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Department of Information Technology

IT in Society

(IT i samhället, 15hp, HT07, 1DT012)

General information

This is a 15 ECTS credit course that runs during the fall semester. It is to a large extent based on working with a real environment in roles that are close to the future profession of the students. The project this year will be use of Electronic Patient Journals in the health care sector, and especially at Uppsala Akademiska Sjukhus.

Further information about the course is availible through these links

Final reports

Previous final reports

The final report of 2005 was included in the final report of an EU project, Spreading Excellence (Spex). Some of the students presented their work at the final Spex meeting in Barcelona in January 2006. Here are some photos from that event.

Student portal page: IT and Society, 15 hp

Updated  2008-08-22 14:17:14 by Mats Daniels.