Internal Organization by Division
This document is a part of the Shangri-La project.
The internal organization on division level varies and has so far not been fully transparent. This document has been developed in order for everyone to better understand the internal decision making processes of the different divisions. It is our hope that this will make it easier for everyone to know who to contact with ideas and suggestions, and whenever you want to forward your opinion on different matters.
A common feature for all Divisions/Units, is that there is a Head of Division who has full responsibility of all activities on Division level, including personnel and economy on delegation of the Head of Department. The Head of Division is appointed by the Head of Department, on proposal from the Division.
There should also be a Deputy Head of Division for each Division. The Deputy Head of Division is replacing the Head of Division in his/her absence. Besides that, the tasks and responsibilities can vary between Divisions. The Deputy Head of Division is appointed by the Head of Division.
Administrative Support Unit (a-gruppen)
- Head of the Administrative Support Unit (chefsadministratör): Jakob Piehl
- To find out who to contact in different administrative matters you can ask any of the administrative personnel
or check these pages sorted by task
or name
The Administrative Support Unit (a-gruppen) consist of the sub groups Student Office, Financial Administration, Human Resource (HR-unit), the repro/janitorial unit, and a few members that are specialists on research center administration, web, official registrar, department premises etc. Each of the groups consists of 2-5 people working closely together making day-to-day decision within their group. Some persons are members of two or more sub groups.
Meetings (exchanging information of general interest of the group, problem solving etc):
- the Administrative Support Unit (a-gruppen) - every second week, Tuesdays
- the Student Office Group (IT-kansliet) - once a week, Thursdays or Fridays
- the Financial Administration Group - once every two weeks, Thursdays (more often when needed)
All three of these meetings have an agenda and notes are taken.
Once every 18 months the "A-gruppen" has a 1-2 day conference where current and future issues are discussed. These meetings agenda is planned in advance, sometimes with external speakers invited. Notes are taken.
The unit consists of 22 employees.
Computer Support (datordrift)
Division of Computing Science (CSD)
- Head of Division (avdelningsföreståndare): Joachim Parrow, ends 220131
- Deputy Head of Division (biträdande avdelningsföreståndare): Tobias Wrigstad
- Director of Undergraduate Studies (studierektor): Tjark Weber
- Program-Responsible Professor (programansvarig professor): Pierre Flener
The Head of Division has overall managerial responsibility for the division and is the immediate manager (linjechef) of all CSD staff, including PhD students. This means that questions regarding vacation, leave of absence and overall allocation of work tasks are handled by the Head of Division. The Head of Division is responsible for the overall division budget and decides on the use of faculty research funds after consulting with the Program-Responsible Professor.
There is also a Deputy Division head who will handle urgent issues when the division head is unavailable.
Planning, budgeting and staff allocation regarding undergraduate teaching work is delegated to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, while the daily research work of PhD students is managed by their supervisors. The Program-Responsible Professor is responsible for strategic planning of the division research.
Every undergraduate course has a responsible teacher appointed by the Director of Undergraduate Studies. The responsible teacher has the right to make decisions regarding how the course is to be carried out and acts as manager for all teaching staff involved with that course.
Research group leaders/principal investigators are responsible for planning and budgeting the work in their research groups.
It is expected that normally all groups of people working together (e.g. in a research group or with a course) will co-operatively take responsibility and make decisions on how to carry out the work without managers having to make formal decisions.
The Head of Division, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Program-Responsible Professor and Deputy Head of Division will meet informally as required to discuss and make decision about the day-to-day operation of the division.
Once a month, on dates determined for each semester, there is a lunch meeting for all staff, with an opportunity to discuss general matters, and where we rotate so that each time one of us makes a small presentation. This is followed by a csd faculty meeting to discuss and agree on current issues.
Division of Computer Systems (DoCS)
The division has several forums for discussion. There is a small operational group consisting of:
- Head of Division (avdelningsföreståndare): Mohamed Faouzi Atig
- Deputy Head of Division (biträdande avdelningsföreståndare): Christian Rohner
- Director of Undergraduate Studies (studierektor): Pontus Ekberg
- Program-Responsible Professors (programansvarig professor): Bengt Jonsson, David Black-Schaffer, and Mats Daniels
- Economist: Sofia Stahre
This group meets once a month to discuss the day-to-day business of the division.
Another forum is the Wednesday-meeting (lunch, 12 - 13), to which all staff-members except PhD students and PostDoc's are invited. Topics on the agenda include: strategic discussions about the division, progress of PhD students, research applications, development of new courses, new positions, etc.
Together with the Division of Computing Systems, the division organises a seminar series in which research presentations by internal and external people are given, on average about two presentations per month.
The division has a rapidly growing number of PhD students. A meeting with all PhD students is held each semester by the Head of Division and Director of Undergraduate Studies. The intent of these meetings is to monitor the workload of the PhD students, both teaching- and research-wise. The PhD students elect 2 representatives, who represent the group as a whole when important decisions for the division are made.
Division of Systems and Control (syscon)
The Division has an executive committee called SLED (Systemtekniks LEDningsgrupp), consisting of:
- Head of Division (avdelningsföreståndare): Thomas Schön
- Deputy Head of Division (biträdande avdelningsföreståndare):
- Director of Undergraduate Studies (studierektor): Hans Rosth
- Program-Responsible Professor (programansvarig professor) Automatic Control: Alexander Medvedev
The Head of Division has overall managerial responsibility for the Division. The Deputy Head handles urgent issues when the Head is absent.
