Assignment 3 - Haskell (due Fri 21 Dec 2012)
Submission instructions
Your submission should be a single file named (assignment3.hs) which will be sent as an attachment to a mail to . You should define all the functions described below. Use a module to export the relevant entities.
Also, see the general rules regarding submitting.
Declare the types of all functions you define!
- Design an abstract data type for dictionaries, i.e., key-value stores. An ordered tree should be used for representation You should have at least the following operations (all purely functional)
- create_dictionary compare default - create a new empty dictionary with compare being the comparison function to be used for keys. The comparison function should take two keys and return one of the constants LT, EQ, GT to express the relationship between the keys. default is the value that should be returned if a key is not found.
- lookup key dict - find value for key.
- update key value dict - return a new dictionary where key now maps to value, regardless of if it was present before.
- fold fun dict initial - fold the key-value pairs of the dictionary using the function fun. fun should take three arguments: key, value and sofar (in this order) which is the accumulated value so far. initial is the initial value for sofar. Please note that order of application is (or at least should be) not relevant.
- rebalance dict - return a new dictionary that is more balanced (if needed). This could be run when needed as part of update as well.
- keys dict - return the keys of the dictionary in a list. The order of the keys is not relevant.
- Write a function samekeys dict1 dict2 that determines if dict1 and dict2 contain the same set of keys. Take care to make it efficient, i.e., do not construct unnecessary large intermediate data structures. samekeys should use the compare function, which should be the same for the two dictionaries and can be assumed to behave 'in the right way' for its two arguments (i.e. EQ return value implies that the arguments can be swapped and the result is still EQ, GT implies that if the arguments are swapped the return value will be LT and vice-versa).
Define a function that takes a list and returns a list of all ways to split the list into two parts. Note that a part can be empty.
*Main> papercuts "hello" [("","hello"),("h","ello"),("he","llo"),("hel","lo"), ("hell","o"),("hello","")]
Lazy permutations
Define a function that given a list generates all permutations of the list. Make sure that the list is generated lazily, i.e., do not eagerly construct all elements. How can you, at least informally, verify that you are indeed generating the list of permutations lazily?
Lazy word generation
Define a function that given a list (we can call it an alphabet) generates a list of all strings that can be constructed using the the elements of the given alphabet. If a string can be constructed by the given alphabet, it should be generated in some finite time by your solution.
*Main> take 10 (genwords "ab") ["","a","b","aa","ba","ab","bb","aaa","baa","aba"] *Main> take 20 (genwords "lisp") ["","l","i","s","p","ll","il","sl","pl","li","ii","si","pi","ls","is","ss","ps","lp","ip","sp"] *Main> take 20 (filter (\w -> (length w) == 4) (genwords "dea")) ["dddd","eddd","addd","dedd","eedd","aedd","dadd","eadd","aadd","dded","eded","aded","deed","eeed","aeed","daed","eaed","aaed","ddad","edad"]