Previous conferences, summer schools and workshops
MCC 2017
The objective of the NORDIC WORKSHOP ON MULTI-CORE COMPUTING is to bring together Nordic researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to present and discuss recent work in the area of multi-core computing.
This year's edition was hosted by Uppsala University (Sweden) and was focused on software-hardware co-designed solutions for accelerators, performance and energy efficiency. This year’s keynote speakers addressed the importance of this topic and we especially welcomed submissions related to this area.
EWSN 2017
The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) is a highly selective single-track international conference focussing on premier research results at the intersection of embedded systems and wireless networking - an area of highest relevance for visionary technologies such as the Internet of Things or Cyber-Physical Systems and application domains such as Smart Production, Smart Cities, or Connected Cars.
- Dates: February 20-22, Uppsala
- General Co-Chairs: Thiemo Voigt and Per Gunningberg
ETAPS 2017
The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS) is the primary European forum for academic and industrial researchers working on topics relating to Software Science.
- Dates: April 23-29, Uppsala.
- General Chair: Parosh Abdulla
SMC 2017
SMC 2017 is a workshop on Sequential Monte Carlo.
- Dates: August 30-September 1, Uppsala
- Contact: Fredrik Lindsten
Scientific Computing in Sweden
The aim of this two-day workshop is to bring together researchers and teachers in Scientific Computing in Sweden to share news and ideas.
19-20 October 2016
EISIC 2016 European Intelligence & Security Informatics Conference
The Premier European Conference on Counterterrorism and Criminology
Uppsala, Sweden, August 17-19, 2016
General Chairs
· Lisa Kaati, Uppsala University, Sweden
· Tove Gustavi, FOI Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden
Program Chairs
· Joel Brynielsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
· Fredrik Johansson, FOI Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software
April 17-19, Uppsala
General Chair: Erik Hagersten
International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering
Jointly organized by the Uppsala Computing Education Research Group (UpCERG) and Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB), India.
March 31st to April 3rd, 2016 in Mumbai, India.
Swedish Symposium on Image Analysis
Organized by Centre for Image Analysis, Division of Visual Information and Interaction.
March 14th to March 16th, in Uppsala.
General Chair: Robin Strand
UPMARC Multicore Computing Summer School 2015
June 8-10, Uppsala
Organisers and Steering Committee of 2015: Konstantinos Sagonas (main organiser), Mohamed Faouzi Atig (organiser), Roland Grönroos (administrator)
September 24-26, Uppsala
Conference Chairs: María Andreína Francisco and Virginia Grande
Other co-organizers from our department: Edith Ngai (Program Chair), Mikael Laaksoharju (Posters, local support), Åsa Cajander (Workshops Chair), Tobias Wrigstad (Unconference, local support), Ida-Maria Sintorn (Local Arrangements), Carina Lindgren (Treasurer), Joseph Scott (Design Chair, Webmaster)
October 8-9, Uppsala
Local organizing committee: Elisabeth Larsson, Michael Ashcroft, Jing Liu
October 14-15. Arlanda
Programme Coordinator: Ingela Nyström
(5th Development Conferens for Swedens Engineering Educations)
November 18-19, Uppsala
Hosted by TekNat-fakulteten via TUR, Chair: Stefan Pålsson
ICPR 2014
The 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, August 24-28, Stockholm
Local Arrangements Chair: Ingela Nyström, Finance Chair: Ewert Bengtsson, Invited Speakers Chair: Gunilla Borgefors
ECOOP 2014
The European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP) is the premier international conference covering all areas of object technology and related software development technologies, July 28 - August 1, Uppsala
General Chair: Tobias Wrigstad, Local Organising Co-Chair: Johannes Borgström, Local Organising Co-Chair: Kostis Sagonas, Local Organising Co-Chair: Lars-Henrik Eriksson
SWITS 2014
14th Seminar within the Framework of a Swedish IT Security Network for PhD students, June 12-13, 2014, Uppsala
Organiser: Christian Rohner
ITiCSE 2014
19th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June 23-25, Uppsala
Conferens Charirs: Åsa Cajander and Mats Daniels, Program Chair: Arnold Pears, Posters: Aletta Nylén, Tips, Techniques, and Courseware: Lars-Åke Nordén, Local Committee: Anders Berglund, Anna Eckerdal, (excursions), Henrik Hedlund (technical issues), Björn Victor (website)
UPMARC Winter Meeting 2013 (internal meeting)
February 27
ISMM 2013
May 27-29
General Chair: Gunilla Borgefors
SSBA Summer School 2013
June 3-5
PhD-level Summer School - How to use and make additions to open-source software for image processing, analysis, and visualization in medicine and microscopy.
ComplexHPC Spring School 2013
June 3-7 juni
General Chair: Maya Neytcheva
UPMARC 5:th Summer School on Multicore Computing
June 10-14
European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC) 2013
August 12-14
General Chair: Lisa Kaati
CP 2013, the 19th International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
September 16-20
Conference Chairs: Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson and Mats Carlsson
September: 25-27
Co-chair: Parosh Abdulla, Program Committee
Workshop in Computational and Mathematical Finance
October 8
Lina von Sydow
EDBT/ICDT 2011 Joint Conference
21-25 mars
Ansvarig arrangör: Tore Risch
The 5th EGEE User Forum
The 5th EGEE User Forum anordnades i samarbete med EGI och NDGF
12-16 april
Arrangörer: SNIC, UPPMAX och PDC
INTERACT 2009 12th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Den tolfte IFIP konferensen om människa-datorinteraktion, INTERACT 2009.
24-28 augusti
Arrangör: Avdelningen för människa-datorinteraktion, institutionen för informationsteknologi, Uppsala universitet
Enumath 2009
Den åttonde europeiska konferensen om beräkningsmatematik och avancerade tillämpningar, ENUMATH 2009,
29 juni - 3 juli
Arrangör: Avdelningen för teknisk databehandling vid institutionen för informationsteknologi, Uppsala universitet,
Numerical Linear Algebra Afternoon and IWTM conference
12 juni
Arrangör: Avdelningen för teknisk databehandlning.
15th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics
Detta evenemang är relaterat till IWTM
13 - 17 juni
Swedish Embedded Systems Meeting
13 mars
International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS'05)
Den tredje FORMATS hölls i Uppsala, 26 - 28 september , 2005 i samband med ARTIST2 sommarskola, 29 september - 2 oktober, 2005, och behandlar komponentmodellering, testning och verifiering samt statisk analys av inbyggda system.
The 16th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT'04)
6-8 oktober
Multiscale Methods in Science and Engineering 2004
26-28 januari
Nita och UserAward-konferens
7-8 maj
Arrangör: Nita och UsersAward, medarrangör var Jan Gulliksen, Bengt Sandblad och Bengt Göransson.
ARTES Graduate Student Conference 2002
18-19 april
ACM SIGCOMM 2000-konferensen
28 augusti - september, i Stockholm
Ansvarig arrangör: Per Gunningberg
Ämneskonferens datavetenskap 2000
5-7 juni 2000