Computer accounts
Rules and policies
See the rules and policies to be observed when using the computers at the Department of Information Technology.
Creating student accounts
How to request computer account for students for the department Linux system (Linux labs) (information for teachers).
About your new computer account at the Department of Information Technology
Here are answers to certain common questions concerning your computer account at the Department of Information Technology (IT department). Make an effort to read them through, and save this document for future reference.
System support staff
To obtain assistance using our computers please follow the information here.
When you activated your account at the university you received a password called A. In your user profile you can also create a second password for your university account. This is called password B.
Password A is used to log in to the Student portal, eduPrint and to read email. Password B is used for connecting to the wireless network Eduroam.
To log in to the computer labs use password A. To be able to use the Linux labs (the Linux system) a separate account needs to be created but you use password A. The account is normally created at the beginning of the education/ course but can also be requested in room 102195 in building 10 at Ångström.
If you have forgotten password A you can reset it on the university activation page
Web pages
You may create your own public web pages, with for an address. Put the code for your first page in a file named index.html in your public_html subdirectory to your home directory on our Unix systems.