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Department of Information Technology

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How Students Learn to Program

In this line of research, we focus on how students learn computer programming. We use a student-centered, qualitative research approach.

  • In a series of phenomenographic studies, we have investigated how students experience various phenomena related to computer programming.
  • Using such phenomenographic results as a basis, we have applied variation theory to identify critical aspects of computer programming from a learner's point of view.
  • We have also suggested how different patterns of variation could be used in programming education, to open possibilities for students to become aware of these critical aspects.
  • Based on results from our phenomenographical and variation theoretical studies, we have proposed a model for how to understand the interplay between learning of theory and learning of practical skills in the context of computer programming.
  • In another series of investigations, we have explored students experiences of threshold concepts in computer programming.
  • In particular, we have investigated and described how students take winding ways through liminal spaces, to ultimately get a good grasp of such threshold concepts.

We are planning new research projects to (a) further explore the interplay between learning of practical skills and learning of theory in computer programming, and (b) get further insight into how careful application of various patterns of variation could enhance students' learning of computer programming.

For more information, contact: Anna Eckerdal or Michael Thuné



  1. Multidimensional analysis of creative coding MOOC forums: a methodological discussion. Aletta Nylén, Neena Thota, Anna Eckerdal, Päivi Kinnunen, Matthew Butler, and Michael Morgan. In Proc. 15th International Conference on Computing Education Research: Koli Calling, pp 137-141, ACM Press, New York, 2015. (DOI).
  2. Second year Computer Science and IT students' experience of participation in the discipline. Anne-Kathrin Peters, Anders Berglund, Anna Eckerdal, and Arnold Pears. In Proc. 15th International Conference on Computing Education Research: Koli Calling, pp 68-76, ACM Press, New York, 2015. (DOI).
  3. Competencies for paradigm shift "survival". Mats Daniels, Åsa Cajander, Anna Eckerdal, Mats Lind, Aletta Nylén, Tony Clear, and Roger McDermott. In Proc. 45th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, pp 1424-1429, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, 2015. (DOI).
  4. Learning practice and theory in programming education: Students’ lived experience. Anders Berglund and Anna Eckerdal. In Proc. 3rd International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering, pp 180-186, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:preprint).
  5. On the bimodality in an introductory programming course: An analysis of student performance factors. Lars Josef Höök and Anna Eckerdal. In Proc. 3rd International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering, pp 79-86, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2015. (DOI).
  6. Learning to program: A discussion on the interplay of theory and practice. Anders Berglund and Anna Eckerdal. In Proc. 1st Al Baha University and Uppsala University Symposium on Quality in Computing Education, volume 2015-007 of Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, pp 16-18, 2015. (Proceedings).
  7. Relating theory and practice in laboratory work: a variation theoretical study. Anna Eckerdal. In Studies in Higher Education, volume 40, pp 867-880, 2015. (DOI).
  8. MOOCs and their impact on academics. Judy Sheard, Anna Eckerdal, Päivi Kinnunen, Lauri Malmi, Aletta Nylén, and Neena Thota. In Proc. 14th International Conference on Computing Education Research: Koli Calling, pp 137-145, ACM Press, New York, 2014. (DOI).
  9. Graduating students' designs — through a phenomenographic lens. Lynda Thomas, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Kate Sanders, and Carol Zander. In Proc. 10th International Computing Education Research Conference, pp 91-98, ACM Press, New York, 2014. (DOI).
  10. Teaching and learning with MOOCs: Computing academics' perspectives and engagement. Anna Eckerdal, Päivi Kinnunen, Neena Thota, Aletta Nylén, Judy Sheard, and Lauri Malmi. In Proc. 19th Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, pp 9-14, ACM Press, New York, 2014. (DOI).
  11. First year Computer Science and IT students' experience of participation in the discipline. Anne-Kathrin Peters, Anders Berglund, Anna Eckerdal, and Arnold Pears. In Proc. 2nd International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering, pp 1-8, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2014. (DOI, fulltext:preprint).
  12. A broader threshold: Including skills as well as concepts in computing education. Lynda Thomas, Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Kate Sanders, and Carol Zander. In Threshold Concepts: From personal practice to communities of practice, pp 154-158, NAIRTL, Cork, Ireland, 2014.
  13. Scaffolding pedagogic excellence in higher education. Maja Elmgren, Staffan Andersson, Arnold Pears, and Stefan Pålsson. In Improving Student Learning through Research and Scholarship, pp 164-176, Oxford Brookes University, UK, 2013. (fulltext:print).
