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Department of Information Technology

Education Awards


  • Dr Lei You from CSD won the INFORMS 2020 Dissertation Award, it was given during the 15th Telecommunications and Network Analytics Conference (October 20-21, 2020). Lei You won with his dissertation on Network Optimization of Evolving Mobile Systems with Presence of Interference.


  • Senior Lecturer Tobias Wrigstad at the Department of Information Technology has been awarded the 2019 educational award in the field of mathematics, science and technology. Motivation: Tobias Wrigstad is passionate about his teaching. With pedagogical ability and subject knowledge, he inspires his students. He continuously develops his pedagogy with the goal that students should take their own responsibility for their learning. With innovative teaching and examination forms, enthusiasm and responsiveness, Tobias promotes student learning and interest in the subject. Tobias also generously shares his educational experiences with colleagues.


  • Jan Kudlicka, PhD student at the Department of Information Technology, Division of Computing Science, has been awarded the UTN Educational Prize for 2017. The motivation reads: "All students at Teknat have been invited to nominate their teachers, and the students chose to highlight Jans commitment, flexibility, responsiveness, and his development of the course "Database Technology I," where he worked with a web forum for questions, online quizzes and reality-based tasks."
  • Professor Björn Victor has been awarded the Pedagogical Award for 2018 in the area of mathematics, natural sciences, and technology. The motivation reads: "Björn Victor is an engaged and didactic teacher who inspires colleagues and creates a common ground between students and teachers. With an extensive pedagogical experience and responsiveness, he develops courses with student-centered learning. As an educational leader, Björn works to constantly renew teaching and provide support and advice in everything from the development of new educational programs to educational training for colleagues."


  • David Black-Schaffer has been awarded the Independent Pedagogical Award 2016 on the theme "Integration of digital resources in teaching and learning". The motivation reads: David Black-Schaffer accounts for a dedicated and enthusiastic integration of digital resources in teaching and learning. The students work actively and are supported in their learning process with very elaborated digital teaching material. With great passion, he develops, uses and renews a "flipped classroom teaching", which he has also shared with students and teachers. This full-scale integration of digital resources stimulates learning and makes the studying fun. [Editor's translation]


  • Bengt Carlsson will receive the Uppsala University Educational Award 2014 ("Pedagogiska priset") in the category "Mathematics, Science and Technology". For more information, see press release.


  • Matteo Magnani has been awarded UTN's pedagogic award for 2013. The Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students Pedagogical Prize is awarded annually to a person who works at the Faculty of Science and Technology at Uppsala University. The winner should have demonstrated both teaching skills as well as a major commitment to his or her students.
  • Best PhD thesis award (EURASIP): Thomas Schön has been awarded the Best PhD thesis award 2013 by the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP). The selection process is based on the evaluation of the impact of the theses, their subsequent journal and conference publications and related citations received, and on the review reports of three independent reviewers as well as on the download statistics. See the the thesis entitled "Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Theory and Applications" The award was handed out at the 21 European Signal Processing Conference held in Marrakech, Morocco on 9-13 September 2013.
  • This year's ES-course 2012/2013 (Energy Program) (Årets ES-kurs 2012/2013 - Energisystemprogrammet): Hans Norlander received the award for his course "Reglerteknik I" with the motivation (in Swedish): Reglerteknik I är en väl upplagd och genomtänkt kurs med hög uppskattning bland energisystemstudenter. Kursens delmoment, så som process- och beräkningslaborationer, ger ökad förståelse för kursens innehåll och bidrar i hög grad till inlärningen. Föreläsare Hans Norlander är väldigt uppskattad med pedagogiskt genomtänkta föreläsningar och stort engagemang för sina studenter. Reglerteknik är en viktig kurs med hög relevans för studenter vid energisystemprogrammet. Tillsammans med detta och dess höga omdömen vid kursutvärderingar år efter år tilldelas den nu Årets ES-kurs 2012/2013!
  • Bengt Carlsson has received the award "ES-course 2011/2012 (Energisystemprogrammet) for the course Empirisk modellering with the motivation (January 2013) (In Swedish): Empirisk modellering är en väldigt omtyckt kurs med höga betyg på kursutvärderingarna år efter år. Kursen är välstrukturerad och kursansvarig Bengt Carlsson är en uppskattad föreläsare. Bengt är väldigt engagerad och hans pedagogiska insats lyfter omdömet ytterligare. I kursen ingår ett projekt vilket upplevs ge god förståelse för vad kunskaperna från kursen senare ska användas till. Empirisk modellering är en väl genomtnkt kurs med hög relevans för programmet och den tilldelas därför priset för Årets ES-kurs 2011/2012.


