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Department of Information Technology

This page is a copy of research/computer_systems/seminars/211014 (Wed, 31 Aug 2022 10:12:46)

Multi-Domain Coupling in Cyber-Physical Systems Design

Debayan Roy, TU Munich

Date and Time
Oct 14th 2021, 15:15 - 16:00


In a cyber-physical system (CPS), hardware and software components control a physical process. Hence, there is an interplay between the physical dynamics, the control law, the software algorithms, and the hardware resources. Such systems have become very common in several industry sectors including automotive, avionics, energy, healthcare, and manufacturing. The state of practice in the industry has been to follow a separation of concerns for CPS designs. That is, the control law is calculated and the hardware/software is developed in isolated stages without sufficient knowledge of each other. Thus, the implementation might not preserve the performance guarantees obtained during the control design. Often this leads to a long integration, testing, and debugging phase, besides producing inferior systems. In many cases, it is also challenging to offer safety guarantees.

Considering that many CPSs are safety-critical and cost-sensitive, e.g., modern cars, this talk will advocate the use of integrated modeling, design, and analysis approaches for CPSs. It will show how the models, metrics, and methods from different design domains (e.g., control, communication, and software) can be coupled together to synthesize safe and cost-efficient CPSs. In particular, the speaker will briefly discuss a couple of his scientific works: (i) a hybrid optimization technique for the co-design of controllers and their distributed software implementations on a realistic hardware platform (i.e., multiple electronic control units connected by a FlexRay bus); and (ii) cost-optimal implementations (i.e., static and dynamic scheduling respectively) of distributed controllers on multi-QoS cyber platforms. Finally, this talk will conclude with a brief outline of promising research directions for next-generation CPSs that need to be secure, adaptive, and autonomous, besides being safe and cost-efficient.

Author Bio

Dr. Debayan Roy is a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Marco Caccamo’s group at the Technical University of Munich in Germany. He received his Ph.D. with “summa cum laude” in electrical and computer engineering from the Technical University of Munich in 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Samarjit Chakraborty. His research interests are in the area of modeling, design, and analysis of cyber-physical systems. He has predominantly looked into co-design methodologies for cyber-physical systems to bridge the semantic gap between the design of controllers and their hardware/software implementations. He has also worked towards integrating the co-design schemes into industry-strength tools to enable design automation for cyber-physical systems. For his research works, he won the Best Paper Award at RTCSA 2017, while receiving two nominations for the best paper at DATE 2019 and 2020 respectively. He also publishes regularly in top-tier conferences on design automation (i.e., DAC and ICCAD) and real-time systems (i.e., RTSS and RTAS). He has served on program committees of conferences (e.g., COINS, RTAS, RTSS, and SAC) and reviewed articles for several journals (e.g., ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Springer Journal on Real-Time Systems, and Elsevier Journal of Software Architecture).

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Updated  2022-08-31 10:12:46 by Victor Kuismin.