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Department of Information Technology

Publications 2000

  1. On error bounds of finite difference approximations to partial differential equations: Temporal behavior and rate of convergence. Saul Abarbanel, Adi Ditkowski, and Bertil Gustafsson. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-024, 2000. (fulltext).
  2. On error bounds of finite difference approximations to partial differential equations: Temporal behavior and rate of convergence. Saul Abarbanel, Adi Ditkowski, and Bertil Gustafsson. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 15, pp 79-116, 2000. (DOI).
  3. Convergence of the RPEM as applied to harmonic signal modeling. Emad Abd-Elrady. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-027, 2000. (fulltext).
  4. Symbolic Reachability Analysis Based on SAT Solvers. P.A Abdulla, P. Bjesse, and N. Een. In Proc. TACAS'00, 6th Int. Conf. on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2000. (External link).
  5. Algorithmic analysis of programs with well quasi-ordered domains. PA Abdulla, K. Cerans, B. Jonsson, and YK Tsay. In INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION, volume 160, number 1-2, pp 109-127, 2000. (External link).
  6. BQOs and Timed Petri Nets. Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Aletta Nylén. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-21, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  7. Better is Better than Well: On Efficient Verification of Infinite-State Systems. Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Aletta Nylen. In Proc. LICS' 00, 16th IEEE Int. Symp. on Logic in Computer Science, 2000. (External link).
  8. Unfoldings of Unbounded Petri Nets. Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Purushothaman Iyer, and Aletta Nylen. In Proc. 12tn Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 495-507, Springer Verlag, 2000.
  9. Inverse Electromagnetic Scattering Using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method. Erik Abenius, Bo Strand, and Stephane Alestra. In Proc. Millennium Conference on Antennas and Propagation, p 4, ESA Publications, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2000.
  10. EXPRESS'00: 7th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency. Luca Aceto and Björn Victor (eds). Volume 39 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, 2000. (DOI, External link).
  11. Teaching Operating Systems and Networking to Information Systems Majors. Robert Adams and Carl Erickson. In Special Interest Group of Computer Science Eduction (SIGCSE), 2000.
  12. High-resolution frequency analysis with small data record. P. Ahgren and P. Stoica. In ELECTRONICS LETTERS, volume 36, number 20, pp 1745-1747, IEE-INST ELEC ENG, 2000.
  13. Proceedings ASE 2000. The Fifteenth IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2000. Perry Alexander and Pierre Flener (eds). IEEE Computer Society Press, 2000.
  14. Analysis of CASI data - A case study from the archipelago of Stockholm, Sweden. P. Ammenberg. In 6th International Conference, Remote Sensing for Marine and CoastalEnvironments, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, 2000.
  15. A Real Time Animator for Hybrid Systems. Tobias Amnell and David Alexandre. 2000.
  16. Integer Programming for Combinatorial Auction Winner Determination.. Arne Andersson, Mattias Tenhunen, and Fredrik Ygge. In Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Multiagent Systems (ICMAS-00), 2000.
  17. Resource Allocation With Noisy Functions. Arne Andersson, Per Carlsson, and Fredrik Ygge. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-017, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  18. Tight bounds for searching a sorted array of strings. Arne Andersson, T. Hagerup, J. Hastad, and O. Petersson. In SIAM journal on computing (Print), volume 30, number 5, pp 1552-1578, 2000. (DOI, External link).
  19. Tight(er) Worst-case Bounds on Dynamic Searching and Priority Queues.. Arne Andersson and Mikkel Thorup. In IEEE Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), 2000.
  20. Comparison of two different approaches for paper volume assembly. M. Aronsson and A. Fayyazi. In Symposium on Image Analysis - SSAB 2000, pp 57-60, 2000.
  21. Detection and quantification of foveal avascular zone alterations in diabetic retinopathy. L. Ballerini. In 1st Int. Workshop on Computer Assisted Fundus Image Analysis (CAFIA), 2000.
  22. Determination of fat content in NMR images of meat. L. Ballerini. 2000.
  23. Determination of fat contents in NMR images of meat: preliminary results. L. Ballerini. In Symposium on Image Analysis - SSAB 2000, pp 79-82, 2000.
  24. Testing MRI and image analysis techniques for fat quantification in meat science. L. Ballerini, A. Högberg, G. Borgefors, A.-C. Bylund, A. Lindgård, K. Lundström, O. Rakotonirainy, and B. Soussi. 2000.
  25. Reflection principles in computational logic. J. Barklund and P. Dell'Acqua. In JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION, volume 10, number 6, pp 743-786, OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2000.
  26. Validation of fully automatic brain SPET to MR co-registration. L. Barnden, R. Kwiatek, Y. Lau, B. Hutton, L. Thurfjell, K. Pile, and C. Rowe. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE, volume 27, number 2, pp 147-154, 2000.
  27. The technical development in the ICT-field. E. Bengtsson. In IT at school between vision and practice - a research overview, pp 39-55, 2000.
  28. How do individual portable computers effect students learning?. Anders Berglund and Mats Daniels. In IEEE Frontiers in education conference, Kansas City, pp S3D7-S3D10, 2000. (External link).
  29. Approximate maximum likelihood estimators for array processing in multiplicative noise environments. O. Besson, F. Vincent, P. Stoica, and AB Gershman. In IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, volume 48, number 9, pp 2506-2518, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2000.