  14. Identity development of CS and IT students: What's the role of higher education?. Anne-Kathrin Peters. In Proc. 9th International Computing Education Research Conference, pp 187-188, ACM Press, New York, 2013. (DOI).
  15. Can first-year students program yet?: a study revisited. Robert McCartney, Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Kate Sanders, and Carol Zander. In Proc. 9th International Computing Education Research Conference, pp 91-98, ACM Press, New York, 2013. (DOI).
  16. Analysing the enacted object of learning in lab assignments in programming education. Anna Eckerdal and Michael Thuné. In Proc. 1st International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering, pp 208-211, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2013. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  17. Engagement in Computer Science and IT — What!: A matter of identity?. Anne-Kathrin Peters and Arnold Pears. In Proc. 1st International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering, pp 114-121, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2013. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  18. Gender-aware course reform in Scientific Computing. Elisabeth Larsson, Stefan Pålsson, Jarmo Rantakokko, Lina von Sydow, and Michael Thuné. In International journal of engineering education, volume 29, number 2, pp 403-414, 2013.
  19. Self-Directed Learning: stories from industry. Carol Zander, Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Kate Sanders, and Lynda Thomas. In Proc. 12th International Conference on Computing Education Research: Koli Calling, pp 111-117, ACM Press, New York, 2012. (DOI).
  20. Computer Science at School / CS Teacher Education: Koli working-group report on CS at school. Carsten Schulte, Malte Hornung, Sue Sentance, Valentina Dagiene, Tatjana Jevsikova, Neena Thota, Anna Eckerdal, and Anne-Kathrin Peters. In Proc. 12th International Conference on Computing Education Research: Koli Calling, pp 29-38, ACM Press, New York, 2012. (DOI).
  21. Students' experiences and attitudes towards learning Computer Science. Anne-Kathrin Peters and Arnold Pears. In Proc. 42nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, pp 88-93, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2012. (DOI).
  22. Threshold concepts and threshold skills in computing. Kate Sanders, Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Lynda Thomas, and Carol Zander. In Proc. 8th International Computing Education Research Conference, pp 23-30, ACM Press, New York, 2012. (DOI).
  23. Students' perceptions of the differences between formal and informal learning. Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Kate Sanders, Lynda Thomas, and Carol Zander. In Proc. 7th International Computing Education Research Workshop, pp 61-68, ACM Press, New York, 2011. (DOI).
  24. Relationship between text and action conceptions of programming: a phenomenographic and quantitative perspective. Anna Eckerdal, Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Mike Lopez, and Amitrajit Sarkar. In Proc. 16th Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, pp 33-37, ACM Press, New York, 2011. (DOI).
  25. Computing students learning computing informally. Robert McCartney, Anna Eckerdal, Jan Erik Moström, Kate Sanders, Lynda Thomas, and Carol Zander. In Proc. 10th International Conference on Computing Education Research: Koli Calling, pp 43-48, ACM Press, New York, 2010. (DOI).
  26. Threshold Concepts in Computer Science: an ongoing empirical investigation. Lynda Thomas, Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Kate Sanders, and Carol Zander. In Threshold Concepts and Transformational Learning, pp 241-258, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2010.
  27. Harnessing Surprise: Tales from students' transformational biographies. Lynda Thomas, Carol Zander, and Anna Eckerdal. In Proc. 41st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, pp 300-304, ACM Press, New York, 2010. (DOI).
  28. Student Transformations: Are they computer scientists yet?. Carol Zander, Jonas Boustedt, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Kate Sanders, and Lynda Thomas. In Proc. 5th International Computing Education Research Workshop, pp 129-140, ACM Press, New York, 2009. (DOI).
  29. Naturally Occurring Data as Research Instrument: Analyzing examination responses to study the novice programmer. Raymond Lister, Tony Clear, Simon, Dennis J. Bouvier, Paul Carter, Anna Eckerdal, Jana Jacková, Mike Lopez, Robert McCartney, Phil Robbins, Otto Seppälä, and Errol Thompson. In SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, volume 41, number 4, pp 156-173, 2009. (DOI).
  30. Computer Science Student Transformations: Changes and Causes. Jan Erik Moström, Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Kate Sanders, Lynda Thomas, and Carol Zander. In SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, volume 41, number 3, pp 181-185, 2009. (DOI).
  31. Liminal spaces and learning computing. Robert McCartney, Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Jan Erik Moström, Kate Sanders, Lynda Thomas, and Carol Zander. In European Journal of Engineering Education, volume 34, pp 383-391, 2009. (DOI).
