Computer architecture Period 3 (1DT016 and 1TT441)
News :
- 2009-02-17 - Lab deadlines extended by one week. Rules updated.
- 2009-02-17 - Course Manager should now be working. If you are having problems submitting lab 1 please email David Eklov.
- 2009-02-10 - Laboratory and Assignments Guidelines page updated.
- 2009-02-10 - Lab deadlines are set
- 2009-01-27 - Web pages up and running!
Teaching Staff
- Teacher: Justin Pearson
- Lab assistant: David Eklov
Course material
- The course text book is: Computer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition, Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design)
| if you have the old book "Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Structuered Computer Organization" then for lab and assignments we recommend the book by John Waldrom. Introduction to RISC Assembly Language Programming.
Lecture Topic and Link to Slides 1 Introduction to the course 2 Introduction to the MIPS processor and simple arithmetic 3 MIPS memory organisation 4 Making Decisions and if we have time we will start on functions, stacks and register conventions
5 Continue the previous lecture on functions stakcs and register conventions 6 Processor Implementation 7 Processor Implementation Pipelines 8 I/O 9 Caches and Virtual Memory
- Slides and old exams
- Interesting stuff
- Mars MIPS simulator
this looks a lot better than
xspim and easier to compile on various systems. I have not had a chance to evaluate it but next year I think that I will use it over xspim.
- Slides and old exams
Lab and assignments
- Checkout this page for more guidance on labs and assignments.
- Submission and corrections will be handled by the Course Manager
. Details on how to register in the system are given here.
- The lab and the first assignment are compulsory for both instances of the course (1DT016 and 1TT441).
- The second assignment is compulsory only for students taking the 1DT016 instance.
- Tutorial 1 Introduction to SPIM, the MIPS Simulator
- Tutorial 2 More on SPIM/MIPS
Compulsory Lab
Compulsory Assignments
- Assignment 1 MIPS assembly
- Assignment 2 MIPS assembly, memory mapped I/O