  • SAIS thesis price 2012: Ronald Rodrigo Gumucio Escobar (student) has received SAIA thesis price 2012 (SAIS exjobbspris 2012) for the thesis entitled "Constraints on Set Variables for Constraint-based Local Search". Supervisor was Pierre Flener. The motivation follows: "The award goes to Rodrigo Ronald Gumucio Escobar for his thesis entitled "Constraints on Set Variables for Constraint-based Local Search". The thesis is of unusual technical strength, and it is presented in a report that is thorough and self-contained. The results presented in the thesis advance the state-of-the-art in constraint programming, a core field of Artificial Intelligence, and contribute solutions of high academic standard to both theoretical and practical problems. The thesis contains two main contributions, firstly, he extends the local search solver of the well-known Comet constraint programming system so as to handle set variables, and secondly, he demonstrates that a higher level of modelling often bears no cost: on the contrary, it can improve the solution time or be a necessity in terms of memory."


  • Best Student Paper Award: Marcus Björk has received the "Eusipco 2011 Best Student Paper Award" for the paper "Signal Processing Algorithms for Removing Banding Artifacts in MRI" co-authored with E Gudmundson (Lund), J Barral (Stanford) and P Stoica (Uppsala). Eusipco, which in 2011 was held in Barcelona, is the largest European Conference on Signal and Image Processing.


  • Bengt Asker Award: Dogan Yazar, a student at the Master Programme in Computer Science, has recieved Bengt Asker Award for best MSc thesis in real-time and embedded systems, for his thesis RESTful Wireless Sensor Networks. The thesis is available here in fulltext on line at DIVA. University examiner was Per Gunningberg and thesis advisor was Adam Dunkels, SICS.
  • UTN Educational Award: Joachim Parrow has recieved Uppsala Union of Science and Engineering Students Educational Award 2009 (Uppsala teknolog- och naturvetarkÃ¥rs pedagogiska pris). See press release. (In Swedish.)


  • Undergraduate Education Department of the Year 2009!
The department of Information Technology has received the Challenge Cup "Undergraduate Education Department of the Year 2009" by Uppsala studentkår (Uppsala Student Union) with the motivation:
"The department shows great interest in its students and they are received with respect and acceptance. Students are taken seriously and looked upon as being important partners for developing the quality of both teaching methods and study environment. The department sets a good example for many and it is with great joy that the Uppsala Student Union awards it the Challenge Cup."
Caption: Håkan Lanshammar received the prize "Undergraduate Education Department of the Year 2009".


  • Arnold Pears is one of the 2008 years pedagogic prizewinners appointed by Uppsala universitet". Read the motivation in Swedish.
    • Andreas Thunberg som läser Miljö- och vattenteknik har fått Rambölls stipendium för Sveriges bästa examensarbete läsåret 2006/2007 inom VA-teknik. Andreas har studerat hur Käppala avloppsreningsverket kan spara energi med hjälp av smartare styr- och reglerstrategier. Han har visat att energibesparingen kan bli uppemot 20 procent med den nya tekniken utan att reningen av avloppsvatten försämras. Detta leder till stora besparingar för reningsverket och är ett viktigt steg i målsättningen att göra reningen av avloppsvatten resurseffektivare. Ämnesgranskare för examensarbetet var Bengt Carlsson.
AndreasThunberg.jpg Bildtext: Miljö- och vattenteknikstudenten Andreas Thunberg från Uppsala universitet får Rambölls pris för Sveriges bästa examensarbete inom VA-teknik. Priset delades ut vid Svenskt Vattens årsmöte i Örebro den 14 maj.
  • Philip Weiss received a stipend from the City of Uppsala for the MSc thesis "Enskilda avloppsanläggningar med fosforbindning i Stockholms län - En miljösystemanalys med metodik från livscykelanalys.". Bengt Carlsson was examinating the study.
  • Gustav Björcke got the MSc thesis "Utveckling av webbapplikation för jämförelse av blancokrediter" nominated to Lilla Polhempriset 2008. Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos was examinating the study. The study was carreied out at Key Future AB with Per Key as supervisor.

From 2007 and back; in Swedish only...


  • Lars-Åke Larzon fick Uppsala universitets pedagogiska pris för framstående insatser inom grundutbildningen.
  • Lars Carlsson & Rickard Haglund fick ett hedersomnämnade och 100$ i pris i tävlingen i "Atmel avr design contest" för sitt examensarbete "Motor Control Card" på Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Uppsala universitet. De gjorde ett kretskort för att styra robotar som utvecklas av RFC Uppsala. Motorkortet är byggt på Atmels mikroprocessor och används för att reglera hastigheten på motorerna. Juryns motivering var "mycket intressant design och bra dokumentation". Mer information


  • Anders Hessel fick hedersomnämnande i SNART tävling "The Best Real-Time Master Thesis" för "Timing analysis of an SDL subset in UPPAAL". Mer information

Updated  2022-02-15 12:04:17 by Victor Kuismin.