CT Mailing List
- The instructors will use it for sending general announcements to everyone on this course.
- The students can use it to discuss the course, such as sharing experience on installing Gecode/J on their particular hard/software platform, troubleshooting on Gecode/J modelling and compiling, or understanding some concept. They must not discuss or post (crucial fractions of) entire solutions to the assignments or projects, otherwise they get penalised.
If you registered properly for this course and attended its first lecture, then you were subscribed to this mailing list with your "long" UU email address (FirstName.LastName.####@student.uu.se, and not your "short" address FiLa####@student.uu.se) during the first ten days of the course. Otherwise, contact Pierre Flener. You can only post to this mailing list from your "long" UU email address.