Provably Correct Software, Spring -08
The schedule is provisional.
Week 14
Students should read chapters 1-4 of the textbook and start thinking about what to do for a project.
3/4 13-15 Introductory lecture.
4/4 08-10 Lecture. Chapters 1-4
Week 15
Students should think about what to do for a project and read chapters 5-9 of the textbook before the lecture.
7/4 13-17 Seminar. Chapters 1-4 and initial discussions about the projects
11/4 10-12 Lecture, Chapters 5-9
Week 16
Students should decide on what to do for a project, start working on the specification machine(s) and read chapters 10-11 of the textbook before the lecture.
14/4 10-15 Seminar (with lunch break....) Chapters 5-9 and presentation of projects proposals.
18/4 10-12 Lecture. Chapters 10-11.
Week 17
Students should work on the specification machine(s) and read chapters 12-14 of the textbook before the lecture.
21/4 10-15 Seminar (with lunch break). Chapters 10-11 and progress reports on specification machines.
25/4 10-15 Lecture 12-14
Week 18
Students should work on the specification machine(s), and read chapters 15-17 of the textbook before the lecture.
28/4 10-12 Seminar. Chapters 12-14 (and possibly progress reports on specification machines).
29/4 15-17 Lecture. Chapters 15-17
Week 19
Students should complete the specification machine(s) and start working on refinements/implementation.
6/5 13-15 Seminar. Chapters 15-17
8/5 10-15 Seminar (with lunch break) Presentation of specification machines.
Week 20
Students should work on on refinements/implementation.
Only group meetings this week.
Week 21
Students should work on on refinements/implementation.
Only group meetings this week.
Week 22
Students should work on on refinements/implementation.
Only group meetings this week.
Week 23
2/6 10-17 Final seminar -- presentation of projects