Computing in the cloud
Here we will collect tips and information about our cloud computing resources.
More information about the Cloud infrastructure is found at
We are using and OpenStack-based cloud system from HPE with both vmware- and kvm-compute nodes.
Ubuntu 16 LTS
2017-07-10 - We don't recommend trying to use the Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 LTS distribution as there are problems.
We recommend you use the ubuntu 18.04-image.
Attach a new disk in the cloud machine
SSH to the new cloud machine
You will get a .pem-file when you get the new VM.
This should be put into your .ssh-folder and have a chmod of 400
The .ssh-folder should not have more than 700 either.
root@astrid:~# ls -al .ssh/astrid.pem -r-------- 1 astra772 it 1702 Feb 24 12:18 .ssh/astrid.pem
SSH to the cloudmachine with
ssh -i .ssh/FILENAME.pem USER@computer-with-public-ip
USER = the standard username you will get information about,
FILENAME.pem you have to replace with the name of your .pem-file and
computer-with-public-ip the IP you will get when you get your machine.
We recommend you create a new user for day-to-day-maintenance and create some ssh-keys too.
Make sure that this user can sudo. (visudo and edit or change groups accordingly).