Welcome to the Master programme in Computer Science and the Sino-Swedish Master programme in Computer Science and Software Engineering
The programme starts on August 22, at 13.15 (sharp) in room 1211, building 1, second floor, at our campus, see http://www.it.uu.se/contact. The registration will take place there.
- Be on time! If not, you risk to lose your seat.
- Bring your passport and preferably a copy of your letter of acceptance to the first meeting.
Questions can be directed to: Anders Berglund
Formal course name: 1DT032 Avancerade datavetenskapsstudier i Sverige, 5hp
Aim: The course participant should learn to handle their study situation on the Master programme in Computer Science at Uppsala University. After the course the students should be capable of planning their studies, explain the educational system, working in teams, write reports and do presentations.
Content: About studies in Sweden: Ethics; independent work; writing reports, including writing correct references, colaboration and colaborative learning; plagiarism.
Practical issues, with an emphasis on studies in Uppsala: Using the computer systems. Swedish culture and society, particularly practical issues such as medical care.
Study orientation: Study techniques in Computer Science; The educational system in Sweden.
Anders and Ivan