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Department of Information Technology

Introductory week for the Master programme in Computer Science and the Sino-Swedish Master programme in Computer Science and Software Engineering

This is a first joint week for
- the Master programme in Computer Science and
- the Sino-Swedish Master programme in Computer Science and Software Engineering

Schedule for the first week of study, August 22 - 26, 2011

All activities take place in 1211, (building 1, room 211, see for travel directions), except when otherwise stated.

Please note that all students in the two programmes will have individual meetings with Anders Berglund or Ivan Christoff. The schedule for these meetings is settled on August 23. Most meetings will take place on Thursday, August 25.

Other social activities, run by the students, are available.

Preliminary schedule
Monday, August 22 room 1211
13.15 - approx. 16.00 Welcome Håkan Lanshammar
Name tags, welcoming packages everyone
Who is who everyone
Roll call Anders Berglund, Ivan Christoff
Presentation of the introduction programme Anders Berglund, Moa Eriksson
Some paper work Anders Berglund, Mariana Bustamante, Ivan Christoff
Taking a group photo Mariana Bustamante
Help with housing Lukas Klingsbo, Jens Rosén
Meetings for those students who might have questions concerning the formal admission Anders Berglund
Tuesday, August 23 room 1211
9.15 Overview of courses, how to read the schedule. Short information about degree requirements Anders Berglund
10.15 - 12.00 Course presentations Roland Bol
12.00 - 12.30 Booking of individual meetings Anders Berglund, Ivan Christoff
Group photo Mariana Bustamante
Campus walking tour with advices from older Master students Mariana Bustamante and Older Master students
13.30 Meeting for students of the Sino-Swedish programme Anders Berglund
13.30 Individual meetings for some students, Ivan's office Ivan Christoff
16.00 Individual discussions on admission for selected students, Anders' office Anders Berglund
Wednesday, August 24 room 1211
10.15 - 12.00 Student Union and the Nations, Access cards, computer accounts etc., civic registration number Anders Berglund. Ivan Christoff, Mariana Bustamante, Henrik Hedlund
afternoon University welcoming meeting see
evening Possible BBQ, weather dependent UTN
Thursday, August 25 room 1211
All day Individual meetings
evening Possible BBQ, weather dependent UTN
Friday, August 26 initial meetings in 1211, later in 1515
10.15 - 12.00 and 13.15 - 15.00 (half class groups) Lab. Ivan Christoff and Mariana Bustamante
All day Individual meetings
Evening Visit to the Student Nations Students

Updated  2011-09-01 12:00:09 by Ivan Christoff.