toth (editors), CP-AI-OR 2010, pages 10-24. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 6140. Springer, 2010. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (superseded by the Constraints paper in 2013)
- [ABC+10] A. Aggoun, N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, and F. Fages. Integrating rule-based modelling and constraint programming for solving industrial packing problems. ERCIM News 81, April 2010. (PDF
) (not a UU publication)
- [FPS+09] P. Flener, J. Pearson, M. Sellmann, P. Van Hentenryck, and M. Ågren. Dynamic structural symmetry breaking for constraint satisfaction problems. Constraints, 14(4):506-538, December 2009. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [MFHMP09] T. Mancini, P. Flener, A. Hossein Monshi, and J. Pearson. Constrained optimisation over massive databases. In: M. Gavanelli and T. Mancini (editors), RCRA 2009, the 16th RCRA International Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion, 2009. (PDF
- [Has09] F. Hassani Bijarbooneh. Dynamic Demand-Capacity Balancing for Air Traffic Management Using Constraint-Based Local Search. Master Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 09 053, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, November 2009. (PDF
- [Xia09] P. Xiaoyue. Haplotype Inference by Pure Parsimony with Constraint Programming. Master Thesis in Information Technology, Report IT 09 050, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, October 2009. (PDF
- [HFP09] J. He, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Toward an automaton constraint for local search. In: Y. Deville and Ch. Solnon (editors), LSCS 2009, the 6th International Workshop on Local Search Techniques in Constraint Satisfaction. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 5, pages 13-25, 2009. (PDF, open access
) Also in: M. Gavanelli and T. Mancini (editors), RCRA 2009, the 16th RCRA International Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion, 2009. (superseded by the Fundamenta Informaticae paper in 2011)
- [HBFP09] F. Hassani Bijarbooneh, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Dynamic demand-capacity balancing for air traffic management using constraint-based local search: First results. In: Y. Deville and Ch. Solnon (editors), LSCS 2009, the 6th International Workshop on Local Search Techniques in Constraint Satisfaction. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 5, pages 27-40, 2009. (PDF, open access
) Also in: D. Schaefer (editor), INO 2009, the 8th EuroControl Innovative Research Workshop & Exhibition, 2009. (Preprint
- [Ågr09] M. Ågren. Memoisation for constraint-based local search. In: I.P. Gent (editor), CP 2009, pages 119-126. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 5732. Springer, 2009. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (not a UU publication)
- [FPS09] P. Flener, J. Pearson, and M. Sellmann. Static and dynamic structural symmetry breaking. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 57(1):37-57, September 2009. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [ÅBC+09] M. Ågren, N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, M. Sbihi, Ch. Truchet, and S. Zampelli. Six ways of integrating symmetries within non-overlapping constraints. In: W. J. van Hoeve and J. N. Hooker (editors), CP-AI-OR 2009, pages 11-25. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 5547. Springer, 2009. (PDF
) (not a UU publication)
- [FP09] P. Flener and J. Pearson. Solving necklace constraint problems. Journal of Algorithms, 64(2-3):61-73, April-July 2009. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [FCS09] P. Flener, M. Carlsson, and C. Schulte. Constraint programming in Sweden. IEEE Intelligent Systems 24(2):87-89, March/April 2009. (PDF
- [ÅFP09] M. Ågren, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Revisiting constraint-directed search. Information and Computation 207(3):438-457, March 2009. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [BFL08] N. Beldiceanu, P. Flener, and X. Lorca. Combining tree partitioning, precedence, and incomparability constraints. Constraints 13(4):459-489, December 2008. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [Edq08] S. Edqvist. Scheduling Physicians Using Constraint Programming. Master Thesis in Engineering Physics, Report UPTEC F08 064, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, November 2008. (PDF