  30. Decoupled estimation of DOA and angular spread for a spatially distributed source. O. Besson and P. Stoica. In IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, volume 48, number 7, pp 1872-1882, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2000.
  31. Model reduction for diffusion systems. Bharath Bhikkaji. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2000-011, Uppsala University, 2000.
  32. Reduced order models for diffusion systems using singular perturbations. Bharath Bhikkaji and Torsten Söderström. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-028, 2000. (fulltext).
  33. Impact of the Ethernet capture effect on bandwidth measurements. Mats Björkman and Bob Melander. In NETWORKING 2000, volume 1815, pp 156-167, 2000.
  34. TEMADAG – ITERATIV UTVECKLING OCH PROJEKTSTYRNING. I. Boivie, J. Gulliksen, and A. Lantz. Technical report TRITA-NA-D0010, CID-105, 2000. (External link).
  35. Low-angle estimation: Models, methods and bounds. Katarina Boman. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2000-001, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  36. Simplification of 3D skeletons using distance information. G. Borgefors, I. Nyström, G. Sanniti di Baja, and S. Svensson. 2000.
  37. Some weighted distance transforms in four dimensions. G. Borgefors. 2000.
  38. Mobile Teleradiologie: Anwendungsszenarien und Benutzeranforderungen.. Erik Borälv, Andre Schröter, K. Bernauer, M. Schwab, C. Söllig, JL Lopez, A. Pappa, MR Bahner, R. Loose, and HP Meinzer. In Telemedizinführer Deutschland. Ausgabe 2001., pp 327-331, 2000.
  39. Requirements for a new Generation of Personal Digital Assistants intended for medical Use. Erik Borälv, Uwe Engelmann, Andre Schröter, M. Schwab, and HP Meinzer. 2000. (External link).
  40. Regular Model Checking. A. Bouajjani, B. Jonsson, M. Nilsson, and T. Touili. In Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification, 2000. (External link).
  41. Individual tree-based timber volume assessment using high spatial resolution laserscanning data. T. Brandtberg. In Symposium on Image Analysis - SSAB 2000, pp 83-86, 2000.
  42. Convergence acceleration for the steady state Euler equations. Henrik Brandén and Sverker Holmgren. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-035, 2000. (fulltext).
  43. Numerical boundary conditions for ODE. Henrik Brandén. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-026, 2000. (fulltext).
  44. Preconditioners Based on Fundamental Solutions. Henrik Brandén and Per Sundqvist. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-032, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2000. (Revised version 2005-001, fulltext).
  45. Teknik som kan minska kollektivtrafikresenärernas oro: KFB Rapport 2000:34. G. Bryding, M. Börjesson, T. Engström, P. Eklund, Mats Haglund, Anders Jansson, L. Mattsson, J. Rudolf, Bengt Sandblad, and Lars Åberg. KFB Rapport nr 2000: 34, 2000.
  46. Reinforcement learning for admission control and routing. Jakob Carlström. Ph.D. thesis, DoCS nr 116, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2000.
  47. Asymptotic performance of optimal gain-and-phase estimators of sensor arrays. Q. Cheng, YB Hua, and P. Stoica. 2000.
  48. Using groupware for international collaborative learning. Tony Clear and Mats Daniels. In IEEE Frontiers in education conference, Kansas City, pp F1C18-F1C23, 2000. (External link).
  49. Multi-Level Project Work; a Study in Collaboration. Mats Daniels and Lars Asplund. In IEEE Frontiers in Education conference, pp F4C11-F4C13, 2000. (External link).
  50. Teaching inter-institutional courses: Sharing challenges and resources. Mats Daniels, Dianne Hagen, Anders Berglund, Annegret Gold, Mary Last, Tony Clear, Erkki Sutinen, and Bruce Klein. In ACM SIGCS Bulletin, pp 178-179, 2000.
  51. Using a Real-Life Setting to Combine Social and Technical Skills. Mats Daniels, Anders Jansson, Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, and Marian Petre. In IEEE Frontiers in Education conference, Frontiers in Education, pp F4C6-F4C9, 2000. (DOI, fulltext:print).
  52. Decidability and complexity of simultaneous rigid E-unification with one variable and related results. A. Degtyarev, Y. Gurevich, P. Narendran, M. Veanes, and A. Voronkov. In THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, volume 243, number 1-2, pp 167-184, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2000.
  53. CHAT: the copy-hybrid approach to tabling. B. Demoen and K. Sagonas. In Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 16, number 7, pp 809-830, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2000.
  54. Heap garbage collection in XSB: Practice and experience. B. Demoen and K. Sagonas. In PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF DECLARATIVE LANGUAGES, volume 1753, pp 93-108, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2000.
  55. Explicit Hybrid Time Domain Solver for the Maxwell Equations in 3D. Fredrik Edelvik and Gunnar Ledfelt. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 15, pp 61-78, 2000. (DOI).
  56. Finite volume solvers for the Maxwell equations in time domain. Fredrik Edelvik. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2000-005, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  57. Hybrid FV-FD Solver for the Maxwell Equations. Fredrik Edelvik, Ulf Andersson, and Gunnar Ledfelt. In Proc. Millennium Conference on Antennas and Propagation, p 4, ESA Publications, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2000.
