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Department of Information Technology

Computer Architecture, First Course


EB = Erik Berg, DW = Dan Wallin, JP = Joachim Parrow, ZR = Zoran Radovic

Week Day Date Room Time Who? Topic
46 Fri 12/11 1245 9-12 EB Intro, memory, CPU
Fri 12/11 UNIX-lab (1412/1413) 13-14 EB, ZR Lab: How to log on the computers, get an account
Fri 12/11 1245 14-17 EB Assembly, binary arithmetic
Sat 13/11 1245 9-12 EB Assembly
Sat 13/11 UNIX-lab (1412/1413) 13-17 ZR Lab: Assembly (UNIX-lab)
48 Fri 26/11 1245 9-12 JP Digital Logics
Fri 26/11 1245 13-15 DW Microprogramming & pipelining
Fri 26/11 PC-lab (1312) 15-17 ZR Lab: Digital logics & pipelining (PC-lab)
Fri 26/11
15-17 EB Exam: Assembly 1
Sat 27/11 1245 9-12 DW Microprogramming & pipelining
Sat 27/11 PC-lab (1312) & UNIX-lab (1412/1413) 13-17 ZR Lab: Digital logics & pipelining (PC-lab) Microprogramming (UNIX-lab)
Sat 27/11
13-17 EB Exam: Assembly 1
50 Fri 10/12 UNIX-lab (1412/1413) 9-12 ZR Lab: Microprogramming (UNIX-lab)
Fri 10/12
9-12 JP Exam: Digital Logics
Fri 10/12 UNIX-lab (1412/1413) 13-17 ZR Extra UNIX-lab time
Fri 10/12
13-15 JP Exam: Digital Logics
Sat 11/12 UNIX-lab (1412/1413) 9-12 ZR Extra UNIX-lab time
Sat 11/12
9-12 DW Exam: Microprogramming & pipelining
Sat 11/12 1245 13-15 EB Recap.
Sat 11/12
15-17 DW Exam: Microprogramming & pipelining
51 Sat Preliminary: 18/12
Written exam
2 Sat 15/1 1222 9-12 ZR Extra Exam: Microprogramming & pipelining

Updated  2005-01-11 14:46:23 by Zoran Radovic.