) (errata
- [SFP08] O. Sivertsson, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. A lower bound on the overlap of same-sized sets. Annals of Combinatorics 12(3):347-352, October 2008. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [FN08] P. Flener and Y. Naveh (editors). LSCS 2008, the 5th International Workshop on Local Search Techniques in Constraint Satisfaction. 2008. (Proceedings
- [FS08] P. Flener and H. Simonis (editors). ModRef 2008, the 7th International Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation. 2008. (Proceedings, open access)
- [FPS08] P. Flener, J. Pearson, and M. Sellmann. Static and dynamic structural symmetry breaking. Technical Report 2008-023 at Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, September 2008. (PDF
) (superseded by the Annals of Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence paper in 2009)
- [FP08] P. Flener and J. Pearson. Solving necklace constraint problems. In: M. Ghallab (editor), ECAI 2008, pages 520-524. IOS Press, 2008. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (superseded by the Journal of Algorithms paper in 2009)
- [FL08] P. Flener and X. Lorca. A complete characterisation of the classification tree problem. Technical Report 2008-018 at Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, June 2008. (PDF
- [Ågr07] M. Ågren. Set Constraints for Local Search. PhD Thesis, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2007. (PDF
) (Errata
- [FPÅ+07c] P. Flener, J. Pearson, M. Ågren, C. Garcia Avello, M. Çeliktin, and S. Dissing. Air-traffic complexity resolution in multi-sector planning. Journal of Air Transport Management 13(6):323-328, November 2007. (PDF
- [ÅFP07c] M. Ågren, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Generic incremental algorithms for local search. Special Issue on Local Search Techniques for Constraint Satisfaction, Constraints 12(3):293-324, September 2007. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [GKL+07] I.P. Gent, T. Kelsey, S. Linton, J. Pearson, and C. Roney-Dougal. Groupoids and conditional symmetry. In: Ch. Bessière (editor), CP 2007, pages 823-830. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4741. Springer, 2007. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [ÅFP07b] M. Ågren, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Revisiting constraint-directed search. In: Y. Naveh and A. Roli (editors), LSCS 2007, the 4th International Workshop on Local Search Techniques in Constraint Satisfaction, 2007. (Preprint
) (superseded by the Information and Computation paper in 2009)
- [FPÅ+07b] P. Flener, J. Pearson, M. Ågren, C. Garcia Avello, M. Çeliktin, and S. Dissing. Air-traffic complexity resolution in multi-sector planning using constraint programming. In: Ch. Pusch and S. Saunders-Hodge (editors), ATM 2007, the 7th USA/Europe R&D Seminar on Air Traffic Management. Barcelona, Spain, July 2007. (Slides
) (more recent Slides
) (PDF, open access
) (slightly shorter version with permission in the JATM journal, November 2007)
- [FPS+07b] P. Flener, J. Pearson, M. Sellmann, P. Van Hentenryck, and M. Ågren. Structural symmetry breaking for constraint satisfaction problems. Technical Report 2007-032 at Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, November 2007. (PDF
) (superseded by the Constraints paper in 2009)
- [FPRS07] P. Flener, J. Pearson, L.G. Reyna, and O. Sivertsson. Design of financial CDO squared transactions using constraint programming. Constraints 12(2):179-205, April 2007. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [ÅFP07a] M. Ågren, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. On Constraint-Oriented Neighbours for Local Search. Technical Report 2007-009 at Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, March 2007. (PDF
) (partially superseded by the Information and Computation paper in 2009)
