Our goal
is to develop the insights that enable new tools and approaches to make parallel programming easier, and to demonstrate their effectiveness through prototype implementations on real problems.
Theses, Dissertations 2019
2019-02-15 Nikos Nikoleris: Efficient Memory Modeling During Simulation and Native Execution. Location: Sal VIII, Universitetshuset, Time: 9:15
2019-01-23 Stephan Brandauer: Structured Data at 13:15, Room 2446, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Polacksbacken, Lägerhyddsvägen 2, Uppsala
2019-01-21 Tuan-Phong Ngo: Model Checking of Software Systems under Weak Memory Models at 13:15, Room 2446, Department of Information Technology, Polacksbacken (Lägerhyddsvägen 2), Uppsala
Recent publications
- Germán Ceballos, Erik Hagersten och David Black-Schaffer received the Best Student Paper Award at the 16th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications in Melbourne, Australia.
- Kiko Fernandez-Reyes, Dave Clarke, Elias Castegren, and Huu-Phuc Vo have received the best paper award at COORDINATION 2018 conference for their paper "Forward to a Promising Future."
- Björn Victor, was awarded the Uppsala University Pedagogical Award for 2018
in the area of mathematics, natural sciences, and technology.
- Stefanos Kaxiras, has been inducted in the ISCA Hall of Fame
- The paper Optimal Dynamic Partial Order Reduction with Observers
won one of the TACAS'18 distinguished artifact awards
at ETAPS 2018 in April 2018.
CoPa Master Programme
- CoPa programme
coordination is handled by Lars-Henrik Eriksson.
UPMARC Day (13 Nov 2018)