This page is a copy of research/computer_systems/seminars/210423 (Wed, 31 Aug 2022 10:12:46)
Consistency and Persistency: Challenges and Opportunities in Program Verification
Parosh Abdulla
Date and Time
May 21st 2021, 14:15 - 15:15
Nowadays, most application platforms offer more relaxed semantics than the classical Sequential Consistency (SC) semantics. There are two primary sources of relaxation, namely weak consistency and weak persistence. Weakly consistent platforms are present at all level of the system design: at the hardware level, e.g., multiprocessors such as x86-TSO, SPARC, IBM POWER, and ARM; at the language level, e.g., C11 or Java; and at the application level, e.g., distributed databases, and geo-replicated systems. All these platforms sacrifice SC to provide stronger efficiency guarantees.
Weak persistence means that the order in which data persist over system crashes is inconsistent with the order in which the data is generated by the application. Weakly persistent systems arise in intermittent computing, file systems, and (more recently) architectures that employ Nonvolatile memories (NVRAMs).
Concurrent programs exhibit entirely new behaviors compared to SC when running on platforms with relaxed semantics. Even textbook programs such as small mutual exclusion protocols or concurrent data structures that are provably correct under SC can now show counter-intuitive behaviors. Hence, the verification community is currently facing new exciting, complicated, and practically motivated challenges.
To make the ideas concrete, I will present the semantics of concurrent programs that run on the Persistent Intel x86 architecture (Px86), implemented in Intel's Optane memory chip. We investigate the state reachability problem and show how to prove its decidability for finite-state programs. To achieve that, we provide a new formal model that is equivalent to Px86, and that has the feature of being a well-structured system. Deriving this new model results from a deep investigation of the properties of Px86 and the interplay of its components.
The presentation is aimed at non-specialists. No deep knowledge of computer architecture formal methods is required.