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Department of Information Technology




At the division of Vi3, a unique combination of expertise in computing education research, computerized image analysis and human-computer interaction is located. Mathematics and psychology are combined, with a focus on making the research useful in practice. Information technology has changed the way people work and today we can achieve what was still science fiction a few years ago. Vi3 contributes to enhanced support for e.g. surgeons, historians and train dispatchers. In several projects, we strive towards the automation of the interpretation of images, e.g. from X-ray and microscopy applications. In others, we apply the knowledge of how people work and use information to the design of computer support systems and work processes that make the best use of the opportunities offered by computers and automation technology. Vi3 consists of three units: Image Analysis, Human-Machine Interaction, and Computing Education Research, and hosts the Centre for Image Analysis.

Contact information

The division is part of the Department of Information Technology. It is located in Nya Ångström.
Further contact information

Head of Division
Ida-Maria Sintorn
Deputy Heads of Division
Jessica Lindblom, Aletta Nylén
Director of Studies
Filip Malmberg
Maryam Taheri
Head of Research Program
Carolina Wählby
Elisabeth Wetzer

Updated  2023-10-17 11:57:58 by Ulrika Andersson.