CP Exam & Overall Grade
There is an individual, written, closed-book exam at the end of the course. You can only bring pencils & eraser and possibly a paper dictionary, but no electronic devices.
- First re-exam: April 2012 (cancelled)
- Second re-exam: TBA (August 2012) (cancelled!)
Older exams are at the home pages of the autumn 2010, autumn 2009, autumn 2008, autumn 2007, spring 2006, summer 2004, and summer 2003 instances of the course.
PhD students can replace the standard project by a more sophisticated project in order to be relieved of the assignments and written exam: contact the head teacher.
Grades & Credits
The exam is worth 5 higher-education credits (ECTS credits). The grade scale is as follows, when your exam mark is e exam points:
Grade | Condition |
5 | 36 <= e <= 45 |
4 | 29 <= e <= 35 |
3 | 23 <= e <= 28 |
U | 00 <= e <= 22 |
Overall Grade
The overall grade for the course is determined by the following table, when you have earned the assignment credits with a (out of 9) assignment points, the project credits with p (out of 9) project points, and the exam credits with e (out of 45) exam points, the weights being the numbers of credit points:
Swedish Grade | ECTS Grade | Condition |
5 | A | 81 <= 2*a + 3*p + e <= 90 |
5 | B | 72 <= 2*a + 3*p + e <= 80 |
4 | C | 58 <= 2*a + 3*p + e <= 71 |
3 | D | 52 <= 2*a + 3*p + e <= 57 |
3 | E | 45 <= 2*a + 3*p + e <= 51 |