- [FPS+07a] P. Flener, J. Pearson, M. Sellmann, P. Van Hentenryck, and M. Ågren. Efficient structural symmetry breaking for constraint satisfaction problems. In: I.P. Gent and S. Linton (editors), International Symmetry Conference. Edinburgh, UK, January 2007. (Preprint
- [FPÅ+07a] P. Flener, J. Pearson, M. Ågren, C. Garcia Avello, and M. Çeliktin. Air-Traffic Complexity Resolution in Multi-Sector Planning. Technical Report 2007-003 at Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, January 2007. (PDF
) (summarised by the JATM and ATM'07 papers)
- [FPSV06] P. Flener, J. Pearson, M. Sellmann, and P. Van Hentenryck. Static and dynamic structural symmetry breaking. In: F. Benhamou (editor), CP 2006, pages 695-699. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4204. Springer, 2006. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (superseded by the Annals of Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence paper in 2009)
- [ÅFP06b] M. Ågren, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Inferring variable conflicts for local search. In: F. Benhamou (editor), CP 2006, pages 665-669. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4204. Springer, 2006. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (superseded by the Constraints paper in September 2007)
- [BFL06b] N. Beldiceanu, P. Flener, and X. Lorca. Combining Tree Partitioning, Precedence, Incomparability, and Degree Constraints, with an Application to Phylogenetic and Ordered-Path Problems. Technical Report 2006-020 at Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, April 2006. (PDF
) (superseded by the Constraints paper in December 2008)
- [BFL06a] N. Beldiceanu, P. Flener, et X. Lorca. Partitionnement de graphes par des arbres sous contraintes de degré. (In French.) In: L. Henocque (editor), JFPC 2006, pages 35-42. INRIA, 2006. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [Nor06] M. Norberg. Writing a Compiler for the Finite-Domain CSP Modelling Language ESRA. Master's Thesis in Computing Science, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, March 2006. (PDF
- [ÅFP06a] M. Ågren, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Inferring variable conflicts for local search from high-level models. Technical Report 2006-005 at Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, February 2006. (PDF
) (summarised by the CP'06 paper) (superseded by the Constraints paper in September 2007)
- [ÅFP05b] M. Ågren, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Incremental algorithms for local search from existential second-order logic. In: P. van Beek (editor), CP 2005, pages 47-61. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 3709. Springer, 2005. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (superseded by the Constraints paper in September 2007)
- [Siv05] O. Sivertsson. Construction of Synthetic CDO Squared. Master's Thesis in Computing Science, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, December 2005. (PDF
- [Öhr05] H. Öhrman. Breaking Symmetries in Matrix Models. Master's Thesis in Information Technology, Report UPTEC IT05 037, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, December 2005. (PDF
- [Eri05] M. Eriksson. Detecting Symmetries in Relational Models of CSPs. Master's Thesis in Computing Science, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, November 2005. (PDF
- [Ågr05] M. Ågren. High-Level Modelling and Local Search. Licentiate Thesis 2005-003, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, September 2005. (PDF
- [VFPÅ05] P. Van Hentenryck, P. Flener, J. Pearson, and M. Ågren. Compositional derivation of symmetries for constraint satisfaction. In: J.-D. Zucker and L. Saitta (editors), SARA 2005, pages 234-247. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, volume 3607. Springer, 2005. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [ÅFP05a] M. Ågren, P. Flener, and J. Pearson. Set variables and local search. In: R. Bartak and M. Milano (editors), CP-AI-OR 2005, pages 19-33. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 3524. Springer, 2005. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [BFL05] N. Beldiceanu, P. Flener, and X. Lorca. The tree constraint. In: R. Bartak and M. Milano (editors), CP-AI-OR 2005, pages 64-78. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 3524. Springer, 2005. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [FPR04] P. Flener, J. Pearson, and L.G. Reyna. Financial portfolio optimisation. In: M. Wallace (editor), CP 2004, pages 227-241. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 3258. Springer, 2004. (Abstract) (PDF
