Research Awards
Young Researcher Award in Computing: Mohammed Faouzi Atig has been awarded the Tunisian Academy of Sciences award, Letters and Arts - Beit Al-Hikma, which is given to encourage, acknowledge and reward young researcher who has made a significant contribution in the field of computing.
ICPR - Best Scientific Paper Award: Ashis Kumar Dhara and Robin Strand, together with Erik Arvids, Markus Fahlström, Johan Wikström and Elna-Marie Larsson from the Department of Surgical Sciences, have been awarded the Best Scientific Paper Award (Track: Biomedical Imaging and Bioinformatics) for their article "Interactive Segmentation of Glioblastoma for Post-Surgical Treatment Follow-Up" at the 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2018).
The ICPR conference is the main event of the International Association of Pattern recognition ( IAPR, ). The conference provides an international forum for researchers and practitioners in the broad area of pattern recognition, including pattern recognition and machine learning, computer vision, speech, image, video and multimedia, biometrics and human computer interaction, document analysis and recognition, biomedical imaging and bioinformatics.
2018 DisCoTec Best Paper Award: Kiko Fernandez, Dave Clarke, Elias Castegran, and Huu-Phuc Vo have received 2018 DisCoTec best paper award at COORDINATION 2018 conference for their paper "Forward to a Promising Future." Kiko Fernandez presented the paper on June 19, in Madrid. The DisCoTec series of federated conferences is one of the major events sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). It gathers three main conferences: COORDINATION (International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages), DAIS (International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems), and FORTE (International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems), as well as several workshops.
Best Demo Award at ACM WiSec: The demo "Towards Battery-free Radio Tomographic Imaging" has received the Best Demo Award at ACM WiSec. Authors are Abdullah Hylamia, Ambuj Varshney, Andreas Soleiman, Panos Papadimitratos (KTH), Christian Rohner and Thiemo Voigt. The demonstration presents ongoing efforts to develop the first battery-free radio tomographic imaging system that operates on minuscule amounts of energy harvested from the ambient environment.
Matariki Fellows 2018/2019: Helena Andersson, PhD student at the division of of Systems and Control, is one of seven researchers at Uppsala University appointed Matariki Fellows 2018/2019. The purpose of Matariki Fellow is to increase research contacts and strengthen international cooperation. Funds can be sought for up to six months of research at any of the universities that are part of the Matarikai network. Read more about Matariki Fellows here (in Swedish only).
Best COORDINATION 2018 Paper Award: Kiko Fernandez, Dave Clarke, Elias Castegran, and Huu-Phuc Vo have received the best paper award at COORDINATION 2018 conference for their paper "Forward to a Promising Future." Kiko Fernandez presented the paper on June 19, in Madrid.
TACAS'18 DISTINGUISHED ARTIFACT AWARD: Stavros Aronis, Bengt Jonsson, Magnus Lång and Konstantinos Sagonas have been awarded TACAS'18 DISTINGUISHED ARTIFACT AWARD at ETAPS in Thessaloniki, April 19, 2018, for "Optimal Dynamic Partial Order Reduction with Observers". "This artifact contains the code and benchmarks used to generate the results in the paper, as well as instructions on how to do so. An artifact is any additional material (software, data sets, machine-checkable proofs, etc.) that substantiates the claims made in the paper and ideally makes them fully replicable".
Google "2018 Faculty Research Award": Thiemo Voigt has been honoured by Google for his work in "Visible Light Communication and Backscatter-based Sensing for Implicit Interaction with loT." As part of Google’s growing efforts to support excellent research in academia, Tiemo will receive just over 30 000 dollars as part of this "2018 Faculty Research Award." Read more about Google's Faculty Research Award here.
Micro Top Picks 2018: The paper "Non-Speculative Reordering of Loads in TSO," by Stefanos Kaxiras (Uppsala University), Trevor Carlson (Uppsala University), Mehdi Alipour (Uppsala University), and Alberto Ros (University of Murcia), has been selected to appear in a special issue of IEEE Micro: "Top Picks from the 2017 Computer Architecture Conferences." The issue collects some of the most significant research papers in computer architecture based on novelty and potential for long-term impact. You can read more about IEEE Micro here. This is the first Micro Top Picks paper from a Swedish University and the Department of Information Technology. Congratulations to this great distinction for the UART group.