  32. Learning computer science: Perceptions, actions and roles. Anders Berglund, Anna Eckerdal, Arnold Pears, Philip East, Päivi Kinnunen, Lauri Malmi, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Laurie Murphy, Mark Ratcliffe, Carsten Schulte, Beth Simon, Ioanna Stamouli, and Lynda Thomas. In European Journal of Engineering Education, volume 34, pp 327-338, 2009. (DOI).
  33. Students' understanding of the concept of interface in a situated context. Jonas Boustedt. In Computer Science Education, volume 19, pp 15-36, 2009. (DOI).
  34. Variation theory applied to students' conceptions of computer programming. Michael Thuné and Anna Eckerdal. In European Journal of Engineering Education, volume 34, pp 339-347, 2009. (DOI).
  35. Learning educational research methods through collaborative research: the PhICER initiative. Anders Berglund, Ilona Box, Anna Eckerdal, Raymond Lister, and Arnold Pears. In Australian Computer Science Communications, volume 30, number 5, pp 35-42, 2008. (External link).
  36. Concrete examples of abstraction as manifested in students' transformative experiences. Jan Erik Moström, Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Kate Sanders, Lynda Thomas, and Carol Zander. In Proc. 4th International Computing Education Research Workshop, pp 125-135, ACM Press, New York, 2008. (DOI).
  37. Student Understanding of Object-Oriented Programming as Expressed in Concept Maps. Kate Sanders, Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Lynda Thomas, and Carol Zander. In SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, volume 40, number 1, pp 332-336, 2008. (DOI).
  38. A methodology for exploring students' experiences and interaction with large-scale software through role-play and phenomenography. Jonas Boustedt. In Proc. 4th International Computing Education Research Workshop, pp 27-38, ACM Press, New York, 2008. (DOI).
  39. Threshold Concepts in Computer Science: a multinational empirical investigation. Carol Zander, Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Mark Ratcliffe, and Kate Sanders. In Threshold Concepts within the Disciplines, pp 105-118, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2008.
  40. What’s the problem?: Teachers’ experience of student learning successes and failures. Arnold Pears, Anders Berglund, Anna Eckerdal, Philip East, Päivi Kinnunen, Lauri Malmi, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Laurie Murphy, Mark Bartley Ratcliffe, Carsten Schulte, Beth Simon, Ioanna Stamouli, and Lynda Thomas. In Proc. 7th Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research: Koli Calling, volume 88 of CRPIT, pp 207-211, Australian Computer Society, 2007. (External link).
  41. Successful Students' Strategies for Getting Unstuck. Robert McCartney, Anna Eckerdal, Jan Erik Moström, Kate Sanders, and Carol Zander. In SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, volume 39, number 3, pp 156-160, 2007. (DOI).
  42. Threshold Concepts in Computer Science: Do they exist and are they useful?. Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Mark Ratcliffe, Kate Sanders, and Carol Zander. In SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, volume 39, number 1, pp 504-508, 2007. (DOI).
  43. From Limen to Lumen: Computing students in liminal spaces. Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Kate Sanders, Lynda Thomas, and Carol Zander. In Proc. 3rd International Computing Education Research Workshop, pp 123-132, ACM Press, New York, 2007. (DOI).
  44. What do CS students try to learn?: Insights from a distributed, project-based course in computer systems. Anders Berglund and Anna Eckerdal. In Computer Science Education, volume 16, pp 185-195, 2006. (DOI).
  45. Putting Threshold Concepts into Context in Computer Science Education. Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Mark Ratcliffe, Kate Sanders, and Carol Zander. In SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, volume 38, number 3, pp 103-107, 2006. (DOI).
  46. Categorizing student software designs: Methods, results, and implications. Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Mark Ratcliffe, and Carol Zander. In Computer Science Education, volume 16, pp 197-209, 2006. (DOI).
  47. Can Graduating Students Design Software Systems?. Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Mark Ratcliffe, and Carol Zander. In SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, volume 38, number 1, pp 403-407, 2006. (DOI).
  48. What Does It Take to Learn 'Programming Thinking'?. Anna Eckerdal and Anders Berglund. In Proc. 1st International Computing Education Research Workshop, pp 135-142, ACM Press, New York, 2005. (DOI).
  49. Novice Java Programmers' Conceptions of "Object" and "Class", and Variation Theory. Anna Eckerdal and Michael Thuné. In SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, volume 37, number 3, pp 89-93, 2005. (DOI).
  50. Students designing software: a multi-national, multi-institutional study. Josh Tenenberg, Sally Fincher, Ken Blaha, Dennis Bouvier, Tzu-Yi Chen, Donald Chinn, Stephen Cooper, Anna Eckerdal, Hubert Johnson, Robert McCartney, Alvaro Monge, Jan Erik Moström, Marian Petre, Kris Powers, Mark Ratcliffe, Anthony Robins, Dean Sanders, Leslie Schwartzman, Beth Simon, Carol Stoker, Allison Elliott Tew, and Tammy VanDeGrift. In Informatics in Education. An International Journal, volume 4, pp 143-162, 2005.



Updated  2022-08-31 15:00:52 by Victor Kuismin.