Computer Architecture, First Course
Spring 2005, 1DT631 and 1TT441
Welcome to this course!
Written exam: 10-12 in room 2146 (building 2) Polacksbacken.
Sign up for assignment 6&7 at the usual place.
Guest Lecture on Monday 21/3
Old exams are now available: Please follow the link to the left.
Course Responsible
Extra Lecturer
Lab Assistants
Ahmed Rezine and Noomene Ben Henda and Håkan Zeffer
Lecture Slides
Download the lecture slides here.
- Structured Computer Organization
by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, 1999, ISBN 0-13-020435-8.
- Assembly Language Programming Manual. The manuals will be handed out during a lecture.
Laborations, assignments and a short written exam
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