2018 IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing: Peter Stoica has been named the recipient of the 2018 IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing. The Fourier Award is IEEE's most prestigious Technical Field Award for signal processing, awarded for an outstanding contribution to the advancement of signal processing, other than in the areas of speech and audio processing. You can read more about the award here.
Best of CAL 2017: The paper "Transcending Hardware Limits with Software Out-of-order Processing," IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (2017) by Trevor E. Carlson, Kim-Anh Tran, Alexandra Jimborean, Konstantinos Koukos, Magnus Själander, and Stefanos Kaxiras, was selected as one of three Best of CAL in 2017 by the Editorial Board of IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL).
Best Paper Award at RTSS 2017: Pontus Ekberg and Wang Yi received the RTSS 2017 Best Paper Award last week for their paper "Fixed-Priority Schedulability of Sporadic Tasks on Uniprocessors is NP-hard" (The 38th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium. Dec 5 - 8, Paris, France). RTSS is considered to be the best conference in the field of real-time systems; this is the 3rd RTSS best paper award to Uppsala.
Best Student Paper Award: Maria Andreina Francisco Rodriguez recieved a Best Student Paper Award at ICTAI 2017, the 29th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence.
Best Paper Award: The paper "Battery-free Visible Light Sensing," co-authored by Ambuj Varshney, Thiemo Voigt, Andreas Soleiman, and Luca Mottola (SICS), received the Best Paper Award at the 4th ACM Workshop on Visible Light Communication Systems (VLCS 2017)
The same research paper garnered Andreas Soleiman the first prize among all the participants in the graduate category of the ACM Student research competition.
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Benzelius Award: Fredrik Lindsten was conferred the Benzelius award by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences at a ceremony held in the Gustavian Museum on August 30, 2017. The motivation is as follows:
“Dr. Fredrik Lindsten receives the Benzelius award for his fundamental achievements in the intersection between signal processing, machine learning and computational statistics.”
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Uppsala was founded in 1710 and is Sweden's oldest scientific academy. It is a very active and committed academy, that, among other things, supports Swedish research of the highest quality by awarding prizes and awards to deserving researchers.
The Benzelius award was established in the early 1980s in order to accentuate and reward the achievements of young deserving researchers using the Society's own resources.
Read more about the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences here.
CAV award 2017: Parosh Abdulla and Bengt Jonsson have, together with two French research colleagues, received the prestigious "CAV award" in 2017. The award is in recognition of their research on verification of correctness for parallel programs and computer systems.
The precise motivation reads "Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Alain Finkel, Bengt Jonsson, and Philippe Schnoebelen receive the 2017 CAV Award for the development of general mathematical structures leading to general decidability results for the verification of infinite state transition systems."
The four recipients of the CAV award have since the 90-s developed increasingly powerful techniques for verification and bug-finding in parallel programs. Among their most important results are general analysis techniques that have had strong and lasting influence on the field, and shown to be applicable to an impressively large number of verification problems, including the automatic verification of multi-threaded programs and network protocols.
Parosh Abdulla and Bengt Jonsson's research has in recent years been conducted under the hood of the UPMARC centre of excellence, where they have developed methods and tools for analyzing parallel programs that execute on multicore processors.
The "CAV Award" is given once per year at the annual conference on Computer-Aided Verification, which is the most prominent international conference for research on computer aided verification. The purpose of the award is to recognize influential and prominent research in the area. Parosh Abdulla och Bengt Jonsson received the award dollar together with Alain Finkel and Philippe Schnoebelen, Paris, at this year's conference in Heidelberg.
More information can be found at "CAV award" in 2017 and at for previous years.
Best paper award vid DCOSS 2017: Kasun Hewage and Thiemo Voigt, together with Asanka Sayakkara, Namal Jayasuriya, Tharindu Ranathunga, Chathura Suduwella, Nithila Vithanage, Chamath Keppitiyagama and Kasun De Zoysa from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, were awarded the Best Paper Award for their article "Eloc: Locating Wild Elephants using Low-cost Infrasonic Detectors" at the 2017 International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2017).
Wallenberg Foundation Postdoctoral Scholarship Program at Stanford: Martin Almquist has received the Wallenberg Foundation Postdoctoral Scholarship Program at Stanford from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation for four years of postdoctoral studies in Sweden and at Stanford University in the United States. See the announcement here.