  58. An investigation of hybrid techniques for scattering problems on disjunct geometries. Johan Edlund, Stefan Hagdahl, and Bo Strand. In Proc. Millennium Conference on Antennas and Propagation, p 4, ESA Publications, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2000.
  59. On efficient implementation of the Capon algorithm. T. Ekman, A. Jakobsson, and P. Stoica. In EUSIPCO 2000, Tampere, Finland, 2000.
  60. Amos II Java Interfaces. Dan Elin and Tore Risch. 2000. (External link).
  61. A detailed analysis of cyclin a accumulation at the G(1)/S border in normal and transformed cells. F. Erlandsson, C. Linnman, S. Ekholm, E. Bengtsson, and A. Zetterberg. In EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH, volume 259, number 1, pp 86-95, 2000.
  62. A Detailed Analysis of Cyclin A Accumulation at the G1/S Border in Normal and Transformed Cells. Fredrik Erlandsson, Carolina Linnman-Wählby, Susanna Ekholm, Ewert Bengtsson, and Anders Zetterberg. In Experimental Cell Research, volume 259, pp 86-95, 2000.
  63. A detailed analysis of cyclin A accumulation at the G1/S border in normal and transformed cells.. Fredrik Erlandsson, Carolina Wählby (nee Linnman), Susanna Ekholm, Ewert Bengtsson, and Anders Zetterberg. In Experimental Cell Research, volume 256, pp 86-95, 2000. (External link).
  64. Adaptive error control for steady state solutions of inviscid flow. Lars Ferm and Per Lötstedt. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-003, 2000. (fulltext).
  65. On numerical errors in the boundary conditions of the Euler equations. Lars Ferm and Per Lötstedt. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-007, 2000. (fulltext).
  66. Measurement and modelling of radiance reflectance in Garda lake. S. Ferrantini, C. Giardino, Don C Pierson, Niklas Strömbeck, and E. Zilioli. In EOS/SPIE Europto, Remote Sensing Symposium, 2000.
  67. Abstraction of Communication Channels in Promela: A Case Study. Elena Fersman and Bengt Jonsson. 2000.
  68. Arkitekturprinciper för informationsöverlägsenhet i framtidens ledningssystem. Per-Olof Fjällström, G. Neider, M. Persson, Tore Risch, and Per Svensson. Försvarets forskningsinstitut, 2000. (External link).
  69. Radar views the forest in a new light. J. Fransson and F. Walter. In Fakta Skog, SLU, number 8, pp 1-4, 2000.
  70. Estimation of forest parameters using CARABAS-II VHF SAR data. J.E.S. Fransson, F. Walter, and L.M.H. Ulander. In IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, volume 38, number 2, pp 720-727, 2000.
  71. Mapping of forest stand parameters using VHF SAR data. J.E.S. Fransson, A. Gustavsson, L.M.H. Ulander, and F. Walter. 2000.
  72. Towards an operational use of VHF SAR data for forest mapping and forest management. J.E.S. Fransson, A. Gustavsson, L.M.H. Ulander, and F. Walter. 2000.
  73. HOS-based orthogonal subspace algorithm for causal ARMA system identification. G. Ganesan and KVS Hari. In SIGNAL PROCESSING, volume 80, number 3, pp 535-542, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2000.
  74. Generalized quadratic minimization and blind multichannel deconvolution. A. Gorokhov and P. Stoica. In IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, volume 48, number 1, pp 201-213, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2000.
  75. On the Direct Fourier Method for Computer Tomography. David Gottlieb, Bertil Gustafsson, and Patrik Forssén. In IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, volume 19, pp 223-232, 2000. (DOI).
  76. DESIGN PATTERNS VERSUS STYLE GUIDES – RE-INVENTING THE WHEEL?. J. Gulliksen, I. Boivie, and B. Göransson. In IFIP 13.2 Workshop on Patterns in Human Computer Interaction, London,, 2000.
  77. HOW TO MAKE USER CENTRED DESIGN USABLE. J. Gulliksen, A. Lantz, and I. Boivie. TRITA-NA-D0006, CID-72, 2000. (External link).
  78. TEMADAG PÅ CID OM ANVÄNDARCENTRERAD DESIGN OCH PROTOTYPING. J. Gulliksen, B. Göransson, R. Whitehand, T. Binder, I. Boivie, and A. Lantz. Technical report TRITA-NA-D0004, CID-70, 2000. (External link).
  79. DESIGN VERSUS DESIGN – FROM THE SHAPING OF PRODUCT TO THE CREATION OF USER EXPERIENCES. Jan Gulliksen, Ann Lantz, Kerstin Severinsson-Eklundh, and Lars Oestreicher (eds). 2000.
  80. Datakommunikation. Per Gunningberg. In Professorsinstallation 2000, Uppsala Universitet, 2000. (External link).
  81. Boundary Conditions and Estimates for the Steady Stokes Equations on Staggered Grids. Bertil Gustafsson and Jonas Nilsson. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 15, pp 29-59, 2000. (DOI).
  82. Implicit high-order difference methods and domain decomposition for hyperbolic problems. Bertil Gustafsson and Lina Hemmingsson-Frändén. In Applied Numerical Mathematics, volume 33, pp 493-500, 2000. (DOI).
