Dark2 slides page
Please note that the slides are designed to work well for teaching at the lectures. They are primarely not intended as study material. Still, many studens have found them useful as such.
Typically, I will bring printouts of my slides to the first lecture of each subtopic (Memory, Multipro, CPUs and Widening...) and also make the slides available here shortly before that lecture.
Printout format 2006 (4 per page)
Caches and memory systems (EH)
Multiprocessors (EH)
Synchronization (EH)
Progamming MPs (SH)
Gauss-Seidel (EH)
Future (EH)
Network processors - ONLY ACESSABLE FROM THE IT NETWORK 6 per page(JC)
One-per-page 2006:
Caches and memory systems (EH)
Multiprocessors (EH)
Synchronization (EH)
Progamming MPs (SH)
Gauss-Seidel (EH)
Future (EH)
Network processors - ONLY ACESSABLE FROM THE IT NETWORK 6 per page(JC)