Ingvar Carlsson Award: Fredrik Lindsten has been awarded the prestigious Ingvar Carlsson Award by the Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) for his project "Probabilistic models and methods of machine learning." Learn more about the Ingvar Carlsson Award at the SSF website.
Best Readings in Internet of Things: The paper “Lithe: Lightweight Secure CoAP for the Internet of Things” by Thiemo Voigt and Kasun Hewage, along with SICS-UU colleagues S. Raza, H. Shafagh, and R. Hummen, has been selected "Best Readings in Internet of Things" by the IEEE Communications Society.
ACM-W scholarship: Kim-Anh Tran has been awarded an ACM-W scholarship.
Professional activities grant: Kim-Anh Tran was awarded a professional activities grant from the ACM SIGPLAN Professional Activities Committee in January 2017 for attending the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO'17).
Uppsala University’s Rudbeck Medal: Peter Stoica has been honoured with the 2017 Uppsala University Rudbeck Medal "for extraordinarily prominent achievements in science, to be conferred primarily for such accomplishments or findings attained at Uppsala University."
The motivation reads: Peter Stoica is a master at using theoretical models to describe the spectral appearance of signals. His broad interests include issues such as wireless communications, microwave imaging in locating breast cancer, radar signals, signals from landmines, to name a few. Stoica is one of the world's most cited scientists in the field of engineering sciences and has contributed with important textbooks for our education.
- The fzn-oscar-cbls backend of the ASTRA research group for the MiniZinc constraint-based modelling language was the Best Local-Search Solver at the MiniZinc Challenge 2016.
- Pontus Ekberg, has been awarded the Bjurzons Premium "for an excellent treatise in the field of science written by a student or young academic teacher." december 2016. Read about Bjurzons Premium here (in Swedish only).
- Kim-Anh Tran was awarded the third prize for her work on compiling for energy-efficiency "SWOOP: Software Out-of-Order Execution for In-Order Architectures" in the ACM Student Research competition organised in conjunction with PACT'16. More details about the competition and prizes are available here:
- Best poster award at IPDPS 2016 (IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium) Germán Ceballos won best poster award for the PHD forum at IPDPS.
- Best paper award at RTNS 2016: Morteza Mohaqeqi, along with Mitra Nasri, Yang Xu, Anton Cervin and Karl-Erik Årzén, received the Best Paper Award for their paper "On the Problem of Finding Optimal Harmonic Periods" at the 24th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS), October 2016.
- Best paper at CC2016: Based on the work developed by the bachelor student Per Ekemark, we received the Best Paper Award in the conference Compiler Construction (Barcelona, 2016). Multiversioned Decoupled Access-Execute: the Key to Energy-Efficient Compilation of General-Purpose Programs Konstantinos Koukos, Per Ekemark, Georgios Zacharopoulos, Vasileios Spiliopoulos, Stefanos Kaxiras, and Alexandra Jimborean. In Proc. 25th International Conference on Compiler Construction, pp 121-131, ACM Press, New York, 2016.
- Gustafsson award to young researchers 2016 of SEK 1000 000 has been awarded Andreas Hellander. Read about Göran Gustafssons foundation for the promotion of scientific research at Uppsala University and the Royal Institute of Technology (UU/KTH).
- Arnberg price of SEK 50 000, for excellent work in technical science, go to Thomas Schön, Uppsala University "for significant contributions to nonlinear identification and particle filter." The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences made the decisision at its general meeting on March 9.
- Athanasios Papoulis Award 2016: Professor Peter Stoica has been selected by EURASIP (European Association for Signal Processing) as the 2016 recipient of the Athanasios Papoulis Award with the citation: For outstanding contributions to research and education in statistical signal processing, array signal processing, and waveform design. This is the most prestigious award of the organization, whose list of past recipients includes predominantly professors from well-known American universities (UCSD, UCSB, Stanford, UCLA, Princeton etc.). Peter will receive the award at the Award Ceremony of the EURASIP's flagship conference to be held in Budapest at the end of August, 2016. It will be the second time when the award is given to a researcher and educator from Europe.