  83. Analyzing execution-time of object-oriented programs using abstract interpretation. Jan Gustafsson. Ph.D. thesis, DoCS nr 115, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2000.
  84. Directory-based, shared-memory, scaleable multiprocessor computer system having deadlock-free transaction flow sans flow control protocol. Erik Hagersten. 2000.
  85. Hybrid queue and backoff computer resource lock featuring different spin speeds corresponding to multiple-states. Erik Hagersten. 2000.
  86. Method for increasing the speed of data processing in a computer system. Erik Hagersten. 2000.
  87. Supporting timing analysis by automatic bounding of loop iterations. C. Healy, M. Sjodin, V. Rustagi, D. Whalley, and Engelen R Van. In REAL-TIME SYSTEMS, volume 18, number 2-3, pp 129-156, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL, 2000. (External link).
  88. Identification of complex modulus from measured strains on an axially impacted bar using least squares. L. Hillstrom, M. Mossberg, and B. Lundberg. In JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, volume 230, number 3, pp 689-707, 2000.
  89. A meta-heuristic for subset decision problems. Brahim Hnich, Zeynep Kiziltan, and Pierre Flener. In Proc. of the 2000 ERCIM/CompuLog Workshop on Constraint Programming, 2000.
  90. Convergence acceleration for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using semicirculant approximations. Sverker Holmgren, Henrik Brandén, and Erik Sterner. In SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, volume 21, pp 1524-1550, 2000. (DOI).
  91. A scheme for unifying optimization and constraint satisfaction methods. J. Hooker, G. Ottosson, ES Thorsteinsson, and HJ Kim. In KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW, volume 15, number 1, pp 11-30, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, 2000.
  92. A novel method for quantitative fat analysis in meat by in vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging. A. Högberg, L. Ballerini, B. Soussi, A. Lindgård, O. Rakotonirainy, G. Borgefors, K. Lundström, and A.-C. Bylund. In 46th International Conference on Meat Science and Technology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp 372-373, 2000.
  93. A novel method for quantitative fat analysis in meat by in vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging. A. Högberg, L. Ballerini, B. Soussi, A. Lindgård, O. Rakotonirainy, G. Borgefors, K. Lundström, and A.-C. Bylund. In Livsmedel 2000, Nationella livsmedelsforskardaga, Uppsala, Sweden, 2000.
  94. Numerical approaches to optimal control of a model equation for shear flow instabilities. Markus Högberg and Martin Berggren. In Flow Turbulence and Combustion, volume 65, pp 299-320, 2000. (DOI).
  95. Time step selection for shock problems. Karl Hörnell and Per Lötstedt. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-020, 2000. (fulltext).
  96. Ställa en gåta?. Amelie Hössjer. In Upsala Nya Tidning, number 13/11 2000, 2000.
  97. Combining Capon and APES for estimation of spectral lines. A. Jakobsson and P. Stoica. In CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, volume 19, number 2, pp 159-169, BIRKHAUSER BOSTON INC, 2000.
  98. Computationally efficient two-dimensional capon spectrum analysis. A. Jakobsson, SL Marple, and P. Stoica. In IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, volume 48, number 9, pp 2651-2661, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2000.
  99. On efficient implementation of the 2-D Capon algorithm. A. Jakobsson, T. Ekman, and P. Stoica. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Istanbul, Turkiet, 2000.
  100. Att köra tåg: Lokförarens arbete ur ett systemperspektiv. Anders Jansson, Eva Olsson, and Lena Kecklund. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-031, 2000. (fulltext).
  101. Profile-guided optimization across process boundaries .. Erik Johansson and Sven-Olof Nyström. In ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Dynamic and Adaptive Compilation (Dynamo'00). Jan 18, 2000, 2000.
  102. Transitive closures of regular relations for verifying infinite-state systems. B. Jonsson and M. Nilsson. In TOOLS AND ALGORITHMS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF SYSTEMS, volume 1785, pp 220-234, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2000.
  103. Reproducibility and repeatability of 99Tcm-HMPAr CBF SPET in normal subjectsat rest using brain atlas matching. C. Jonsson, M. Pagani, L. Johansson, L. Thurfjell, H. Jacobsson, and S.A. Larsson. In Nuclear Medicine Communications, volume 21, number 1, pp 9-18, 2000.
  104. Amplitude and frequency analysis of force plate data in sitting children with and without MMC. A. Karlsson, S. Norrlin, HC Silander, Margareta Dahl, and H. Lanshammar. In CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS, volume 15, number 7, pp 541-545, 2000.
  105. Correlations between force plate measures for assessment of balance. A. Karlsson and G. Frykberg. In CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS, volume 15, number 5, pp 365-369, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2000.
  106. Computing the Cramer-Rao lower bound for noisy input output systems. E. Karlsson, P. Stoica, and T. Söderström. In Signal Processing, volume 37, number 4, pp 511-521, 2000.
  107. Distributed View Expansion in Composable Mediators. Timour Katchaounov, Vanja Josifovski, and Tore Risch. Research report - University of Uppsala, Department of Information Science, Division of Computer Science, 2000:2, Uppsala: Uppsala University Press, 2000. (External link).
