CT Software
Teaching medium:
- Gecode/J: a Java wrapper for the C++ finite-domain constraint library Gecode (free, open-source)
- How to run Gecode/J at the IT department: Use the default JDK (/it/sw/java/bin/java) or the Java under /it/sw/java/JDK/6/bin/.
- How to install Gecode/J on your own machine
- Preferably use the pre-compiled binaries (available for Linux/x86, Mac OS X, and Windows)
- Installation help
- Windows users should install Gecode/J via Cygwin or Cygwin/X
- We do not provide any support for installing Gecode/J on your own machine
- Getting Started: Introduction to Implementing a Model Using Gecode/J
- Sample Models (from the Gecode/J distribution)
Other recommended solvers for the assignments and projects:
- SICStus Prolog: a logic programming system including a finite-domain constraint library (commercial, installed on Unix computers at the IT department: use /it/sw/prolog/bin/sicstus). See Section 10.34 of the documentation. The location of the example files is displayed by the query ?- absolute_file_name(library('clpfd/examples'), A).
- FaCiLe: a finite-domain constraint library for OCaml, a functional programming language (free, GNU LGPL).
See also our list of solvers and Roman Barták's list of solvers, both commercial and free ones.
CT Hardware
The reference computer for model comparisons (in terms of speed) towards determining any project bonus is the simba.it.uu.se computer of UppMax.