News (Updated 2004-08-13)
- 2004-08-13 The re-exam is on August 21 between 9 and 14. The venue is the same as for the previous one, i.e., Polacksbacken Skrivsal.
- 2004-08-12 Please submit any late assignments or projects before August 31. After that, I cannot promise any marking until next time the course is given. /Magnus
- 2004-08-12 The re-exam is on August 21. Please sign up by sending me an email with "EXAM" and your personal number in the subject title. When and where will be posted here soon. /Magnus
- 2004-07-14 Assignment 2 is marked and may be collected outside room 1411.
- 2004-07-13 The exams are marked. You may see your result here. To access it, you need the same username/password as used before in the course.
- 2004-06-28 I wrote an exam study guidelines document. If you have any further questions concerning the exam I will be in my office during daytime the whole week.
- 2004-06-24 The lecture on Monday will start at 10:15. I plan on giving one lecture on local search and then the second will be devoted to questions and answers.
- 2004-06-19 Only one person signed up for the exam. Everyone that wants to take the exam should send an email to Magnus. Read more about this here.
- 2004-06-18 The project is now online. Go to the assignments page.
- 2004-06-18 Assignment 2 is now online. Go to the assignments page. Note that the deadline is postponed!
- 2004-06-18 Koalog is updated again, now to version 2.1. The new version is installed on the department's computers and you may also download it as before.
- 2004-06-16 Koalog is updated. The new version is installed on the department's computers and you may also download it as before. If you have had problems with exceptions such as the one reported here then please update your personal version of Koalog.
- 2004-06-14 For Koalog documentation, you should use the API documentation that is directly linked from the Koalog Guide page, accessible from the Software page. The correct link to use is
- 2004-06-11 I added a page with known bugs in Koalog. You may reach it from the software page.
- 2004-06-10 I updated the Resources link with some useful pointers.
- 2004-06-09 If you are not on the course mailing list then please send an email to Magnus Ågren so that he can add you.
- 2004-06-09 If you want to take the course and are not registered yet then send an email to Olle Gällmo with your name and personnummer after you have had an ok from Magnus that you may take the course. Olle will then forward this information to the IT-kansli.
- 2004-06-08 Assignment 1 has been updated, please download the new version.
- 2004-06-08 The mailing list of the course is now working. The name has changed though from to just
- 2004-06-08 I just installed Koalog on a Windows machine and it seems to work. Be really careful when typing in the path to the license file. If you provide a wrong path you will get the answer "Invalid license". Follow the instructions carefully! If you still have a problem then ask on the course mailing list which should be up today.
- 2004-06-07 If you want to view of print .ps files under Windows you need a postscript viewer such as Ghostview. This page contains information about how to obtain and install this.
- 2004-06-07 The guide to Koalog is updated. It is now possible to download the library directly using your web browser using the same user and password mentioned in todays lecture.
- 2004-06-02 Please note that the course starts at 9:15 on Monday 7/6.
- 2004-04-26 These pages will now slowly take shape.