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Department of Information Technology


19/10 16.30-18.00 in 6140

No Title Presenter
1 Restarting for the Tensor Infinite Arnoldi method Giampaolo Mele, KTH
2 Convergence analysis of the Dirichlet-Neumann method for the unsteady transmission problem Azahar Monge, LU
3 Numerical Modeling of Cell Populations Communicating via Diffusing Signal Molecules Sonja Mathias, UU
4 Space-Time Implicit Picard Iteration Arash Gahsemi, SimCenter
5 Summation-by-part Approximations and Domain Decomposition Oskar Ålund, LiU
6 Examples of Application of Uncertainty Quantification Techniques in Study of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows Saleh Rezaeiravesh, UU
7 The Spectral Ewald method for singly periodic Coulomb potentials Davoud Saffar Shamshirgar, KTH
8 Toward a Unified Task-based Parallel Programming Interface Afshin Zafari, UU
9 Detecting spurious solutions in Finite Element approximations of resonances in open systems Juan Carlos Araujo-Cabarcas, UmU
10 Higher Order Cut-Elements for the Wave Equation Simon Sticko, UU
11 The lateral drift of an inertial prolate spheroid in Stokes flow Joar Bagge, KTH
12 Reducing contrast dependency in numerical upscaling of elliptic problems Fredrik Hellman, UU
13 Sylvester-based preconditioner for the waveguide eigenvalue problem Emil Ringh, KTH
14 Accurate Modeling of Moving Contact Line in Two-Phase Immiscible Flows Hanna Holmgren, UU
15 On some interpolation operators on triangles with curved sides Teodora Catinas, Babes-Bolyai Univ.
16 Multi-Asset Option Pricing using RBF-FD Slobodan Milovanovic, UU
17 Simulation and validation of surfactant-covered droplets in two-dimensional Stokes flow Sara Pålsson, KTH
18 Algebraic Multigrid methods based on the GLT theory Ali Dorostkar, UU
19 Function extension with radial basis functions in an integral based method Fredrik Fryklund, KTH
20 Efficient implementations of matrix-free finite element methods Karl Ljungkvist, UU
21 Stable and accurate grid interfaces for the dynamic beam equation Jonatan Werpers, UU
22 Accurate and stable time stepping in ice sheet modeling Gong Cheng, UU
23 Nonlinearly Filtered Minimum Compliance Topology Optimization Problems Linus Hägg, UmU
24 Computation of frontier orbitals in linear scaling electronic structure calculations Anastasia Kruchinina, UU
25 Solving nonlinear equations in R by a robust Aitken-Newton method Emil Catinas, Romanian Academy
26 Multi-Level Runge-Kutta Based Local Time-Stepping for Wave Propagation Martin Almquist, UU
27 Uncertainty quantification for high frequency waves Gabriela Malenova, KTH

UU = Uppsala University
KTH = Royal Institute of Technology
UmU = Umeå University
LiU = Linköping University
LU = Lund University
Babes-Bolyai Univ. = Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
SimCenter = SimCenter: Center of Excellence in Applied Computational Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee

Updated  2016-10-31 11:31:43 by Peter Waites.