Computing Science
Computers have become ubiquitous: you find them on your desk, in your mobile phone, and inside autonomous vehicles. What makes computers a unique kind of machine is that they can be made to carry out essentially any computable task given suitable programming. Nowadays, common computer tasks also involve managing and extracting knowledge from large amounts of data.
At the Computing Science Division (CSD), our research and education address:
- AI and Optimisation: Models, methods, and tools for the solving of optimisation problems, be it by mathematical programming or by AI-based approaches, such as constraint programming and local search. Applications arise in many real-world domains in the guise of allocation, packing, planning, routing, and scheduling problems.
- Data Science: Basic and applied research on the extraction of knowledge from data. We develop models, methods, and software combining multilayer networks, temporal and textual information, and imperfect data. Applications include the analysis of online political data and the study of online disinformation.
- Databases
: Methods and techniques for data management. The research emphasis is on scalable techniques for querying, mining, and integrating information from data streams, files, databases, storage managers, and other information sources in distributed environments.
- Programming Languages: Principles and implementation of programming languages.
- Software Engineering: Methods, models, processes, and tools for the development of software systems. Our research focuses on both theory and practice in software engineering. Current areas of research: formal methods for software development, requirements engineering, software quality, software testing, and software engineering education.
- Theory for Concurrent Systems: Mathematical and logical theories and models for concurrent systems, including tools and applications.
In addition to conducting research, we teach over 40 courses on these topics that are taken by more than 3,000 bachelor and master students each year.
Contact information
The Computing Science Division (CSD) is part of the Department of Information Technology (IT). The division is located on floor 5 in house 10 of Ångström Laboratory.
- Head of Division
- Joachim Parrow
- Director of Studies
- Tjark Weber
- Director of PhD Education (FUAP) in Computer Science
- Di Yuan
- Director of Research (PAP) in Computing Science
- Pierre Flener
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