The SLED Committee meets on a weekly basis (Fridays at 10.30), where current matters of all kinds are discussed.
Another forum for discussions is a fortnightly lunch meeting of all seniors (Wednesday every odd week), where current issues are discussed and everyone shares information on their current activities.
The Division also has a weekly coffee meeting, where everyone is encouraged to participate. This has the double goal to assure that the Division members meet on a regular basis, and to discuss current issues.
All of the above activities are of an informal nature and no minutes are taken.
Further, division faculty meetings are organized at least twice per semester, where the seniors and at least one PhD student representative participate. The student representative is selected annually by the group of PhD students. These meetings have an agenda and minutes are taken and distributed to everyone at the Division. The issues to be discussed can vary from time to time, but the yearly planning/reporting cycle of the University should be reflected. Items to be discussed includes activity reporting to the faculty, personnel issues (eg recruitment planning, distribution of tasks on Division level), education issues (planning of future courses,study plans, course plans, department duties, manning of courses), PhD program issues (supervision issues, study plans, PhD courses), current research issues and economic issues (closing of the accounts, the budget process).
Finally, Division meetings are organized at least once per semester for all members of the division, where current issues are discussed, and combined with some social activity.
Division of Scientific Computing (TDB)
- Head of Division (avdelningsföreståndare): Emanuel Rubensson
- Deputy Head of Division (biträdande avdelningsföreståndare): Carl Nettelblad
- Director of Studies (studierektor): Jarmo Rantakokko
- Director of PhD program (forskarutbildningsansvarig professor), Scientific Computing: Maya Neytcheva
- Director of PhD program (forskarutbildningsansvarig professor), Scientific Computing with specialization in Numerical Analysis: Ken Mattsson
- Program-Responsible Professor (programansvarig professor), Numerical Analysis: Gunilla Kreiss
- Program-Responsible Professor (programansvarig professor), Computational Science: Sverker Holmgren
- Economist: Wiola Öhlund
The Head of Division has overall managerial responsibility for the division and is the immediate manager (linjechef) of all division staff, including PhD students. This means that questions regarding vacation, leave of absence and overall allocation of work tasks are taken by the head of division. The Head of Division is responsible for the overall division budget and decides on the use of faculty research funds (after consulting with the Program-Responsible Professors).
There is also a Deputy Head of Division (biträdande avdelningsföreståndare) who will handle urgent issues when the Head of Division is unavailable.
Planning, budgeting and staff allocation regarding undergraduate teaching work is delegated to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, while the daily research work of PhD students is managed by their supervisors.
There are two research programs at the division: Numerical Analysis and Computational Science. The Research Program Coordinators are responsible for strategic planning of the division's research programs.
Every undergraduate course has a responsible teacher appointed by the Director of Undergraduate Studies. The responsible teacher has the right to make decisions regarding how the course is to be carried out and acts as manager for all teaching staff involved with that course.
Research group leaders/principal investigators are responsible for planning and budgeting the work in their research groups.
The Division has a an executive committee ("ledningsgrupp") that has a meeting every second week (presently Fridays). We have usually a written agenda and memos after the meeting. The committee consists of the following functions: Head and Deputy Head of Division, Directors of Graduate Studies (FUAP), Director of Undergraduate Studies, the Research Program Coordinators, Division Economist.
We have the following regular discussion forums:
- "TDB lunch" once per semester for all personnel
- "Senior lunch" twice per semester for all faculty staff
- "PhD student lunch" once or twice per semester for all PhD students
- Friday info every Friday at 9:45 for all personnel
Other less regular events
- Division meetings with social activity typically once a year
- Internal conferences typically every second year
Division Vi3; Image Analysis, Human-Machine Interaction and Computing Education Research
- Head of Division: Robin Strand
- Deputy Head of Division, HMI: Jessica Lindblom
- Deputy Head of Division, CER: Aletta Nylen
- Director of Undergraduate Studies: Filip Malmberg
- Program-Responsible Professor (programansvarig professor), Image Analysis and Human-Computer Interaction: Carolina Wählby
- Program-Responsible Professor (programansvarig professor), Computing Education Research: Mats Daniels
- PhD Program Director, Computer Science with a specialisation in Computing Education Research: Åsa Cajander
- PhD Program Director, Computer Science with a specialisation in Human-Computer Interaction: Mike Hazas
- PhD Program Director, Computerised Image Processing: Ingela Nyström
The Head of Division has overall managerial responsibility for the Division. In practice, this work is carried out in Close collaboration with the Deputy Heads of Division.
The division's management group consists of the head of division and the two deputy heads of division. There are also separate groups that deal with questions about research, education and postgraduate education. There is also a PhD student group. The different groups have regular individual meetings and meetings with the management group.
On Fridays at 3 o'clock, there is a 15-minute Vi3 information meeting. Notes from the information meeting is distributed by the Head of Division after the information meeting. These are posted on the Division's mp-page. The Division's weekly fika are after the information meeting on Fridays.
We have three seminar series, see The idea is that everyone should have the opportunity to participate in a seminar series that is of close interest. The seminars are typically 30 minutes plus questions.