- Bjurzons premium: Margarida Silva (former PhD student at Systems and Control) has been awarded Bjurzons premium for an excellent thesis by the Faculty for Science and Technology at Uppsala University. Margarida defended her thesis Nonlinear Modeling and Feedback Control of Drug Delivery in Anesthesia in Nov 2014. Her supervisor were Alexander Medvedev.
- Best Paper Award at RTSS 2015: Pontus Ekberg and Wang Yi have received the best paper award with the paper: Uniprocessor Feasibility of Sporadic Tasks Remains coNP-complete Under Bounded Utilization at the conferencce The 36th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, December 1-4 in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- Best Poster Award at CP 2015: Maria Andreina Francisco Rodriguez wins the Best Poster Award for her poster at CP 2015, the 21st International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, held in Cork (Ireland) in September 2015.
- Honourable Mention at the MiniZinc Challenge 2015: The fzn-oscar-cbls backend, by the ASTRA group on Combinatorial Optimisation, for the MiniZinc constraint-based modelling language wins an Honourable Mention at the MiniZinc Challenge 2015.
- Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societetens Thuréus-pris:: Carolina Wählby has been awarded The Royal Society of Science Thuréus price (Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societetens Thuréus-pris). See [Press Release from Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societeten and Press Release from Uppsala university.
- Best Paper Award at ECRTS 2015 Pontus Ekberg and Wang Yi for the paper: Uniprocessor Feasibility of Sporadic Tasks with Constrained Deadlines is Strongly coNP-complete. The 27th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems; 7-10th July 2015; Lund, Sweden.
- Best Paper Award at DroNet 2015: Researchers from University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, and the UNO group have received the best paper award at "DroNet 2015 - Workshop on Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks, Systems, and Applications for Civilian Use". The paper title is A Quadcopter Controller to Maintain Radio Link Quality. Authors are Ayyoob Hamza, Chamath Keppitiyagama, Kasun De Zoysa, Venkat Iyer, Kasun Hewage and Thiemo Voigt.
- The Royal Society of Sciences (Kungliga Vetenskaps-Societeten) four Thuréus prizes: Carolina Wählby has been awarded one of The Royal Society of Sciences four Thuréus-prices for 2015. They are given to outstanding researchers in the middle of their career.
- Benzelius-reward: Vlada Curic (former PhD student at Vi2) has received a Benzelius-reward for his thesis. These rewards are given to new doctors a year or more after the defense and are primarily based on the thesis.
- Ångström Academy innovation scholarship PhD student Andreas Sembrant has won one of the Ångström Academy innovation awards for his work on memory system design. The award ceremony will take place May 12, 2015.
- Dissertation Award: Nan Guan got the EDAA Outstanding Dissertation Award in 2014 in the category of New directions in embedded system design and embedded software. Nan recieved the award at the Opening Ceremony of DATE 2015 in Grenoble, 10 March. See press release.
- DATE is the largest European conference in embedded systems area with over one thousand participants every year.
- EDAA is the European Design and Automation Association, which is the main organization behind the DATE conference.
- The Best Paper Award at Rapio'15 went to German Ceballos, Erik Hagersten and David Black-Schaffer for the paper StatTask: Reuse Distance Analysis for Task-Based Applications
- Best Paper Award at IEEE-sponsored 6th International Congress on Ultra Modern Communication and Control Systems 2014: Egi Hidayat, Alexander Medvedev, and Karin Nordström won Best Paper Award at IEEE-sponsored 6th International Congress on Ultra Modern Communication and Control Systems in Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 6-8, 2014 for the paper "Identification of a Layer of Spatially Distributed Motion Detectors in Insect Vision".
- Amendra Shrestha and Lisa Kaati have together with co-writer Fredrik Johansson been awarded for the best publication at IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (JISIC) 2014. For the paper "Time Profiles for Identifying Users in Online Environments" the conference was 24-26 September 2014 in Haag.
- IFACs Automatica Prize Paper Award: Thomas Schön has received the IFACs Automatica Prize Paper Award: The prizes are given for Outstanding contributions to the theory and / or practice of control engineering or control science fiction, documented in a paper published in the Journal IFAC Automatica. The award was presented at IFACs conference in Cape Town August 24 -29 2014. The award was given for the best paper in the category "Theory/methodology oriented" (three papers are awarded every third year) published during 2011-2013 in the leading journal in the area. The paper is available for download here.