) (Preprint
) (Slides
) (superseded by the Constraints paper in April 2007)
- [Ågr04] M. Ågren. Set variables and local search (Abstract). In: M. Wallace (editor), CP 2004, p. 788. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 3258. Springer, 2004. (superseded by the CPAIOR 2005 paper)
- [FPÅ04] P. Flener, J. Pearson, and M. Ågren. Introducing ESRA, a relational language for modelling combinatorial problems. In: M. Bruynooghe (editor), LOPSTR 2003: Revised Selected Papers, pages 214-232. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 3018. Springer, 2004. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [FPÅ04] P. Flener, J. Pearson, and M. Ågren. The syntax, semantics, and type system of ESRA. ASTRA Research Report, August 2004. (PDF
- [HKMW04] B. Hnich, Z. Kiziltan, I. Miguel, and T. Walsh. Hybrid modelling for robust solving. Annals of Operations Research 130(1-4):19-39, 2004. (PDF
- [HSW04] B. Hnich, B.M. Smith, and T. Walsh. Dual modelling of permutation and injection problems. Journal of AI Research 21:357-391, 2004. (PDF
- [Kiz04b] Z. Kiziltan. Symmetry breaking ordering constraints. AI Communications 17(3):167-169, 2004. (PDF
- [Kiz04a] Z. Kiziltan. Symmetry Breaking Ordering Constraints. PhD Thesis, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2004. (PDF
- [Pea04] J. Pearson. Comma-free codes. In: P. van Beek (editor), AI&M 2004. (Preprint
- [VFPÅ03] P. Van Hentenryck, P. Flener, J. Pearson, and M. Ågren. Tractable symmetry breaking for CSPs with interchangeable values. In IJCAI 2003, pages 277-282. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003. (PDF
) (superseded by the Constraints paper in 2009)
- [FPÅ03d] P. Flener, J. Pearson, and M. Ågren. Introducing ESRA, a relational language for modelling combinatorial problems. In: A.M. Frisch (editor), Second International Workshop on Modelling and Reformulating CSPs, held at CP 2003, pages 161-167. (PDF
) (superseded by the LOPSTR 2003 paper in 2004)
- [FPÅ03c] P. Flener, J. Pearson, and M. Ågren. Introducing ESRA, a relational language for modelling combinatorial problems (Abstract). In: F. Rossi (editor), CP 2003, p. 971. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 2833. Springer, 2003. (PDF
) (superseded by the LOPSTR 2003 paper in 2004)
- [Kiz03] Z. Kiziltan. Symmetry breaking ordering constraints. In: F. Rossi (editor), CP 2003, p. 979. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 2833. Springer, 2003. (PDF
- [Pea03] J. Pearson. Comma-free codes. In SymCon 2003, the Third International Workshop on Symmetry in CSPs, held at CP 2003, pages 63-77. (PDF, open access
) (superseded by the AI&M 2004 paper)
- [FPÅ03b] P. Flener, J. Pearson, and M. Ågren. Introducing ESRA, a relational language for modelling combinatorial problems (Extended abstract). In: M. Bruynooghe (editor), Pre-Proceedings of LOPSTR 2003, pages 239-248. Technical Report CW 365 at Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven, Belgium, 2003. (superseded by the LOPSTR 2003 paper in 2004)
- [FPÅ03a] P. Flener, J. Pearson, and M. Ågren. The syntax, semantics, and type system of ESRA. ASTRA Research Report, April 2003. (superseded by the August 2004 version)
- [FFH+03] P. Flener, A.M. Frisch, B. Hnich, Ch. Jefferson, Z. Kiziltan, I. Miguel, J. Pearson, and T. Walsh. Breaking symmetries in matrix models: A brief overview. In ARW 2003. (Postscript
) (Preprint
- [Hni03b] B. Hnich. Function variables for constraint programming. AI Communications 16(2):131-132, 2003. (PDF
- [HRF03] B. Hnich, J.D.C. Richardson, and P. Flener. Towards automatic generation and evaluation of implied constraints. Technical Report 2003-014
at Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2003.
- [RF03] J.D.C. Richardson and P. Flener. Program schemas as proof methods. Technical Report 2003-008
at Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2003.