  108. Distributed View Expansion in Object-Oriented Mediators. Timour Katchaounov, Vanja Josifovski, and Tore Risch. In Fifth IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, Eilat, Israel, 2000. (External link).
  109. Autonomi och etisk kompetensutveckling: Utbildnings- och utvärderingsverktyg för personer och organisationer. Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos. Arktéon, Uppsala, 2000.
  110. Ethical Competence Questionnaire-Political & Ethical Autonomy Questionnaire-Working Life and Business. Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos. In Commissioned reviews of 250 psychological tests, pp 827-831, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, 2000.
  111. Ethical competence and confidence for IT users and designers. Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos. In Ethics in the age of information technology, volume 7 of CTE, pp 301-309, Linköpings universitet, Linköping, 2000.
  112. Railway safety and the train driver information environment. Lena Kecklund, Michael Ingre, Göran Kecklund, Marie Söderström, Torbjörn Åkerstedt, Erik Lindberg, Anders Jansson, Eva Olsson, Bengt Sandblad, and Per Almqvist. In Computers in Railways VII, pp 1047-1056, WIT Press, Southampton, 2000.
  113. Teaching inter-institutional courses: sharing challenges and resources. Bruce Klein, Mats Daniels, Dianne Hagan, Anders Berglund, Annegret Goold, Mary Last, Tony Clear, and Erkki Sutinen. In ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, volume 32, number 3, pp 178-179, 2000.
  114. Use of database technology for coupled discrete-finite element simulations of multibody systems. P. Komodromos and K. Orsborn. In Finite Element Techniques and Developments, 2000.
  115. Identification of continuous AR processes from unevenly sampled data. E K Larsson and T. Söderström. In Reglermöte 2000 (National Conference on Control), 2000.
  116. Approaches for Identifying Continuous-Time AR Processes from Unevenly Sampled Data. E.K. Larsson and T. Söderström. In Proceedings of IFAC SYSID 2000, 2000.
  117. A parallel domain decomposition method for the Helmholtz equation. Elisabeth Larsson and Sverker Holmgren. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-006, 2000. (fulltext).
  118. Domain Decomposition and Preconditioned Iterative Methods for the Helmholtz Equation. Elisabeth Larsson. Ph.D. thesis, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 523, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2000.
  119. Efficient implementation of model-checkers for networks of timed automata. Fredrik Larsson. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2000-003, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  120. On memory-block traversal problems in model-checking timed systems. Fredrik Larsson, Paul Pettersson, and Wang Yi. In Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, pp 127-141, 2000.
  121. Applying configuration management techniques to component-based systems. Magnus Larsson. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2000-007, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  122. An International Student/Faculty Collaboration: The Runestone Project. Mary Last, Vicki Almstrum, Mats Daniels, Carl Erickson, and Bruce Klein. In ACM SIGCSE Bulletin: Inroads, 2000.
  123. Computationally efficient parameter estimation for harmonic sinusoidal signals. H. Li, P. Stoica, and J. Li. In SIGNAL PROCESSING, volume 80, number 9, pp 1937-1944, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2000.
  124. Object-Oriented Mediator Queries to XML Data. H. Lin, T. Risch, and T. Katchaounov. In Proc. 1st Intl. Conf. on Web Information Systems Engineering, 2000. (External link).
  125. Object-Oriented Mediator Queries to XML Data. Hui Lin, Tore Risch, and Timour Katchaounov. In The International Workshop on World Wide Web Semantics (WebSem 2000), 2000. (External link).
  126. A Complete Axiomatisation for Timed Automata. Huimin Lin and Wang Yi. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-025, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  127. A complete axiomatisation for timed automata. Huimin Lin and Wang Yi. In FST TCS 2000: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, pp 277-289, 2000.
  128. Histogram thresholding using kernel density estimates. Joakim Lindblad. In In Proceedings of the Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis (SSAB) Symposium on Image Analysis, Halmstad, Sweden, pp 41-44, 2000.
  129. Histogram thresholding using kernel density estimates. Joakim Lindblad. In Symposium on Image Analysis - SSAB 2000, pp 41-44, 2000.
  130. Measurement and simulation based techniques for real-time systems analysis. Markus Lindgren. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2000-010, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  131. A novel method for quantitative fat analysis in meat by in vivo MRI. A. Lindgård, O. Rakotonirainy, A. Högberg, L. Ballerini, K. Lundström, G. Borgefors, A.-C. Bylund, and B. Soussi. In 17th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Paris, France, 2000.
  132. Color vision based road estimation for automotive safety systems. Andreas Lingvall, Mattias Björkman, and Torbjörn Wigren. In Proc. 7th, World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), 2000.
  133. Method and System for Data Recovery Using a Distributed and Scalable Data Structure. Witold Litwin, J.M Menon, and Tore Risch. USA, 2000. (External link).
  134. Distributed computing and safety critical systems in Ada. Kristina Lundqvist. Ph.D. thesis, DoCS nr 114, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2000.
  135. Development of a computer program for volume estimation of arteriovenous malformations from biplane DSA images. R. Lundqvist, M. Soderman, K. Ericson, E. Bengtsson, and L. Thurfjell. In MEDICAL IMAGE COMPUTING AND COMPUTER-ASSISTED INTERVENTION - MICCAI 2000, volume 1935, pp 746-755, 2000.
