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Department of Information Technology

Computer Networks TF/IT HT2003 (1TT821, 1TT825, 1IT070)


Here is the course news in reverse chronological order.


I (Olof) have messed up with different deadlines for the komplettering of the sliding window lab. The 31/10 deadline is the final chance to hand in since that date is on the labpage. I am very sorry if this has caused anyone a problem.


The second lab is marked and can be picked up at the shelf on floor 3 in building 1.
All K's should be handed in before wednesday 20 to have a chance of being marked. This also includes the sliding window lab.


Due to popular demand I have allowed for students to do the Extra Dugga (previously only for exchange students) in order to upgrade their mark for the first assignment. Therefore I have extended the deadline to Friday 22nd October. However I will only be available to answer questions until the original deadline which was Friday 15th October due to previously arranged travel. Exchange students who wish to upgrade their mark should see me.


The second dugga can be collected from the third floor in building one Polacksbacken. There was some confusion on my side about a RIP cold-start. It turns out that there are many different ways of cold-starting RIP as I learned from playing around with Zebra. The assignments should be marked correctly now though.

The rest of the course slides are uploaded now.


Sliding window results can be found on the labpage


The third dugga is now available.


The sliding window lab deadline is tommorow, and the goal is to have the results ready friday.


The second dugga is now available. The first dugga can be collected from the third floor in building one Polacksbacken.


Course grading system explanation added. Clarification of length of dugga report added.


The first Take-home Exam is now available


Slides are up for the first four lectures


More updates. The schedule should now be accurate in terms of room numbers and date/times.


The course has begun! The webpages are being updated. There will be a sign-up sheet for the course at tomorrow's lecture.
The slides from today's presentation are now availabe from the "Schedule" section

Updated  2004-10-20 20:53:51 by Olof Rensfelt.