This page is a copy of research/systems_and_control/automatic (Wed, 31 Aug 2022 15:08:01)
Automatic Control
The research in automatic control has a wide variation and includes both pure theory, and some various applications.
The research projects are/were supported by the Swedish Research Council, MISTRA, Jernkontoret, and Volvo.
Senior researchers
Bengt Carlsson, Alexander Medvedev, Torsten Söderström, Torbjörn Wigren
PhD students
- Fundamental low frequency limitations in networked control
- Networked control with saturation and delay
- Control of smart structures
- Modelling and control of wastewater treatment plant
Past projects
- Pole placement design
- Parameter and state estimation in the steel converter process
- Echo cancellation without silent channel detection
- Identification and control of non-linear solar collector plants with long and varying delays
- Linearizing control of non-linear Wiener systems
- Active vibration and noise control
- Functional monitoring and fault-tolerant control of jet engine
Some achievements
- Graduated PhD's in automatic control include Linda Brus, Mats Ekman, Magnus Evestedt, Björn Halvarsson, Peter Nauclér, Claes Olsson, Pär Samuelsson, Maria Werlefors.
- Previous group members in automatic control include Kjell Nordström (senior lecturer), Carl-Fredrik Lindberg (PhD exam), Anders Malmgren (PhD exam), Niclas Björsell (lic exam).
- A textbook has been written, and is well recieved: T. Söderström: Discrete-time Stochastic Systems. First edition: Prentice-Hall International, Hemel Hempstead, UK, 1994. Second edition: Springer-Verlag, London, 2002.