Computer Architecture 1, Fall 2013
(5.0hp, Period 2, 1DT038, Register for UU-11210)
Instructor: David Black-Schaffer (Office Hours: Wed 13-15, P1240)
Teaching Assistant: Ricardo Alves (Office Hours: Wed 13-15, P1258)
Teaching Assistant: Germán Ceballos (Office Hours: Tue 13-15, P1258)
Textbook: "Computer Organization & Design: The Hardware/Software Interface." Patterson and Hennesy. Revised 4th Edition, Morgan Kaufman 2007. (Earlier editions than the 4th edition do not contain the right material.)
Course Information: (in Swedish) This course will consist of online lectures, in-class practice problems, and group lab assignments.
- Goals: Describe function and construction of a computers components including control, memory and I/O system. Write simple assembly programs.
- Contents: Von Neumann systems; RISC and CISC architectures; assembly programming; program execution and control; memory organization; I/O systems; CPU construction.
- Teaching: Required: online lectures, practice problems, lab assignments, final exam.
- Language: Lectures will be in English, but students are free to ask and answer questions in Swedish.
- Course Start: October 28th, 13:15
Week | Lectures | Labs | Lab Assistance |
44 | Mon: Introduction, Wed: ISA 1, Fri: ISA 2 | Fri: Lab 1 Assigned | |
45 | Tue: Arithmetic, Wed: Logic | Friday | |
46 | Mon: Datapath, Wed: Pipelining | Mon: Lab 1 Due, Tue: Lab 2 Assigned | Friday |
47 | Mon: Hazards, Wed: Branches | Fri: Lab 2 Due, Saturday: Lab 3 Assigned | Thursday |
48 | Mon: IO, Wed: Caches | Thursday | |
49 | Mon: Virtual Memory, Wed: (extra) | Tue: Lab 3 Due, Wed: Lab 4 Assigned | Thursday |
50 | Tue: Parallelism, Thur: Review | Tue: Lab 4 Due | |
51 | Mon: Exam |
Students are expected to have read the syllabus for details pertaining to scheduling, late days, grading, and requirements.
A link to the course lectures and discussion forum will be posted through studentportalen.