CT News
- 2009-10-27: The exam is graded: you may inspect your annotated copy at IT kansliet.
- 2009-10-26: The course evaluation questionnaire is closed, as period 1 is finished: many thanks to all those who participated! See evaluation.pdf
- 2009-10-13: The course evaluation questionnaire is open until 2009-10-25: please fill it in at eValuering
- 2009-10-08: Do not forget the guest lectures by Tomas Axling of Tacton Systems AB
and Per Lötstedt in the lecture slot of Monday October 12th.
- 2009-10-08: The labels in lines 1 and 3 of file hollywood.txt
for Project option 2 were corrected.
- 2009-09-16: All who signed up for the course were given an account for this course at the course manager server for uploading assignment & project solutions: check now whether you can log in with your UpUnet-S password A.
- 2009-09-16: All who signed up for the course were subscribed to the course mailing list.
- 2009-09-14: All material for Assignment 2 and the Project (at assignments) has now been taught, but the lectures on modelling and set variables will probably be inspiring.
- 2009-09-09: Check any email auto-forwarding you have from your UU account: some of you auto-forward to non-existing addresses and will thus miss all email communication on this course (and others).
- 2009-09-02: The project portfolio was published at assignments. You can start right away, but especially the modelling lectures are worth waiting for before finalising your report.
- 2009-09-01: Another guest lecture was arranged for: Tomas Axling of Tacton Systems AB
will talk on "Constraint Technology for Solving Configuration Problems" in the first half of the lecture of October 12th, before Per Lötstedt will talk on linear and non-linear continuous optimisation in the second half of that lecture.
- 2009-09-01: The assistant's available office hours are published at instructors.
- 2009-08-31: Sorry, it may turn out impossible after all to have Gecode installed on the Windows computers of the IT department: install version 3.1.0 on your own computer if you have one and favour that operating system.
- 2009-08-31: Assignment 2 was published at assignments, but the material has not been taught yet.
- 2009-08-31: Assignment 1 was published at assignments. You can start on Questions 1 & 2 right away, while the material on Questions 3 & 4 will mostly be taught next week.
- 2009-08-03: These pages were created and will be continuously updated until and during the course.