CT News
- 2007-11-??: Course evaluation is finished: see Evaluation.
- 2007-11-01: Assignment 2 is graded: see Course Manager and inspect your copy in shelf near Pierre's office (1336).
- 2007-10-30: Bonus winner is determined: Tu The Hien.
- 2007-10-30: Project is graded: see Course Manager and inspect your copy in shelf near Pierre's office (1336).
- 2007-10-23: Exam is graded: see Course Manager and inspect your copy at IT kansliet.
- 2007-10-17: Course evaluation questionnaire is open: see http://evaluering.ibg.uu.se/it/.
- 2007-09-27: Assignment 1 is graded: see Course Manager and inspect your copy in shelf near Pierre's office (1336).
- 2007-09-20: Project Portfolio is published: see Assignments & Projects.
- 2007-09-13: Preliminary version of the Project Portfolio is published: see Assignments & Projects.
- 2007-09-10: Assignment 2 is published: see Assignments & Projects.
- 2007-09-07: UppMAX computer simba.it.uu.se is available to the course students.
- 2007-09-02: Course Manager accounts are created: try to log in, using student:ffssnnnn as user-name and your UpUnet password A, where ffssnnnn@student.uu.se is your short email address at Uppsala University, with ff being the first two letters of your first name, ss being the first two letters of your surname, and nnnn being four digits.
- 2007-09-01: Assignment 1 is published: see Assignments & Projects.
- 2007-09-01: Course mailing list is initialised: see Mailing List.
- 2007-08-13: PhD student rules are defined.
- 2007-03-19: These pages were created and will be continuously updated until and during the course.