- IJCAR Best Paper Award: The IJCAR 2014 best paper award has been given to Approximations for Model Construction by Aleksandar Zeljic, Christoph M. Wintersteiger, and Philipp Rummer. The paper presents a new way to integrate approximation techniques into automated reasoning procedures and proves its usefulness for the important case of floating-point arithmetic. This paper was selected by the IJCAR 2014 Program Committee. International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR).
- Best Paper at WONS 2014: How do the dynamics of battery discharge affect sensor lifetime? by Laura Feeney (Swedish Institute of Computer Science & Uppsala University, Sweden); Christian Rohner (Uppsala University, Sweden); Per Gunningberg (Uppsala University, Sweden); Anders Lindgren (Pricer AB, Sweden); Lars Andersson (Pricer AB, Sweden)</p>
- Our results are the first to quantify in-depth the discharge behavior of batteries in the WSN context. We show that loads with very similar time-average currents can differ significantly in the amount of battery capacity that can be used before the battery reaches a cut-off output voltage. In particular, the results suggest that loads with higher current and correspondingly lower duty-cycles and loads with shorter duration are more battery friendly.
- Read the abstract here: 11th IEEE/IFIP Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2014), 2-4 April 2014 Obergurgl, Austria
- Best presentation award
- Alexandra Jimborean won the best presentation award at the 2014 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization for her paper Fix the code. Don´t tweak the hardware: A new compiler approach to Voltage-Frequency scaling with Alexandra Jimborean, Konstantinos Koukos, Vasileios Spiliopoulos, David Black-Schaffer, Stefanos Kaxiras.
- Best paper awards for two Uppsala papers at European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks 2014
- Best paper: All is not Lost: Understanding and Exploiting Packet Corruption in Outdoor Sensor Networks. Frederik Hermans, Hjalmar Wennerström, Liam JJ McNamara (SICS), Christian Rohner, Per Gunningberg.
- Best paper runner-up: Efficient and Flexible Sensornet Checkpointing. Andreas Löscher; Nicolas Tsiftes (SICS); Thiemo Voigt; Vlado Handziski (TU Berlin).
- Pasha Razifar from Vi2 receives the award The settlers in 2013. Because "at just under two years converted their research into marketable products and has built a promising company that sells on the international market." The price was SEK 10 000. The prize is awarded to entrepreneurs with foreign backgrounds who started and run successful businesses in the county. The prize aims to highlight good examples and role models.
- 2013 SPS Best Paper Award, Peter Stoica has been selected to receive the 2013 SPS Best Paper Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Society for a paper on localization in sensor networks, "Exact and Approximate Solutions of Source Localization Problems".
- The Best Paper Award "honors the author(s) of a paper of exceptional merit dealing with a subject related to the Society´s technical scope, and appearing in one of the Society´s solely owned periodicals". The Signal Processing Society publishes many thousands of papers each year in several IEEE Transactions and Magazines and the best paper award is considered to be very competitive.
- The award will be presented to Peter at the Awards Ceremony of ICASSP 2014 in Florence, which will be attended by some 3000 people.
- "The Björkén Prize" (Björkénska priset) a reward for outstanding scientific research or other work based on science - either discoveries, inventions, or fruitful enhancements - that brings honor to Swedish research or contributes to the material improvement of the country.
- Erik Hagersten recieves the award 2013 for his outstanding contributions in the field of computer architecture, with a focus on high performance and industrial relevance. - Read more here. See press release.(In Swedish),
- HiPEAC paper awards 2013
- Stefanos Kaxiras and Alberto Ros. "A New Perspective for Efficient Virtual-Cache Coherence." ISCA 2013 pdf
- Andreas Sandberg, Andreas Sembrant, Erik Hagersten, and David Black-Schaffer. "Modeling Performance Variation Due to Cache Sharing." HPCA 2013. (DOI, fulltext)
- Philipp Rümmer receives Oscar Award for Business economist and computer scientist
- Oscar prize is awarded each year young researchers at Uppsala University, who "through scientific writing is most deserved and represents the best hope for continued scientific authorship at the university." The prize consists of return of Oscar II's jubilee donation, this year of SEK 120 000 and can also be shared between two equally deserving.
