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Department of Information Technology

This page is a copy of research/computer_systems/seminars/191011 (Wed, 31 Aug 2022 10:12:46)

Two-tier Authentication and Key Distribution for Wearable Devices

Sam Hylamia

Date and Time
October 11 2019, 14:15 - 15:00

Polacksbacken, ITC 1311

Wearable devices, such as implantable medical devices and smart
wearables, are becoming increasingly popular with applications that
vary from casual activity monitoring to critical medical uses.
Unsurprisingly, numerous security vulnerabilities have been found in
this class of devices. Yet, research on physical measurement-based
authentication and key distribution assumes that body-worn devices are
benign and uncompromised. Tiek is a novel authentication and key
distribution protocol which addresses this issue. We utilize two
sources of randomness to perform device authentication and key
distribution simultaneously but through separate means. This creates a
two-tier authorization scheme that enables devices to join the network
while protecting them from each other. We describe Tiek and analyze
its security.

This is a seminar co-organised with the Cyber-Security Arena.

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Updated  2022-08-31 10:12:46 by Victor Kuismin.