  136. Convergence analysis of iterative methods by pseudodifference operators. Per Lötstedt. In Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 115, pp 397-417, 2000. (DOI).
  137. Implicit solution of hyperbolic equations with space-time adaptivity. Per Lötstedt, Stefan Söderberg, Alison Ramage, and Lina Hemmingsson-Frändén. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-023, 2000. (fulltext).
  138. Intuitionistic logic and implicit definability. L. Maksimova. In ANNALS OF PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC, volume 105, number 1-3, pp 83-102, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2000.
  139. Vector ARMA estimation: A reliable subspace approach. J. Mari, P. Stoica, and T. McKelvey. In IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, volume 48, number 7, pp 2092-2104, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2000.
  140. Identification of viscoelastic materials. M. Mossberg, L. Hillström, and T. Söderström. In 12th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 2000.
  141. Identification of viscoelastic materials. M. Mossberg, L. Hillström, and T. Söderström. In Reglermöte 2000 (National Conference on Control), 2000.
  142. Identification of viscoelastic materials and continuous-time stochastic systems. Magnus Mossberg. Ph.D. thesis, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 548, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2000.
  143. A comparison of rapid automatic global thresholding methods for wood images. M. Moëll and L. Donaldsson. In Symposium on Image Analysis - SSAB 2000, pp 49-52, 2000.
  144. A flexible framework for detection of feature interactions in telecommunication systems. Gustaf Naeser. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2000-006, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  145. Scalable Distributed Datastructures for High-Performance Databases. Yakham Ndiaye, Aly Wane Diene, Witold Litwin, and Tore Risch. In Proc. 3rd Workshop on Distributed Data and Structures (WDAS'2000), 2000. (External link).
  146. Initial-Boundary-Value Problems for the Stokes and Navier–Stokes Equations on Staggered Grids. Jonas Nilsson. Ph.D. thesis, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 26, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2000.
  147. Regular model checking. Marcus Nilsson. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2000-008, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  148. A fast multipole accelerated block quasi minimum residual method for solving scattering from perfectly conducting bodies. Martin Nilsson. In Proc, volume 2000:4 of Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, pp 1848-1851, IEEE, 2000. (DOI).
  149. Some Applications of Remote Sensing for Monitoring of Environment and Agriculture. J. Nisell. Licentiate thesis, CBA Licentiate Thesis nr 4, Centre for Image Analysis, 2000.
  150. Disposition av intranätets förstasida.: En undersökning av förändringen av 100 intranäts förstasidor under 1 år.. Else Nygren. Uppdragsrapport E Nygren, 2000.
  151. Effektiv presentation för intranät-tillämpningar: Projektredogörelse. Else Nygren. Rådet för Arbetslivsforskning 2000, 2000.
  152. KEMAB Intranät.: Utvärdering av prototyp 2 daterad 991010. Else Nygren. Uppdragsrapport E Nygren, 2000.
  153. Telia Intranät Analys av användartester: Form och navigation. Else Nygren. 2000.
  154. Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Angiography Images Using Skeletonization and Distance Transforms. I. Nyström and Ö. Smedby. In , 2000.
  155. A formalisation of the ITU-T Intelligent Network standard. Jan Nyström. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2000-009, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  156. Säkerhetssamtal. Nuläge och förändringsbehov. Eva Olsson, Bengt Sandblad, and Lena Kecklund. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-033, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  157. The vertical ground reaction force for analysis of balance?. A. Onell. In GAIT & POSTURE, volume 12, number 1, pp 7-13, ELSEVIER SCI IRELAND LTD, 2000.
  158. Integration of Constraint Programming and Integer Programming for Combinatorial Optimization. Greger Ottosson. Ph.D. thesis, Uppsala theses in computing science nr 33, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2000.
  159. Trios in Concert. Joachim Parrow. In Proof, Language and Interaction, Essays in Honor of Robin Milner, pp 621-637, MIT Press, 2000.
  160. A staged tag scheme for Erlang. Mikael Pettersson. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-029, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  161. An integrated decomposition and partitioning approach for irregular block-structured applications. Jarmo Rantakokko. In Parallel and Distributed Processing, volume 1800 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 485-496, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000. (DOI).
  162. Partitioning strategies for structured multiblock grids. Jarmo Rantakokko. In Parallel Computing, volume 26, pp 1661-1680, 2000. (DOI).
  163. Modeling and parameter estimation of the diffusion equation. Susanne Remle. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2000-002, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  164. IT i skolan mellan vision och praktik  : en forskningsöversikt. Ulla Riis, Ewert Bengtsson, Fahlén Lennart, Jens Pedersen, and Joakim Samuelsson (eds). Skolverkets monografiserie, Skolverket, Stockholm, 2000.
  165. ALisp User's Guide. Tore Risch. 2000. (External link).
  166. Amos II External Interfaces. Tore Risch. 2000. (External link).
  167. Optimizing Code Size through Procedural Abstraction. Johan Runeson, Sven-Olof Nyström, and Jan Sjödin. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-022, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  168. Integrated method for boundary delineation of agricultural fields in multispectralsatellite images. A. Rydberg. In Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2000), Honolulu, Hawaii, pp 1678-1680, 2000.
  169. An abstract machine for efficiently computing queries to well-founded models. K. Sagonas, T. Swift, and DS Warren. In JOURNAL OF LOGIC PROGRAMMING, volume 45, number 1-3, pp 1-41, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2000.
