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Department of Information Technology

Wednesday October 19

Time Room Activity Presenter
9.45-10.15 Outside 2446 Registration and coffee
10.15-11.30 2446 Morning session I Chair: Lina von Sydow
10.15-10.20 2446 Welcome and opening remarks Lina von Sydow, UU
10.20-10.40 2446 Goal Oriented Time Adaptivity Using Local Error Estimates Philipp Birken, LU
10.40-11.00 2446 High Resolution Interface Representation In Numerical Simulation Of Interface Problems Using Finite Element Methods Bärbel Holm, KTH
11.00-11.20 2446 Fast direct solver for advection-diffusion equation using low-rank approximation Jonathan Bull, UU
11.20-11.30 Short break
11.30-12.40 2446 Morning session II Chair: Stefan Pålsson
11.30-11.50 2446 Clickers in basic Scientific Computing Gunilla Kreiss, UU
11.50-12.00 2446 Computationally oriented mathematics courses at Chalmers Stig Larsson Chalmers/GU
12:00-12:10 2446 On assessment methods Eddie Wadbro, UmU
12.10-12:20 2446 Undoing the damage done by MATLAB Philipp Birken, LU
12:20-12:40 2446 Discussion Stefan Pålsson, Gunilla Kreiss
12.40-13.40 Rullan Lunch
13.40-15.10 2446 Afternoon session I Chair: Murtazo Nazarov
13.40-13.50 2446 The Carl-Erik Fröberg Prize Lars Eldén, editor-in-chief BIT
13.50-14.10 2446 Dynamical low-rank approximation Emil Kieri, Univ. of Bonn
14.10-14.30 2446 Parameter Estimation in Finance Using Radial Basis Function Methods Elisabeth Larsson, UU
14.30-14.50 2446 An integral equation method for simulating 3D drops with insoluble surfactant Chiara Sorgentone, KTH
14.50-15.10 2446 Exponential integrators for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with white noise dispersion David Cohen, UmU
15.10-15.30 Outside 2446 Coffee
15.30-16.30 2446 Afternoon session II Chair: Ali Dorostkar
15.30-15.50 2446 Data-driven Epidemiological Simulations Stefan Engblom, UU
15.50-16.10 2446 Topology optimization of compact wideband coaxial-to-waveguide transitions with minimum-size control Eddie Wadbro, UmU
16.10-16.30 2446 On Multi-Scale Direction-Splitting Methods For Unsteady Diffusion Equation With Highly Heterogeneous Coefficients Shriram Srinivasan, KTH
16.30-18.00 6140 Poster session with mingling
18.30- Restaurant Hyllan, Saluhallen Dinner

Thursday October 20

Time Room Activity Presenter
9.00-10.40 2446 Morning session I Chair: Gunilla Kreiss
9.00-9.20 2446 Reducing collections of matrices Andrii Dmytryshyn, UmU
9.20-9.40 2446 Weak error simulation for stochastic partial differential equations Annika Lang, Chalmers/GU
9.40-10.00 2446 Acoustic Shape Optimization without Mesh Update Anders Bernland, UmU
10.00-10.20 2446 Fast Ewald summation for free-space Stokes potentials Anna-Karin Tornberg, KTH
10.20-10.40 2446 Experience in solving discrete optimal comtrol problems constrained by partial differential equations Maya Neytcheva, UU
10.40-11.00 Outside 2446 Coffee
11.00-12.40 2446 Morning session II Chair: Per Lötstedt
11.00-11.20 2446 Modeling and forecasting of traffic dynamics from a stochastic process information-based approach Alexandros Sopasakis, LU
11.20-11.40 2446 Krylov approximation of polynomially perturbed linear ODEs Antti Koskela, KTH
11.40-12.00 2446 A new discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method for elastic waves with physically motivated numerical fluxes Kenneth Duru, LMU München
12.00-12.20 2446 PyURDME, MOLNs and StochSS — from new algorithms for spatial stochastic simulation to large-scale distributed computational experiments in “the cloud" Andreas Hellander, UU
12.20-12.40 2446 Evaluating boundary integrals in Stokes flow using Quadrature by Expansion Ludvig af Klinteberg, KTH
12.40-13.40 Rullan Lunch
13.40-15.00 2446 Afternoon session Chair: Michael Thuné
13.40-13.50 2446 Winner best poster Lina von Sydow
13.50-14.10 2446 Scalable parallelization of dynamic algorithms using the Chunks and Tasks programming model Elias Rudberg
14.10-14.30 2446 CutFEM for free boundary value problems and shape optimization Daniel Elfverson
14.30-14.50 2446 Quantum observables for transport coefficients approximated by molecular dynamics Anders Szepessy
14.50-15.00 2446 Closing remarks Lina von Sydow
15.00-15.30 Outside 2446 Coffee

UU = Uppsala University
KTH = Royal Institute of Technology
UmU = Umeå University
LiU = Linköping University
LU = Lund University
Chalmers/GU = Chalmers/Gothenburg University
Univ. of Bonn = University of Bonn
LMU München = Ludwig-Maximilians-universität München

Updated  2016-10-31 11:32:01 by Peter Waites.