Hoppa till huvudinnehållet
Institutionen för informationsteknologi

Computer Architecture, First Course

Spring 2005, 1DT631 and 1TT441

Welcome to this course!

Written exam: 10-12 in room 2146 (building 2) Polacksbacken.
Sign up for assignment 6&7 at the usual place.
Guest Lecture on Monday 21/3
Old exams are now available: Please follow the link to the left.

Course Responsible

Erik Berg

Extra Lecturer

Joachim Parrow

Lab Assistants

Ahmed Rezine and Noomene Ben Henda and Håkan Zeffer

Lecture Slides

Download the lecture slides here.


  1. Structured Computer Organization by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, 1999, ISBN 0-13-020435-8.
  2. Assembly Language Programming Manual. The manuals will be handed out during a lecture.


Laborations, assignments and a short written exam

For more information, see the menu to the left or:

Uppdaterad  2005-03-22 09:30:00 av Erik Berg.