- [Hni03a] B. Hnich. Function Variables for Constraint Programming. PhD Thesis, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2003. (PDF
- [FFH+02c] P. Flener, A.M. Frisch, B. Hnich, Z. Kiziltan, I. Miguel, J. Pearson, and T. Walsh. Breaking row and column symmetries in matrix models. In: P. Van Hentenryck (editor), CP 2002, pages 462-476. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 2470. Springer, 2002. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (Slides
- [FHK+02] A.M. Frisch, B. Hnich, Z. Kiziltan, I. Miguel, and T. Walsh. Global constraints for lexicographic orderings. In: P. Van Hentenryck (editor), CP 2002, pages 93-108. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 2470. Springer, 2002. (PDF
- [HW02b] B. Hnich and T. Walsh. Models of injection problems (Abstract). In: P. Van Hentenryck (editor), CP 2002, p. 781. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 2470. Springer, 2002. (PDF
) (superseded by the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research paper in 2004)
- [Kiz02] Z. Kiziltan. Reducing symmetry in matrix models (Abstract). In: P. Van Hentenryck (editor), CP 2002, p. 786. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 2470. Springer, 2002. (PDF
- [FP02] P. Flener and J. Pearson. Breaking all the symmetries in matrix models: Results, conjectures, and directions. In: P. Flener and J. Pearson (editors), SymCon 2002, the Second International Workshop on Symmetry in CSPs, held at CP 2002. (PDF, open access
) (Slides
- [KM02] Z. Kiziltan and M. Milano. Group-graphs associated with row and column symmetries of matrix models: Some observations. In: P. Flener and J. Pearson (editors), SymCon 2002, the Second International Workshop on Symmetry in CSPs, held at CP 2002. (PDF, open access
- [KS02] Z. Kiziltan and B.M. Smith. Symmetry breaking constraints for matrix models. In: P. Flener and J. Pearson (editors), SymCon 2002, the Second International Workshop on Symmetry in CSPs, held at CP 2002. (PDF, open access
- [KW02] Z. Kiziltan and T. Walsh. Constraint programming with multisets. In: P. Flener and J. Pearson (editors), SymCon 2002, the Second International Workshop on Symmetry in CSPs, held at CP 2002. (PDF, open access
- [FFH+02b] P. Flener, A.M. Frisch, B. Hnich, Z. Kiziltan, I. Miguel, and T. Walsh. Matrix modelling: Exploiting common patterns in constraint programming. In: A.M. Frisch (editor), International Workshop on Reformulating CSPs, held at CP 2002. (Postscript, open access
) (PDF, open access
- [FHM+02] A.M. Frisch, B. Hnich, I. Miguel, B.M. Smith, and T. Walsh. Towards CSP model reformulation at multiple levels of abstraction. In: A.M. Frisch (editor), International Workshop on Reformulating CSPs, held at CP 2002. (Postscript
- [FP02] P. Flener and J. Pearson (editors). SymCon'02, the 2nd International Workshop on Symmetry in Constraint Satisfaction Problems, held at CP 2002. (Proceedings, open access)
- [Wra02] S. Wrang. Implementation of the ESRA Constraint Modelling Language. Master's Thesis in Computing Science 223, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2002. (PDF
- [FFH+02a] P. Flener, A.M. Frisch, B. Hnich, Z. Kiziltan, I. Miguel, J. Pearson, and T. Walsh. Breaking row and column symmetry in matrix models. In: T. Vidal and P. Liberatore (editors), STAIRS 2002. IOS Press, 2002. (Preprint
) (short version of the CP 2002 paper)
- [HW02a] B. Hnich and T. Walsh. Models of injection problems. In: T. Walsh (editor), ECAI 2002 Workshop on Modelling and Solving Problems with Constraints. (superseded by the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research paper in 2004)
- [Fle02] P. Flener. Program synthesis for combinatorial optimisation problems: Position statement. In: B. Fischer and D. Smith (editors), AAAI 2002 Spring Symposium on the State of the Art and Future Trends of Logic-based Program Synthesis. (Preprint
- [HKW02] B. Hnich, Z. Kiziltan, and T. Walsh. Modelling a balanced academic curriculum problem. In: N. Jussien and F. Laburthe (editors), CP-AI-OR 2002. (PDF
) (superseded by the Annals of Operations Research paper in 2004)
- [Pea02] J. Pearson. Reducing the number of constraints needed during symmetry breaking during search. Unpublished ASTRA report, January 2002. (PDF
- [FFH+01b] P. Flener, A.M. Frisch, B. Hnich, Z. Kiziltan, I. Miguel, and T. Walsh. Matrix modelling. In: P. Prosser (editor), Formul 2001, the CP 2001 Workshop on Modelling and Problem Formulation, 2001. (Postscript