- Doctor of Philosophy Philipp Rümmer, Department of Information Technology, received the prize for his research in computer science. He has quickly established itself as an independent researcher with international impact . Rümmer dealing with fundamental questions about the computer program correctness and his research has important implications for the development of efficient software for the computer components today are integrated in many different systems.
- See also: Press release in Swedish.
- Best poster award EISIC 2013: Amendra Shrestha got a best poster award for his poster "A Tool For Visualizing and Analyzing Users on Discussion Boards" on the European Intelligence and Security informatics conference (EISIC 2013).
- Best paper award at ExtremeCom 2013 was received by Hjalmar Wennerström, Lars-Åke Norden and Thiemo Voigt as co-authors to Hot Packets: A Systematic Evaluation of the Effect of Temperature on Low Power Wireless Transceivers. The first author Carlo Alberto Boano (TU Graz) visited UU in february. .
- CAV Award 2013
- Wang Yi Received the CAV award 2013 for research on design and verification of time critical systems and for the development of the UPPAAL tool.
- The annual CAV Award has been established for a specific fundamental contribution or a series of outstanding contributions to the field of Computer Aided Verification.
- Press release at UU, Press release at MDH
- Automatica Outstanding Reviewer, 2010 - 2011: Torbjörn Wigren has been chosen as "Outstanding Reviewer for Automatica" for the period July 2010 - July 2011. (2013-05-01)
- IPSN 2013, Awards to WISENET paper and Demo
- BEST PAPER RUNNER UP - SPOTS TRACK: SoNIC: Classifying Interference in 802.15.4 Sensor Networks, Frederik Hermans*, Olof Rensfelt*, Thiemo Voigt (SICS), Edith Ngai*, ((Lars-Åke Nordén))*, Per Gunningberg*, *(Uppsala Universitet)
- BEST DEMO: Skitracker - measuring skiing performance using a Body-Area Network, Tom Homewood (SICS), Christer Norström (SICS), Per Gunningberg (Uppsala Universitet)
- The International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) is a leading, single-track, annual forum on research in wireless, embedded, and networked sensing systems.
- Göran Gustafssons pris till yngre forskare / Göran Gustafsson Prize for young researchers: Emanuel Rubensson, TDB has received Göran Gustafsson Prize for young researchers.
- ETAPS'2013
- EAPLS Best paper award at ETAPS'2013
- The paper "Deriving Probability Density Functions from Probabilistic Functional Programs" by Sooraj Bhat, Johannes Borgström, Andrew D Gordon and Claudio Russo received the EAPLS Best paper award at ETAPS'2013. The paper applies techniques from programming languages to machine learning problems in ecology, and is part of the rapidly growing field of probabilistic programming for machine learning.
- EASST Best paper award at ETAPS'2013
- The paper "An Integrated Specification and Verification Technique for Highly Concurrent Data Structures" by Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Frederic Haziza, Lukas Holik, Bengt Jonsson, and Ahmed Rezine, received the EASST Best paper award at ETAPS'2013
- This is the third time (which is also a record) that the algorithmic verification group has received a best paper award at ETAPS. The topic of the paper, verification of concurrent data structures, is a result of being exposed to new and relevant challenges in the areas of computer architecture and programming languages, e.g., through our work within UPMARC.
- ETAPS (The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software) is the primary European forum for academic and industrial researchers working on topics relating to Software Science. ETAPS is a confederation of six main annual conferences (CC, ESOP, FASE, FOSSACS, POST and TACAS), with a total number of more than 500 submissions each year, accompanied by satellite workshops and other events.
- EAPLS Best paper award at ETAPS'2013
- Best paper award at DATE 2013
- Best Industry relevant contributions in 2013 (Bästa industrirelevanta bidrag 2013) Patrik Malm and Ewert Bengtsson received the award for Best Industry relevant contributions in 2013 at this year's Swedish Image Analysis Symposium in Gothenburg March 13 to 15. Their contribution is entitled "Debris removal in Pap smear images", and is part of a collaboration with India.
- ECRTS Outstanding paper award
- Pontus Ekberg and Wang Yi. Bounding and Shaping the Demand of Mixed-Criticality Sporadic Tasks. In the proc of the 24rd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems. 10-13 July, 2012, Pisa, Italy.
