About us

Our everyday experience is governed by the world of systems and control. In nature as well as in the man-made world, dynamical systems are ubiquitous. We are increasingly dependent on the purposeful, robust, safe and efficient functioning of dynamical systems around us. We investigate ways of developing stochastic mathematical models for dynamical systems and the signals they generate, and we develop powerful methods to extract useful information. Our research has a wide range of applications such as biomedicine, wireless communication, navigation and wastewater treatment.
Latest publications

Explainable AI associates ECG aging effects with increased cardiovascular risk in a longitudinal population study
. (DOI
, Fulltext
, fulltext:print
<em>l</em><sub>0</sub> Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Sparse Covariance Matrices
. (DOI
Rättsliga hinder mot samverkan?: Juridik och ledningsfrågor vid doktorandsamverkan

Upcoming seminars can be found in LäsIT
List of seminars given at the division.
Department Calendar
Internal Calendar
Contact information
The division is located in building 10 at the Ångström Laboratory.
For further contact information.
- Head of Division (Avdelningsföreståndare)
- Thomas Schön
- Director of Undergraduate Studies (Studierektor)
- Hans Rosth