) (Preprint
- [FFH+01a] P. Flener, A.M. Frisch, B. Hnich, Z. Kiziltan, I. Miguel, J. Pearson, and T. Walsh. Symmetry in matrix models. In: P. Flener and J. Pearson (editors), SymCon 2001, the First International Workshop on Symmetry in CSPs, held at CP 2001. (PDF, open access
- [FP01] P. Flener and J. Pearson (editors). SymCon 2001, the 1st International Workshop on Symmetry in Constraint Satisfaction Problems, held at CP 2001. (Proceedings, open access)
- [KFH01] Z. Kiziltan, P. Flener, and B. Hnich. Towards inferring labelling heuristics for CSP application domains. In: F. Baader, G. Brewka, and T. Eiter (editors), KI 2001, pages 275-289. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, volume 2174. Springer, 2001. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [Fle01] P. Flener. Towards relational modelling of combinatorial optimisation problems. In: Ch. Bessière (editor), IJCAI 2001 Workshop on Modelling and Solving Problems with Constraints, pages 31-38, 2001. (Postscript
) (Preprint
- [KH01] Z. Kiziltan and B. Hnich. Symmetry breaking in a rack configuration problem. In: Ch. Bessière (editor), IJCAI 2001 Workshop on Modelling and Solving Problems with Constraints, pages 83-88, 2001. (Postscript
- [HF01] B. Hnich and P. Flener. High-level reformulation of constraint programs. In: Ph. Codognet (editor), JFPLC 2001, pages 75-89. Éditions Hermès, 2001. (Preprint
- [FH01] P. Flener and B. Hnich. The syntax and semantics of ESRA. ASTRA report, March 2001. (PDF
) (superseded by the 2004 version)
- [FHK01b] P. Flener, B. Hnich, and Z. Kiziltan. Compiling high-level type constructors in constraint programming. In: I.V. Ramakrishnan (editor), PADL 2001, pages 229-244. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 1990. Springer, 2001. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [FHK01a] P. Flener, B. Hnich, and Z. Kiziltan. A meta-heuristic for subset problems. In: I.V. Ramakrishnan (editor), PADL 2001, pages 274-287. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 1990. Springer, 2001. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [HKF00] B. Hnich, Z. Kiziltan, and P. Flener. A meta-heuristic for subset decision problems. In: K.R. Apt, E. Monfroy, and F. Rossi (editors), ERCIM / CompuLog Workshop on Constraint Programming 2000. (Preprint
) (superseded by the PADL 2001 paper)
- [HRF00] B. Hnich, J. Richardson, and P. Flener. Towards automatic generation and evaluation of implied constraints. Unfinished technical report, but of historical importance, August 2000. (PDF
) (partially published as Technical Report 2003-014)
- [FR99] P. Flener and J. Richardson. A unified view of programming schemas and proof methods. In: A. Bossi (editor), Pre-Proceedings of LOPSTR 1999, pages 75-82. Technical Report CS-99-16, University of Venice, Italy, 1999. (Preprint
- [FHK99] P. Flener, B. Hnich, and Z. Kiziltan. Towards schema-guided compilation of set constraint programs. In: G. Rossi and B. Jayaraman (editors), DPS 1999, pages 59-66. Technical Report 200, Mathematics Department, University of Parma, Italy, 1999. (Preprint
- [HK99] B. Hnich and Z. Kiziltan. Generating programs for k-subset problems. In: P. Alexander (editor), ASE 1999 Doctoral Symposium, 1999. (Preprint
- [Kiz99] Z. Kiziltan. Schema-Guided Synthesis of Constraint Logic Programs. Master's Thesis, Uppsala University, Sweden, 1999.
- [ZFH99] H. Zidoum, P. Flener, and B. Hnich. Schema-guided synthesis of CLP programs (Extended Abstract). In: P. Flener (editor), LOPSTR 1998: Selected Papers, pages 309-312. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 1559. Springer, 1999. (PDF
) (Preprint
) (superseded by the ASE 1998 paper)
- [FZH98] P. Flener, H. Zidoum, and B. Hnich. Schema-guided synthesis of constraint logic programs. In: D.F. Redmiles and B. Nuseibeh (editors), ASE 1998, pages 168-176. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998. (PDF
) (Preprint
- [ZFH98] H. Zidoum, P. Flener, and B. Hnich. Schema-guided synthesis of constraint logic programs (extended abstract). In: P. Flener and K.-K. Lau (editors), Pre-Proceedings of LOPSTR 1998, pages 130-137. Technical Report UMCS-98-6-1, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK, 1998. (Postscript) (superseded by the ASE 1998 paper)