- 2012 AITO Dahl-Nygaard Junior Prize winner is Tobias Wrigstad, Uppsala University, for his work on ownership types, `like´ types, and Thorn. Read a few words about the price and Wrigstads work and the AITO Press Release 2012-03-01.
- Best paper award at ICPP: David Eklöv, Nikos Nikoleris, David Black-Schaffer and Erik Hagersten. Cache Pirating: Measuring the Curse of the Shared Cache. In Proceeding of the 40th International Conference on Parallel Processing, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2011
- Best paper award at HiPEAC: David Eklöv, David Black-Schaffer and Erik Hagersten. Fast Modeling of Shared Caches in Multicore Systems. In Proceedings of the the 6th International Conference on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation (HiPEAC), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, January 2011
- IWA fellow: The International Water Association has chosen professor Bengt Carlsson as a distinguished member of the IWA Fellows Program in recognition of his extraordinary achievements in the profession and commitment to contribute to the on-going work of the Association.
- Rudbeck medal: Torsten Söderström, professor in automatic control, has been awarded the medal for his research on the ground: 2His many years of scientific achievement at Uppsala University has established him as a world-leading researcher in system identification, signal processing and automatic control, and his work is considered internationally as fundamental. His extensive research and graduate teaching cover a range of theoretical directions and a wide range of applications and include long-term industrial partnerships. The research has had an extraordinary impact on the current internationally leading position of Uppsala University in automatic control research".Press release in Swedish.
- Best Ph.D. Thesis Award of 2009: Pavel Krcal got the "Naturvetarpriset" for Best Ph.D. thesis of 2009. He will be awarded the prize of 50,000 SEK and a diploma. The prize is given by Naturvetarna (the Swedish Association of Scientists) and selected by a jury of KVA (the Royal Academy of Sciences). Pavel Krcal defended his thesis in May 15, 2009: Infinite Structures of Timed Systems, supervised by professor Wang Yi.
- Best Paper Award at ETAPS 2010: Parosh Abdulla received the EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science) award for best theoretical paper at ETAPS 2010. Title of paper: When simulation meets anti-chains. Co-authors: Yu-Fang Chen, Lukas Holik, Richard Mayr, Tomas Vojnar. ETAPS is the largest federation of conferences in Europe on the theory and practice of software.
- Nan Guan, Martin Stigge, Wang Yi from the Department of Information Technology and Ge Yu got the best paper award for their paper New Response Time Bounds for Fixed Priority Multiprocessor Scheduling, at the 30th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) in Washington DC, USA, December 1 - December 4, 2009.
- Parosh Abdulla has won the prize for best paper at WMC 2008, the 9th Workshop on Membrane Computing, Edinburgh, 2008, together with Giorgio Delzanno och Laurent Van Begin. The title of the paper is "On the qualitative analysis of conformon P systems".
- Parosh Abdulla and Lisa Kaati have together with their co-writers won the award for best paper at the conferenc CIAA 2008 (13th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata). The title was "Composed bisimulation for Tree Automata" and is written together with Ahmed Bouajjani, Lukas Holik and Tomas Voijnar.
- Sofia Eriksson has received an award for best presentation in "Computational Mechanics" at SACAM08 (Sixth South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics 2008). The conference was held in Cape Town March 26-28, 2008. She got the award from the Department of Science and Technology, Republic of South Africa and it was given to her by Professor Daya Reddy, Chairman of the scientific committee in memory of Professor JB Martin. The award is 5000 Rand.
- Peter Stoica has been selected to receive the Barry Carlton Award of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, is the world's leading technical association) for a work on landmine detection using ground penetrating radar. The research that led to this work has been conducted in collaboration with researchers from the Univ of Florida in the US and has been supported by the Swedish Research Council (VR), the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT), the US Army, and the US National Science Foundation. The award will be presented during a special ceremony at the IEEE Radar Conference to be held in Rome in May 2008.
- Parosh Abdulla, G. Delzanno, N. Ben Henda, A. Rezine got the Microsoft award for distinguished papers at TACAS'2007, 13th International conference on algorithms and tools for the construction and analysis of systems.