  170. Time studies as a tool for (computer science) education research. Anna Sandström and Mats Daniels. In ACM Australasian computing education conference, Melbourne, 2000. (External link).
  171. Classification of two-voxel thick surfaces: a first approach. G. Sanniti di Baja and S. Svensson. CBA Internal report No. 19, Centre for Image Analysis, 2000.
  172. Detecting centres of maximal geodesic discs on the distance transform of surfaces in 3D images. G. Sanniti di Baja and S. Svensson. 2000.
  173. Editing 3D binary images using distance transform. G. Sanniti di Baja and S. Svensson. 2000.
  174. Surface skeletons detected on the D6 distance transform. G. Sanniti di Baja and S. Svensson. In Joint Workshop on Syntactical and Structural Pattern Recognition (SSPR2000) and Statistical Pattern Recognition (SPR 2000), pp 387-396, 2000.
  175. Numerical solution of the reduced Navier-Stokes equations for internal incompressible flows. Martin Scholtysik, Bernhard Müller, and Torstein K. Fanneløp. In AIAA Journal, volume 38, pp 1603-1614, 2000.
  176. Algorithmic Information Theory and Kolmogorov Complexity. Alexander Shen. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-034, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, and Independent University of Moscow, Russia, 2000. (fulltext).
  177. Predictable high-speed communications for distributed real-time systems. Mikael Sjödin. Ph.D. thesis, DoCS nr 117, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2000.
  178. The Reconstruction of the Digital Hyperbola Segment from Its Code. Natasa Sladoje. In International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume 1953 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 159-170, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000. (DOI).
  179. Identification methods of dynamic systems in presence of input noise. U. Soverini and T. Söderström. In 12th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 2000.
  180. Characterization of domain-based partitioners for parallel SAMR applications. Johan Steensland, Michael Thuné, Sumir Chandra, and Manish Parashar. In Proc. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems: 2000, pp 425-430, ACTA Press, Calgary, Canada, 2000.
  181. Adaptive filter-bank approach to restoration and spectral analysis of gapped data. P. Stoica, EG Larsson, and J. Li. In ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, volume 120, number 4, pp 2163-2173, UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2000.
  182. Amplitude estimation of sinusoidal signals: Survey, new results, and an application. P. Stoica, HB Li, and J. Li. In IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, volume 48, number 2, pp 338-352, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2000.
  183. Analysis of mussel growth data. P. Stoica, EG Larsson, and J. Sorelius. In HYDROBIOLOGIA, volume 438, number 1-3, pp 245-249, 2000.
  184. Exact ML estimation of spectroscopic parameters. P. Stoica and T. Sundin. In JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, volume 145, number 1, pp 108-114, ACADEMIC PRESS INC, 2000.
  185. MA estimation in polynomial time. P. Stoica, T. McKelvey, and J. Mari. In IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, volume 48, number 7, pp 1999-2012, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2000.
  186. MIMO system identification: State-space and subspace approximations versus transfer function and instrumental variables. P. Stoica and M. Jansson. In IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, volume 48, number 11, pp 3087-3099, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2000.
  187. Maximum likelihood DOA estimation for constant-modulus signal. P. Stoica and O. Besson. In ELECTRONICS LETTERS, volume 36, number 9, pp 849-851, IEE-INST ELEC ENG, 2000.
  188. On a Parameter Estimation Algorithm for MA Time Series. Petre Stoica and Girish Ganesan. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-15, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  189. Detecting a D6 surface skeleton by iterative thinning. S. Svensson. In Symposium on Image Analysis - SSAB 2000, pp 37-40, 2000.
  190. Optimal recursive state estimation with quantized measurements. Egils Sviestins and Torbjörn Wigren. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, volume 45, number 4, pp 762-767, 2000. (DOI).
  191. Comments on adaptive IIR filtering with monic normalization. T. Söderström. In IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, volume 48, number 3, pp 892-894, 2000.
  192. Parameter estimation and model approximation for diffusion models. T. Söderström and S. Remle. In 12th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 2000.
  193. Parameter estimation and model approximation for diffusion models. T. Söderström and S. Remle. In Reglermöte 2000 (National Conference on Control), 2000.
  194. Performance evaluation of methods for identifying continuous-time autoregressive processes. T. Söderström and M. Mossberg. In AUTOMATICA, volume 36, number 1, pp 53-59, 2000.
  195. Reduced order models for diffusion systems via collocation methods. T. Söderström and B. Bhikkaji. In Proc IFAC 12th Symposium on System Identification, 2000.
  196. Reduced order models for diffusion systems via collocation methods. T. Söderström and B. Bhikkaji. In Reglermöte 2000 (National Conference on Control), 2000.
  197. Reduced order models for diffusion systems. Torsten Söderström and Bharath Bhikkaji. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-019, 2000. (fulltext).
  198. Reduced order models for diffusion systems via Collocation methods. Torsten Söderström and Bharath Bhikkaji. In Proc of 12th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June, 2000.
  199. Reduced order models for diffusion systems via collocation methods. Torsten Söderström and Bharath Bhikkaji. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-018, 2000. (fulltext).
