@TechReport{ it:2015-008, author = {Ali Dorostkar and Maya Neytcheva and Stefano Serra-Capizzano}, title = {Spectral Analysis of Coupled {PDE}s and of their {S}chur Complements via the Notion of {G}eneralized {L}ocally {T}oeplitz Sequences}, institution = {Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University}, department = {Division of Scientific Computing}, year = {2015}, number = {2015-008}, month = feb, abstract = {We consider large linear systems of algebraic equations arising from the Finite Element approximation of coupled partial differential equations. As case study we focus on the linear elasticity equations, formulated as a saddle point problem to allow for modeling of purely incompressible materials. Using the notion of the so-called \textit{spectral symbol} in the Generalized Locally Toeplitz (GLT) setting, we derive the GLT symbol (in the Weyl sense) of the sequence of matrices $\{A_n\}$ approximating the elasticity equations. Further, exploiting the property that the GLT class { defines an algebra of matrix sequences} and the fact that the Schur complements are obtained via elementary algebraic operation on the blocks of $A_n$, we derive the symbols $f^{\mathcal{S}}$ of the associated sequences of Schur complements $\{S_n\}$. As a consequence of the GLT theory, the eigenvalues of $S_n$ for large $n$ are described by a sampling of $f^{\mathcal{S}}$ on a uniform grid of its domain of definition. We extend the existing GLT technique with novel elements, related to block-matrices and Schur complement matrices, and illustrate the theoretical findings with numerical tests. } }