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Institutionen för informationsteknologi

Computer Assisted Image Analysis I

1TD396, Spring 2013, 5 credits


  • To give an introduction to the processing and analysis of digital images.


  • Pointwise image operators
  • Local image operators
  • Fourier analysis of images
  • Mathematical morphology and distance transforms
  • Image segmentation
  • Object description
  • Classification
  • Color images and image compression
  • Applications of image analysis


Anders Brun, [1]


  • Anders Brun
  • Cris Luengo
  • Vladimir Curic
  • Filip Malmberg
  • Azadeh Fakhrzadeh
  • Kristina Lidayová

Lectures and Labs

Date, Place Title Teacher Chapters  Files
Tue 2012-01-22, 13-15, Pol_2446  Introduction Anders 1, 2.1-2.4 lecture_introduction.pdf VT13_MATLAB.pdf
Thu 2012-01-24, 13-15, Pol_2446  Pointwise Operators  Anders  2.6.1-2.6.4 and 3.1-3.3 lecture_pointwise.pdf L02_example.zip
 Mon 2012-01-28, 15-17, Pol_2446  Local Operators  Anders 2.5.1-2.5.2, 3.4-3.7 (and 5.3) lecture_local.pdf competition.zip localop_loop.m
Wed 2012-01-30, 10-12, Pol_2446  Fourier Image Processing I  Cris  4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.11.1, 4.11.3 lecture_fourier1.pdf lecture_fourier1_demo.zip
Fri 2012-02-01, 13-17, Pol_1515D  LAB 1  Kristina, Vladimir, Azadeh   Lab1_all_material.zip
Mon 2012-02-04, 10-12, Pol_1211  Fourier Image Processing II  Cris   4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 5.2, 5.5, 5.7, 5.8 lecture_fourier2.pdf lecture_fourier2_demo.zip
Wed 2012-02-06, 13-15, Pol_2446 Mathematical Morphology and Distance Transforms   Vladimir 9.1-9.5.8, 9.6.1-9.6.3 lecture_morphology_dt.pdf
 Mon 2012-02-11, 13-15, Pol_2446 Image Segmentation Filip 10.1-10.2.5 and 10.3-10.5. lecture_segmentation.pdf
Fri 2012-02-15, 13-17, Pol_2510D  LAB 2 Kristina, Vladimir, Azadeh   lab2_material.zip
 Mon 2012-02-18, 15-17, Pol_2446  Object Description  Azadeh  11.1-11.4 lecture_objectdecriptors.pdf
 Wed 2012-02-20, 13-15, Pol_2446 Classification  Vladimir  12-12.2.3 lecture_classification.pdf
 Mon 2012-02-25, 10-12, Pol_2446  Color Images and Image Compression Anders  6 and 8 lecture_color_compression.pdf
Thu 2012-02-28, 08-12, Pol_1515D  LAB 3  Kristina, Vladimir, Azadeh   lab3_material.zip
 Mon 2012-03-04, 15-17, Pol_2446  Applications Anders, Cris, Ida-Maria (Vironova AB)   lecture_applications.pdf applications_cris.pdf (new theory introduced in this lecture will not be a part of the written exam. Ida-Marias slides will not be available.)
 Wed 2012-03-06, 13-15, Pol 2446  Review Anders  


During the lab sessions, you will be able to try out things learned in the lectures. Please come prepared! That means, go over the lectures again and read the relevant sections in the book. If you are properly prepared, you should be able to finish all the exercises during the lab session.


Exam Mon 2013-03-11, 8-13. Re-exam Thu 2013-06-13, 14-19.

For each lab finished before its deadline you will receive 2 additional points on the written exam (the exam will have a total of 40 points). This leads to a total of 15% bonus score on the exam.

On the written exam you will be allowed to carry one sheet (two sides) with hand-written notes. Preparing your own notes for the exam is a helpful studying technique, and we see little point in memorizing things.

Old exams:


Most of the lectures are based on this book:

  • R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, "Digital Image Processing",3rd. ed. : Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, cop. 2008, ISBN: 9780131687288.

You can get it (order it) at any bookstore (e.g. LundeQ) and also online, for example at: adlibris.com or bokus.com. A few books are also available through libraries.

Copies of slides and other material will be handed out during most of the lectures. The written exam is based on content covered in the lectures (oral presentation, lecture notes and blackboard examples). The book is highly recommended for background information and details about methods and theory.

Uppdaterad  2013-03-08 22:47:19 av Anders Brun.