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Department of Information Technology

Publishing a licentiate thesis in the IT Lic series

To make a licentiate thesis, the formal rules must of course be followed. What is described here is how to publish a thesis in the IT Lic series at the Department of Information Technology:

  1. Read the Checklist for the licentiate seminar (ideally six months before the seminar)
  2. Write a licentiate thesis. Use the latest template.
  3. Save the thesis in PDF format.
  4. Send an email to asking to publish the thesis in the IT Lic series. Include information about
    1. the author,
    2. the title,
    3. if (parts of) the thesis is published elsewhere (e.g., in another series),
    4. the abstract (in TeX or text format; avoid personal macros in TeX format),
    5. the (approximate) date of the thesis presentation
When the thesis has been sent to the Marina Nordholm, ask her to send a complete PDF file with both cover and content to , either as an attachment to the email, or preferably (especially if the file is large) as a URL where the file can be fetched.

The paper of the cover of the thesis should be yellow (the name of the colour is "rapsgul", serial nr 388 647) and is created based on the series template. The template is available in LaTeX format. Please always contact for an up-to-date version; do not use an old version.

The printing should be handled according to the department rules (see the Checklist above).

When the thesis has been printed:

You are very welcome with questions and suggestions to or !

Updated  2023-02-24 11:26:09 by Elisabeth Lindqvist.