- Torbjörn Wigren has been selected for the Ericsson Inventor of the Year 2007 award, together with Mats Sågfors, LMF, Finland and Leif Wilhelmsson, EMP, Lund. He receives the award for work with optimization of the uplink in the radio network for packet data, and for new cellular location technology. The radio optimization work contributes to an enhanced data capacity and coverage of Ericsson's base stations. The new location technology improves the accuracy for phones without GPS, a fact which for example contributes to better emergency positioning.
Caption : Torbjörn Wigren, Leif Wilhelmsson and Mats Sågfors, together with Ericsson CEO Carl-Henric Svanberg.
- Jan Gulliksen has been selected for the IFIP Silver Core Award from the General Assembly of International Federation for Information Processing in Rio de Janeiro 11/9 2007. The prize has been awarded in appreciation of outstanding research within User Centered Systems Design and services to IFIP. See article in LäsIT.
Caption: Jan Gulliksen och Monique Noirhomme Fraiture, University of Namur, Belgium together with the chairman of IFIP TC 13 Annelise Mark Pejtersen, University of Risø¸, Denmark.
- The paper Automatic robust adaptive beamforming via ridge regression by Yngve Selén, Richard Abrahamsson and Peter Stoica has been selected as a "winner presentation" at the International Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Icassp 2007, in Hawaii out of the many presentations submitted to the student paper contest.
- Peter Stoica, The 'European Signal Processing Association' (EURASIP) Administrative Committee has recently decided to initiate a 'Fellowship Programme', to recognize outstanding achievements of its members. Each year, a select group of up to maximum five signal processing researchers will be elevated to 'EURASIP Fellow', the Association's now most prestigious honor. The EURASIP AdCom has elected Professor Stoica as one of its first five Fellows, in recogition of his many important contributions to the field of signal processing. LäsIT
- Elisabeth Larsson receive Gustafssonpriset 2007. The award is a research grant of 1 milion SEK. LäsIT
- Parosh Abdulla, Lisa Kaati, Best Paper award at CIAA'2006 -- the 11th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata.
- Per Gunningberg, Golden Mobile Award 2006 - my earlier research through my company optimobile.
- Torsten Söderström, 61, Male, 2006. IFAC Fellow. Citation: `for scientific contributions to system identification, for pedagogical explanations of identification to wide audiences and for inspiration to the scientific community'.
- Peter Stoica, a professor of Systems Modeling in the Information Technology department at Uppsala University, has been selected to receive the 2006 Society Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), with the headquarters in the USA, is the world's largest technical professional organization, and the Signal Processing Society is one of its largest constituting entities. More information
- Joachim Parrow, Included by ISI (the Institute of Science Information) on the list of the 250 most highly cited researchers in Computer Science in the world. Parrow is one of totally two researchers in Sweden in this field on the list.
- Peter Stoica, Recipient of the IEEE Achievement Medal awarded for "outstanding contributions to the field of Statistical Signal Processing".
- Peter Stoica, Co-author of the contribution that has received the Best Student Paper Award at the 39th Asilomar Conference on Systems, Signals and Computers.
- Peter Stoica, Included by ISI (the Institute of Science Information) on the list of the 250 most highly cited researchers in Engineering in the world. Stoica is one of totally two researchers in Sweden in this field on the list.
- Bengt Sandblad, The Levi Award for IT support in work environment. The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers has awarded Professor Bengt Sandblad at Uppsala University the Levi Award in 2005 for his pioneering work in Psychosocial Work Enivironments. See press release (in Swedish only).
- Peter Stoica, Co-recipient of the Björkénska Prize (Major Research Award of Uppsala University).
- The TIMES tool by Tobias Amnell, Elena Fersman, Leonid Mokrushin, Paul Pettersson and Yi Wang received the tool award at ETAPS 2002, Grenoble, France.
- Per Gunningberg, Outstanding paper award: Voigt, T. and Gunningberg, P., Adaptive Resource based Web Server Admission Control, , 7th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication, Taormina/Giardini Naxos, Italy, July 2002.
- Parosh Abdulla and Luc Boasson and Ahmed Bouajjani. Effective Lossy Queue Languages. Award of EATCS - European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, for Best Paper at ICALP´ 01, 28th Int. Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 2001.
- Award of EAPLS, the European Association for Programming Languages and Systems, has been given to Parosh Abdulla for best paper at the ETAPS conferences in 2000 (together with Per Bjesse and Niklas E\'en at Department of Computer Science, Chalmers University of Technology).