Computer architecture Period 3 (1DT016 and 1TT441)
News :
- 2008-03-15 - Extra exam booked for April 2nd. If you did not receive a mail then mail
- 2008-03-06 - Extra lab session on the 2008-03-07! Don't forget that!
- 2008-02-28 - Assignment deadlines are set !!
- 2008-02-28 - Lab completion deadline extended !!
- 2008-02-18 - Assignment pages updated !!
- 2008-02-08 - Lab deadlines extended by a week. Rules updated.
- 2008-02-08 - Lab deadlines are set
- 2008-02-04 - Schedule updated: New extra lab session on Friday 2008-03-07
- 2008-01-17 - Web pages up and running!
Teaching Staff
- Teacher: Justin Pearson
- Lab assistant: Noomene Ben Henda
Course material
- The course will be based on the book by Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Structuered Computer Organization fourth edition.
- For lab and assignments we recommend the book by John Waldrom. Introduction to RISC Assembly Language Programming.
Lecture Topic and Link to Slides 1 Introduction to the course 2 Introduction to the MIPS processor and simple arithmetic 3 MIPS memory organisation 4 Making Decisions and if we have time we will start on functions, stacks and register conventions
5 Continue the previous lecture on functions stakcs and register conventions 6 Processor Implementation 7 Processor Implementation Pipelines 8 I/O 9 Caches and Virtual Memory
Lab and assignments
- Checkout this page for more guidance on labs and assignments.
- Submission and corrections will be handled by the Course Manager
. Details on how to register in the system are given here.
- The lab and the first assignment are compulsory for both instances of the course (1DT016 and 1TT441).
- The second assignment is compulsory only for students taking the 1DT016 instance.
- Tutorial 1 Introduction to SPIM, the MIPS Simulator
- Tutorial 2 More on SPIM/MIPS
Compulsory Lab
Compulsory Assignments
- Assignment 1 MIPS assembly
- Assignment 2 MIPS assembly, memory mapped I/O