  200. Term-modal logic and quantifier-free dynamic assignment logic. Lars Thalmann. Ph.D. thesis, Uppsala theses in computing science nr 34, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2000. (fulltext).
  201. Improved efficiency for MRI-SPET registration based on mutual information. L. Thurfjell, YH Lau, JLR Andersson, and BF Hutton. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE, volume 27, number 7, pp 847-856, 2000.
  202. Registration of neuroimaging data: Implementation and clinical applications. L. Thurfjell, M. Pagani, JLR Andersson, C. Jonsson, R. Lundqvist, and A. Wagner. In JOURNAL OF NEUROIMAGING, volume 10, number 1, pp 39-46, 2000.
  203. Counting and evaluating size distribution of holes in cheese using x-ray images. Xavier Tizon and Carolina Wählby (née Linnman). CBA Internal report No. 21, Centre for Image Analysis, 2000.
  204. An Object-Relational Model for Musical Data. Eva Toller and Tore Risch. Technical Report 2000:3, Dept. Information Science, Uppsala University,, 2000. (External link).
  205. Header Hopping and Packet Mixers. Christain Tschudin. In The 9th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, 2000. (External link).
  206. Active Routing for Ad-hoc Networks. Christian Tschudin, Henrik Gulbrandsen, and Henrik Lundgren. In IEEE Communications Magazine: Special issue on Active and Programmable Networks, number April, 2000. (External link).
  207. Active Routing for Ad-hoc Networks. Christian Tschudin, Henrik Lundgren, and Henrik Gulbrandsen. In IEEE Communications Magazine, volume 38, number 4, 2000.
  208. Global artificial boundary conditions for computation of external flows with jets. Semyon Tsynkov, Saul Abarbanel, Jan Nordström, Victor Ryaben'kii, and Veer Vatsa. In AIAA Journal, volume 38, pp 2014-2022, 2000.
  209. Retrieval of stem volume in coniferous forest from VHF-band SAR. L.M.H. Ulander, J. Askne, J. Fransson, A. Gustavsson, T. LeToan, T.J.-M Martinez, P. Melon, G. Smith, and F. Walter. 2000.
  210. Frequency-selective quantification of biomedical magnetic resonance spectroscopy data. L. Vanhamme, T. Sundin, Hecke P Van, Huffel S Van, and R. Pintelon. In JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, volume 143, number 1, pp 1-16, ACADEMIC PRESS INC, 2000.
  211. Better Decision Algorithms for Parity Games and the Mu-Calculus Model Checking. Sergei Vorobyov. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2000-14, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  212. A formal approach to analysis of software architectures for real-time systems. Anders Wall. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2000-004, Uppsala University, 2000. (fulltext).
  213. Synthetic Aperture Radar. F. Walter. CBA Internal report No. 18, Centre for Image Analysis, 2000.
  214. Cultured human fibroblasts in agarose gel as a multi-functional control for immunohistochemistry. Standardization of Ki67 (MIBI) assessment in routinely processed urinary bladder carcinoma tissue. K. Wester, AC Andersson, F. Ranefall, E. Bengtsson, PU Malmstrom, and C. Busch. In JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY, volume 190, number 4, pp 503-511, 2000.
  215. Paraffin section storage and immunohistochemistry - Effects of time, temperature, fixation, and retrieval protocol with emphasis on p53 protein and MIB1 antigen. K. Wester, E. Wahlund, C. Sundstrom, P. Ranefall, E. Bengtsson, PJ Russell, KT Ow, PU Malmstrom, and C. Busch. In APPLIED IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR MORPHOLOGY, volume 8, number 1, pp 61-70, 2000.
  216. Cultured human fibroblasts in agarose gel as a multi-functional control for immunohistochemistry: Standardization Of Ki67 (MIB1) assessment in routinely processed urinary bladder carcinoma tissue. Kenneth Wester, Ann-Catrin Andersson, Petter Ranefall, Evert Bengtsson, Per-Uno Malmström, and Christer Busch. In Journal of Pathology, volume 190, number 4, pp 503-11, 2000. (DOI, External link).
  217. Analysis of a low-complexity change detection scheme. Torbjörn Wigren, Susanne Remle, and Bo Wahlberg. In International journal of adaptive control and signal processing (Print), volume 14, number 5, pp 481-503, 2000. (DOI).
  218. Tags for High Performance Active Networks. Tilamn Wolf, Dan Decaspar, and Christian Tschudin. In The Third IEEE Conference on Open Architectures and Network Programming: OpenARCH 2000, 2000. (External link).
  219. Automatic cytoplasm segmentation of fluorescence labelled cells. Carolina Wählby (née Linnman), Joakim Lindblad, Mikael Vondrus, Torsten Jarkrans, Ewert Bengtsson, and Lennart Björkesten. In Symposium on Image Analysis - SSAB 2000, pp 29-32, 2000.
  220. Efficiency of Characterizing Ellipses and Ellipsoids by Discrete Moments. Jovisa Zunic and Nataša Sladoje. In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, volume 22, number 4, pp 407-414, 2000. (DOI).
  221. Identifiering av människokroppens balanssystem. A. Önell, T. Söderström, K. Halvorsen, and H. Lanshammar. In Reglermöte 2000 (National Conference on Control), 2000.

Updated  2009-12-17 17:03:46 by Björn Victor.