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Department of Information Technology

This page is a copy of research/scientific_computing/seminars/2014 (Wed, 31 Aug 2022 15:01:29)

Seminars 2014

3 December in room 2344

Cut finite element methods for convection-diffusion problems on time dependent domains

26 November in room 2344

Some statistical and computational aspects on managed futures funds

19 November in room 2344, PhD student seminar

A stabilized Nitsche cut element method for the wave equation

Convergence analysis for the SBP-SAT approximation of the second order wave equation

5 November in room 2344

Computational aeroacoustics of low Mach number ducted flows

22 October in room 2344

New Developments for Initial Boundary Value Problems at Linköping University

1 October in room 2446

Conservation through Computation: Using Modeling and Simulation to find Methods to Save Endangered Amphibians

24 September in room 1245

A Variational Multi-Scale method with spectral approximation of the sub-scales

17 September in room 2344

Maximum principle preserving continuous finite element schemes for conservation laws

10 September in room 1112

Multiscale techniques for solving eigenvalue problems

27 August in room 2244

A combined experimental and numerical workflow for field-scale in-situ combustion simulation

4 June in room 2344

Two studies of the accuracy and complexity of Monte Carlo methods

26 May at 10.15, docent lecture in Swedish

Modeller, metoder och mjukvara för simulering av cellulära reglersystem

22 May in room 2344

Overview of the PULSAR Project

21 May in room 2344

Probabilistic Domain Decomposition: an out-of-the-box approach to beat Amdahl's law in PDEs

7 May

Multi-level methods for discrete state modelling of chemical systems

23 April

The Induced Dimension Reduction method and extensions for solving large systems of linear equations

9 April

On the asymptotic spectrum of stiffness matrices arising from Isogeometric Analysis

2 April in room 2446

Basic introduction to hierarchical tensor decompositions - Tucker and Tensor Train decompositions with application to Quantum simulations

19 March

Energy-preserving integrators for stochastic Poisson systems

14 March at 10.15 in room 2344

A multilayer ice flow model generalizing the Shallow Shelf Approximation

12 March

Simultaneous Partitioning of a Sequence of Graphs using a Spectral Tensor Method

26 February

A compact finite difference model for the global electric circuit

12 February

Time-domain numerical modeling of poroelastic waves: the Biot-JKD model with fractional derivatives

29 January in room 1112

Multiscale reaction-diffusion modelling: Application to stochastic front propagation

Updated  2022-08-31 15:01:29 by Victor Kuismin.