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Department of Information Technology



In August 2015 the Sunray system in the unix computer labs 1412, 1515, 1549, 1412, 2507, 2510 and 2516 was replaced by thin clients with Thinlinc and Linux/Ubuntu.


A separate unix account is needed. Student accounts will be created in the beginning of the education/ beginning of the course but can also be requested for in room 4118b in building 4 at MIC. If you have an account in the Sunray/Solaris system then most of you don't need a new account.
Employees, that don't have a Sunray/Solaris account since before, can apply for an account in room 4118b.


  • Students: use password A
  • Employees:
    • Most employees will use password A.
    • If you have an account on the Sunray/Solaris system since before
      • with the same username as your university account: use password A
      • with a username that is different from the university account: use the unix username and password. To get it to work you first have to log in to the Sunray/Solaris system using your password.
      • with a numerical UID that is below 200, you will have to get a new account (go to room 4118b). To check, start a shell and type "id".

Connect a USB device, for example a thumb drive

Prior to login (or if you are already logged in, type F8 and choose "Disconnect session"):

  • Connect the USB device to the Thinlinc station
  • Click the "Options..." button in the ThinLinc Client:
    • Go under the tab "Local Devices"
      • Click on "Details" beside "Drives"
        • Click on "Add", click on the little square with three dots in (to the right of "Exported Paths and permissions") .
          • You should now be able to see your USB device. Mark it and cklick on "ok".
        • You can now see the mounted USB device under "Exported Paths and permissions" (for example /media/KingstonDataTraveller_sdb1/). Mark the mounted device and choose the desired permissions under "Permissions" ("Read only" or "Read and Write").
        • Klick on "ok" two times.
  • Log on to the Thinlinc station (if the window is black, move the mouse.) Open a terminal window (with ctrl-Alt-T or from the menu "Applications"->"System Tools"->"Terminal") and type tl-mount-localdrives. You will find the USB device in the folder thindrives in your home directory.
  • Log out and disconnect the USB device (choose "Remove" under "Exported Paths and permissions", see above)

Usage tips and known problems

Access / Mount your student Windows X:\ drive

In Files (file explorer) select "Other Locations" at the bottom "Connect to server..." enter smb:// as "Server Address" and click "Connect", select "Registered User" and enter yourid as "Username", as "Domain" and provide your password A.

Login problems

Please make sure that you do have an unix account - it is not sufficient to only have an activated university account but you need to have been added to our unix system as well. This can be checked and solved by staff in 4118b.

If the login window comes back when you try to login, you might have exceeded your disk quota or is close to the limit and thus not be able to create any new files in your home directory.

  • If you are close to the limit then you can log in without the window manager and delete files. Try this:
  • Use SSH to log in to any of our unix server with your username and password.
  • If you can't log in, please go to room 4118b to get help.
  • If it works to log in, try to delete files that you don't need. To see what you have (what takes the most space), run for example the command
    du -sk | sort -n
    (gives a list of your subdirectories and their size in KB) or use the
    command to list folder size.
  • If you need to keep all files, then you can get higher quota. Please go to room 4118b.
  • Log out (type logout)

Missing menus

If you don't see any menus when you have logged in:

  1. Open a terminal window (for example with ctrl-Alt-T)
    • Run the command:
      • gnome-panel --replace &
    • Don't close the terminal window
    • Next time you log in, you should have received menus
  2. Alternatively, if the above doesn't work, add menues to the panel:
    • Press the Alt button + right click on the black top panel
    • Choose "Add to panel..."
    • Scroll down to "Main menu" and mark that
    • Click on the Add button (bottom right)

Keyboard layout

Please consider that there might be differences in the keyboard layout you usually use for entering your password and the current setup. This is especially important if your password should contain "swedish" characters or special characters which might be in different positions on a swedish or an english keyboard.

Last resort - End the existing session

If you can't sort out the problems with the menus, the desktop icons - or simply get a white background with nothing at all in it, you can try to end the existing session and start a new one.

In the login-window where you enter your username and password there is a checkbox for "End existing session" (or perhaps "Avsluta aktiv session") - check this and try to log in. This will set up a new session. You might need to click at "Advanced" to be able to see this checkbox. This is not the same as "disconnect session".

Session not where I left it

Due to resource hogs and our limited pool of concurrent licenses we have implemented a policy where idle unused sessions will get cleaned after 18 hours.

Updated  2018-10-19 09:54:08 by Thomas Sundell.