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Department of Information Technology

Dark2 Schedule 2008

Lectures: Memory System

Day Room Time Topic Lecturer
31/10 1211 08.15-19.00 Welcome+Caches EH
03/11 1311 10.15-12.00 Caches and virtual memory EH
04/11 1311 15.15-17.00 Lab 1 introduction + Profiling and optimizing for the memory system FH + EH

Lab 1
07/11 1549 8:15-12.00 Group A
07/11 1549 13.15-17.00 Group B

Hard deadline => solutions handed after deadline will be ignored

  • 10/11 at 10.00: Lab 1 (Use the lab occasions).
  • 10/11 at 10.00: Handin 1 to FH (Leave them in FH's Mail Box on the 4th floor, Building 1).

Lectures: Multiprocessors

Day Room Time Topic Lecturer
10/11 1311 10.15-12.00 MP Intro + Coherence EH
11/11 1211 15.15-17.00 Memory models + Synchronization EH
12/11 1211 15.15-17.00 Implementing MPs EH
13/11 1211 13.15-15.00 CANCELLED -
18/11 1111 10.15-12.00 Programming MPs SH
19/11 1211 10.15-12.00 Lab2 Intro and preparation FH

Lab 2
20/11 1549 13.15-17.00 Group A
21/11 1549 13.15-17.00 Group B

Hard deadline => solutions handed after deadline will be ignored

  • 24/11 at 10.00: Lab 2. (Use the lab occasions)
  • 24/11 at 10.00: Handin 2 to FH (Leave them in FH's Mail Box on the 4th floor, Building 1).

Lectures: CPU Architectures

Day Room Time Topic Lecturer
01/12 1111 10.15-12.00 Summary of MPs + Microbenchmarks EH
03/12 1211 13.15-15.00 Pipelining EH
03/12 1211 15.15-17.00 Out-of-order pipelines EH
04/12 1211 13.15-15.00 Network Processors JC
08/12 1211 08:15-10.00 Software approaches for more ILP: VLIW and EPIC EH

Hard deadline => solutions handed after deadline will be ignored

  • 10/12 at 13.14: Handin 3 to FH (Leave them in FH's Mail Box on the 4th floor, Building 1).

Lectures: Widening the View

Day Room Time Topic Lecturer
08/12 1211 10.15-12.00 Future directions: CMP, SMT, Multicore EH
10/12 1211 13.15-15.00 Statistical modeling + Replay of favorite topics in slowmotion EH

Tail End

Hard deadline => solutions handed after deadline will be ignored

  • 17/12 at 17.00: Only if you are earning 7,5 p for this course: Microprocessor Report or microbenchmarking. (Leave them in FH's Mail Box on the 4th floor, Building 1).

EH = Erik Hagersten
FH = Frédéric Haziza
JC = Jakob Carlström, Xelerated
SH = Sverker Holmgren

Updated  2009-02-17 12:09:49 by Erik Hagersten.