Computer Architecture I 7.5 hp (dark)
Information on this page has been updated on Thursday, October 19th
Welcome to this course! On this page you can find general information.
Stefanos Kaxiras, email, room 1240, phone 471 2974
Lab assistant
David Eklöv, email, room 1222, phone 471 5779.
Computer Organization & Design. The Hardware/Software Interface by Patterson & Hennessy, 4th edition Morgan Kaufmann Publ 2007.
Note that the 3rd edition is not significantly different and it can substitute for the 4th edition
Extra material: slides etc
Course start
Friday, September 24 at 10.15 in room Pol/2344.
Note that the lectures will start at 10.15
We will break at 12.00 for lunch and continue in the same room at 13.00
Written exam, laborations.
For more info, see the menu to the left or:
Student portal page: Computer Architecture I, 7.5 hp