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Department of Information Technology

Advanced Computer Science Studies in Sweden

Please note that the information about the course is still preliminary after October 3:rd.
Unless otherwise stated, all the lectures will be given in room P_1211.

Teaching plan

Date What Comment
Sept 5, 10:15 Studying in Uppsala, with an introduction to Uppsala University and the Department of Information Technology. Michael Thuné, Head of department, Ivan Christoff
Sept 6, 15:15 Visit to the University museum - Gustavianum. Walking to Gustavianum takes approx. 30 minutes. See and click on "University Museum - Gustavianum" Ivan Christoff
Sept 9, 15:15 Inter-cultural communication Helena Bernald
Sept 11, 13:15 Inter-cultural communication Helena Bernald
Sept 17, 15:15 Academic writing Ivan Christoff
Sept 19, 15:15 What is academic honesty? Anders Berglund
Sept 20, 9.15 Information about the library Ulrika Haak
Sept 24, 15:15 Academic writing, peer review Ivan Christoff
Sept 25, 13:15 Research at the Department of Information Technology (canceled, the lecture will be re-scheduled) Bengt Jonsson
Sept 26, 15:15 Using Powerpoint Lars Oestreicher
Sept 27, 10:15 Course info for the spring semester Edith Ngai, Roland Bol
Oct 1, 15:15 Doing a scientific presentation Björn Victor
Oct 3, 13:15 Master thesis Olle Eriksson
Oct 16, 10:15 Presentations of papers MSc students
Oct 17, 10:15 Presentations of papers MSc students
Oct 18, 10:15 Presentations of papers MSc students

Updated  2013-09-24 14:22:07 by Ivan Christoff.