Dark2 News Log Page
- The re-exam is on 2009-04-16 at 14-19 in Polacksbacken, Skrivsal
- 20081219: Microprocessor reports are assessed ('p' if you pass, 'k' if you have to complete).
They are available in front of my room (1138). / Frédéric
- 20081218: The temporary page has been removed
- See the temporary result page.
Sorry for the delay, I couldn't do better.
Note about the report: the column is empty because I just collected them and have not yet started reading them,
so don't worry about delay... /Frédéric
- 20081217: Handins 3 are graded ('+' if you get the bonus, 'late' if it was discarded, '-' otherwise).
They are available in front of my room (1138). / Frédéric
- 20081204: New deadline for handin 3: Dec 10th at 13.14 (sharp).
- 20081201: The topics of the lectures have been alteder somewhat
- Handins 2 are graded ('+' if you get the bonus, 'late' if it was discarded, '-' otherwise).
They are available in front of my room (1138). / Frédéric
- Handins 1 are graded ('+' if you get the bonus, 'late' if it was discarded, '-' otherwise).
They are available in front of my room (1138). / Frédéric
- The lecture on Oct 13 is canceled
- The exam is scheduled for Dec 18, 9:00 - 14:00 at Pollax.