Artificiell intelligens, vt -04

Result of exam 040602.

Proposed solutions to exam 040602 link to the paper about expert systems.

Solving the Sussman Anomalyy using the POP Algortithm.

I have made some new copies of the articles and put in a folder outside my office, 2322. Please, borrow one or at most two papers at a time.

Exercises for lesson 5.

Exercises for lesson 9.

Exercises for lesson 13.

Some proposed solutions for lesson 13.

Exercises for lesson 17.

Exercises for lesson 20.

List of results of the assignments.

The schedule contains two lectures too many. The lecture on April 22 and the one on May 6th will be cancelled.

Lisp program for Mr P and Ms S.

Artificial Intelligence by George F Luger

Preliminary plan

Prelimimary timetable (updated).

Compulsory assignments.

Here you can download code from the book.

On this site you can find useful lisp information.

  • exp.lsp a small expert system written in lisp.
    Here is an example how it works.

    Better version of Candidate Elimination, a minimal lisp system written in C++. Some common lisp functions.

    Last modified: Fri Jun 11 11:26:45 MEST 2004